The next morning, 2:55 A.M.
Maxie's POV:
I woke up way earlier than I usually would, due to my curiosity as if to whether or not Savannah is okay. I got dressed into my usual attire; black t-shirt, blue hoodie, dark grey sweat pants, pink socks, and brown boots. I also decided to bring some clothes to change into for when I leave the domeplex, since now with the BioTides fully operating, it's best to be safe than sorry. I decided to go for something that is outside of my usual wear. I packed a green spiked collar, a pair of high-heeled platform boots (so that there would be a difference in my height, since I'm pretty short for my age), a black headband with spikes on it, an emerald green and black striped turtleneck, a simple black belt, black jeans with some holes in them, fishnet gloves, and some makeup that I borrowed from my sister. I also decided to pack a couple of hair elastics and a few bobby pins in there as well and snuck my way out of my house to the domeplex, which is about a few kilometres away. As I continued to walk to the domeplex, I saw a car park near the Hava Snack Diner. "Don't worry Maxie," I thought to myself. "It's probably just someone working a night shift." I was about five minutes away from the vent that I would take to enter the domeplex when I heard footsteps right behind me. I felt like I was being watched, and I kept on looking in every direction to make sure that someone wasn't stalking me.The set of footsteps started to get nearer and nearer to me. I stopped in my tracks because I don't want anyone to know how I get into the domeplex, just in case it was someone who worked for Savannah's father. I heard the footsteps stop, only for me to be grabbed by my hood, turned around to face who had those footsteps, and pinned to wall. Turns out that the person who had been following me was a man wearing a black jacket, a red T-shirt, jeans, and some sneakers. He had long curly brown hair, what I assume to be a scar near his right eye, and I couldn't identify his eye colour through his shades. He pulled out a knife and formed his grip on it. "Hello there, lovely evening, isn't it?" The man chuckled deviously.
I was confused as of to who this man is, what he wants, and why he was following me as if I had anything to do with whatever motivations he had. "Who are you? What do you want?" I asked, the man just smiled wickedly. "Oh, I'm Savannah's future husband, and I want to know if there's a secret entrance to the domeplex because I really want to take her to my place and give her a bit of a glimpse of what to expect when our wedding happens next week." The man explained, which I know that isn't going to happen because one; Savannah is taken by Sara, and two; she probably doesn't even know him in the slightest bit.
"Not going to happen," I said sternly. "I would never let someone that she doesn't know in the domeplex." That caused the man to raise knife towards my neck, a scowled look spread on his face. "Listen here, I have no time for games. Now you tell me if there's a secret entrance to the domeplex or I will slice your throat!" The man threatened as tightened his grip on me. He looked around and saw the vent. "Oh, never mind, I found it." He lets go of me and walks his way to the vent, I tried to stop him because I don't trust him to be around Savannah, but he pushed me out of the way, causing me to fall over the bush. "Thanks for the help," The man said. "Now my plans to marry Savannah will succeed." And with that, he went into the vent that leads to the domeplex. I was a bit disappointed in myself that I couldn't do anything to help my friend out, but I could warn her of the stranger who snuck in. I grabbed my phone, opened Instagram, went into my DMs, and texted a warning to Savannah. "Savannah, if you're awake, do not open your door. There is a stranger trying to find you so that he can marry you." I texted before running back to my place so that Sir Valentin or his guards wouldn't find me.
???? POV:
As I continued to climb down the vent, I would also place my ear against it so that I would make sure that the BioTides don't sense my presence. Since I'm aware of them swarming the city yesterday, I know of what sounds they make and how they respond to something that they see as a threat. I finally make it out of the vent and entered what I assume is the main lab. There are barely any guards here, which makes it easier for me to get to Savannah's room. Abrham barely thought that having as much security in the domeplex at night as he does during the day would be a great idea, how pathetic of him. I look at the time that is said on the clock, which is currently 3:36 A.M., which is terrific for me since I'll head up the elevator that gets me to the fourth floor (where Savannah's room is) at 3:45 A.M., exit the domeplex through the main entrance and the gate at 4:20 A.M., get back to my car at 4:25 A.M., head out of Draexburg at 5:00 A.M., enter Woodland Close at 6:30 A.M., arrive to my residence at 7:00 A.M., and have Savannah in my basement by 7:15 A.M., the fall of the Valentin Renegade is on the horizon, and I'm bolting for the zenith. I walk into the elevator and pushed the button with the letter four engraved on it. Once I got up on the fourth floor, I saw a few guards walking in the hallway and once they saw me, they began to aim their weapons, but I made sure that my knife was sharp enough for this kind of situation, and with that, I gave each of them a pretty brutal stab, causing them to collapse.

More than just an omen child (Dawn of the dimetrix fanfic)
FanfictionSavannah Valentin's relationship with her father, Abrham Valentin, hasn't been so great for the past few years. Ever since he discovered what would soon be called the dimetrix, Abrham barely paid attention to what Savannah would try to tell him. It...