Chapter 3: Melancholy and guilt

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Abrham's POV:
"Sire, I think we should check out that music store over there, see if we can find a guitar for her." Dovahcom said as we were walking towards a nearby music store.

"Doesn't she already have a guitar?" I asked confusedly. "An acoustic one, yes. But she also wants an electric one as well." Dovahcom responded as we walked into the music store.

We looked at all the guitars that were in stock and as I was glaring at the guitars that were placed near the ceiling, I heard a familiar guitar riff play through the speakers. "I'll be coming home just to be alone." I began to sing quietly. "Cause I know you're not there, and I know that you don't care!" Dovahcom understands why the song that's currently playing on the speakers hits so close to home, no pun intended. "I can hardly wait to leave this place!" I sang louder than a few seconds ago. "No matter how hard I try, you're never satisfied. This is not our home, I think I'm better off alone! You always disappear, even when you're here. This is not my home, I think I'm better off alone. Home! Home! This house is not a...home! Home! This house is not a home!"

I looked around me and saw a handful of customers giving me a weird glare, with the exception of the employee standing next to me. "And which guitar would you like to take, sir?" The employee asked. "I'll take the black one up top please." I replied embarrassedly.

The employee grabbed a ladder and gave me the guitar I wanted to give to Savannah for her birthday. "You may come to the checkout area whenever you're ready." The employee stated. "Alrighty then, I'll be there shortly." I replied. Things are going great today so far, I got Savannah a birthday present, and the dimetrix is almost halfway full on it's energy percentage.

As I was walking towards the checkout area, I bumped into the person who was waiting in line right in front of me. He had fair skin, blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and he was wearing a flannel shirt, denim jeans, and black sneakers. "My apologies." I said.

"No worries," The blonde responded. "A lot of people usually come here this time of year." "Sire, you should get that guy's autograph on the guitar." Dovahcom suggested.

"Excuse me, why?" I asked, confused as of to why Dovahcom wanted me to get a random guy's autograph on the guitar. "Is someone you know a fan of my work?" The blonde asked.

"Yes, his daughter's a huge fan of your work." Dovahcom responded. "We're wondering if we can get your autograph on this guitar we're getting for her sweet sixteen." The blonde chuckled as he firmly grabbed the guitar out of my hands and pulled a bright green pen out of his pocket. "I'd be happy to." The blonde gladly replied. He pushed the little button on the top of his pen and wrote his signature on the lower part of the guitar. "Here you go." The blonde said as he gave the guitar back to me. "Hope your daughter has an awesome sweet sixteen."

As we got closer to the checkout area, I heard some devious giggling. I turned my head to see a group of adolescents laughing uncontrollably, I carefully listened to everything that was being said in their conversation. "I still can't believe the fact about Savannah singing Watch Me Bleed here yesterday." Said the pink-haired girl in a cocky tone. "She's such an annoying singer, I swear to god."

"I know right? One of us should've recorded her screams and cries for help, they were hilarious!" The blonde-haired boy snickered. What did those bastards do to Savannah?! "Did she tell her mom about what we did to her?" The cream-haired girl sneered. "Oh yeah, I forgot. She doesn't have a mom!"

"What about her dad? Oh wait, he's way too busy on his little project to give a shit about what she's going through!" The indigo-haired girl laughed. I felt a wave of guilt hit me, I spent the past few years working on the dimetrix and I was so dedicated to getting it at full power that I didn't pay attention to whatever was happening in Savannah's life.

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