Savannah's POV:
I woke up in my usual state, probably tossed and turned a few times, but eh, it doesn't matter. I looked at the beautiful pink, blue and somewhat purple sky, the reddish sun beginning to rise from its 9 and a half hour slumber. It seems like the dawn of a normal day for me, doesn't it? Well, it may start off as that, but once I achieve the goal I have set for today, things wouldn't be as normal as they used to be.
I have longed for this day to come, the day where I would get the words out of my chest and experience love for the first time in my life. That's right, I'm going to be confessing my love to the girl of my dreams, Sara Bostick. It's going to be very exciting, yet pretty nerve-wrecking at the same time. I've tried to get myself into a romantic relationship twice back when I was around twelve, and both of those backfired. The first attempt failed because the guy wasn't ready for a relationship, and the second attempt failed 'cause it turned out that guy used me out of pity. I'm worried that it was going to result in a similar way this time.
But I've known Sara since kindergarten, and she has never shown any sign of pity or hatred towards me, so there shouldn't be much to worry about. I got out of my bed and got myself dressed. I decided to go for nothing too special, just a typical summer outfit, well, my typical summer outfit to say the least. I went for a red turtleneck that had some nice rose detailing, dark grey sweatpants, a pair of black platform boots, a hair clip that was the shape of a lavender, my favourite flower, a pair of daisy earrings, a pair of black gloves that had holes in where the fingers are supposed to go in, an indigo sweater, and finally, a silver heart-shaped locket that contained a picture of Sara in it. Once I got myself dressed, I decided to wake up my family's Artificial Intelligence Dovahcom.
"Morning, Dovahcom." I said. "Guess what I'm doing today?"
The usual sound played in my ears, and on the small screen above my bed were the spinning pink circles. "Good morning, Savannah. And yes, I do know that today you are going to confess to Sara, if I'm not mistaken." Dovahcom responded. I nodded as I started to head out my bedroom door. As I walked through the hallway, a bunch of employees already recognized me, which would make sense, since I would sometimes walk around when I'm bored, usually I would also run my fingers through my sweater strings.
"Good morning." Said one employee.
"Hope you have a great day." Said another.
"Rocking the outfit girl!" Said an employee who I think just got hired.
"Good morning." I said and waved. As I kept walking through the hall, an employee bumped into me, they examined my face and handed me some chocolate.
"Good morning," They said. "And, I'm sorry..." I grabbed the chocolate from their hands and placed it in my sweater pocket.
"Good morning, and I've said this millions of times before, what happened while my father was away occurred nearly a decade ago." I responded, trying not to let my annoyance get the best of me.
"I know," The employee said. "But I just wanna make sure you have no harsh feelings towards me, because your father does." I nodded, knowing that my father loved me and my brother unconditionally, that is, before my brother died.
"I have no harsh feelings towards you at all. Everyone deals with loss differently." I said, hoping to make them feel better. "Yeah," The employee responded. "Well, I hope you have a great day." The employee started to walk down the hallway, probably given a task by my father or something. "You too!" I shouted as I head towards the stairs. That's when I notice a familiar man with light blonde hair, dark blue eyes, some scars on his face, and had his night vision goggles on his forehead.

More than just an omen child (Dawn of the dimetrix fanfic)
FanficSavannah Valentin's relationship with her father, Abrham Valentin, hasn't been so great for the past few years. Ever since he discovered what would soon be called the dimetrix, Abrham barely paid attention to what Savannah would try to tell him. It...