Chapter 1: The Girl Next Door

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IT WAS once upon a time, in Chicago, Illinois, there lived two personal concierges. The poor Chinese man was Kenny Wu, owner of Wu's Peninsula Chicago. The rich American woman was Kate McCallister, proprietor of McCallister's Four Seasons Hotel Chicago. Each person was determined to get the guests to come to his hotel where they can stay more than his rival could.

Kate must win the contest because her brother, Frank, his wife, Leslie and their five kids named Tracy, Rod, Sondra, Brooke, and Fuller who help her through the cleverest advertising schemes with the help of her husband, Peter and five kids of their own were Buzz, Megan, Linnie, Jeff and Kevin.

Kenny and his beautiful wife, Nina once lived together in Hong Kong, China with their eight kindly and faithful kids: seven sons Derek, Robbie, Bruce, Jackie, Sammo, Jim, and Jett, and one daughter Wendy, who was the most beautiful of all whom they loved very much.

By the time spring rolled around, Wendy had everything under control. Every morning she wakened her father with a breakfast she made. She brought his slippers and by until he got up.
Then out she raced, through her door to play with her brothers outside the yard. After her brothers came to their grandmother, and then Wendy went out to circle the house to keep all danger away. She shouted at sparrows and dragonflies in a brave and fearless way.
After making certain that her mother did not need help with the housework, Wendy was free to visit around. She had any friends in the village. They all spent many days.
Perhaps the nicest part of the day came at the end. That was her father and brothers came home, Wendy would fly to meet them and scamper home at their side. Then the Wu family live—a peaceful life. All this added up to making Wendy the happiest little girl in the world until her father has been tricked into allowing their home to be destroyed, for the construction of the Red Ribbon mall so they moved to Chicago where they owned the farm beside the city.

That autumn a cocky little boy known none other as "Kevin McCallister" came to the neighborhood. He rounded the corner near Wendy's house one jump ahead of his next-door neighbor, Meiko Mochizuki, and her Digimon partner, Meicoomon. Just in time, he saw a stately bus followed by two Wonderbolt members coming down the street with their Digimon partners.
Kevin fell in step with the Wonderbolts. "Understand picking are coolest around here, eh? A lid on every trash can, fence around every tree," he said. Then he saw, out of the corner of one twinkling eye, Meiko and Meicoomon ambling away. "Oh, oh!" he yelped and dropped out of step—no marching to someone else's tune for him!
"Well," he thought, with a merry cock of his head, "I may as well have a look around while I'm here!"
Just around the corner from him, Wendy was telling her brothers some exciting news: "Māmā and Bàba were going to have their own five-star luxury hotel!"

"A hotel?" smiled Robbie. "Wonderful, my sister. The hotel is mighty nice. They're..."
"Plenty of room here for everyone!" broke in a strange voice, and Kevin swaggered up, "You just wait, Miss, till the Chinese hotel gets here!
"You get the urge for a nice comfortable home for people who like you, and—'Make a lot of money that way,' they say. 'Lots and lots of money.'
"No more living in the streets! A nice house next to mine!
"Instead of being loving family, your mom and dad were overly obsessed with his business and money, they had neglected you and your brothers which eventually led you all to run away from home and then must live in—a leaky apartment in the rain!"
As Wendy's soft eyes darkened anxiously, Derek rushed to her side.
"Don't listen to him, my sister," he growled. "No parents can be that selfish and cruel!"
"A kind n' pure heart has only so much room for love," Kevin said as he turned to leave, "and when your hotel starts open—people will come to see if they love it in here."

Poor Wendy! All through the long winter months, she worried. At last, on a spring day, in a most confusing flurry, the five-star luxury hotel came.
Now Wendy was scarcely allowed inside her bedroom. When she ran did run out of her house, all she could see were her parents opening their five-star luxury hotel next to the McCallister family's hotel. In fact, the Wu and the McCallister families became bitter rivals to the core.

Maybe everything would have turned out all right, but then Nina falls ill with cholera, and Wendy and her brothers were summoned to her deathbed to say goodbye. They get there just as their mother dies in their father's arms, and the six mourn together.

Poor Wendy and her brothers! Without their mother, the city was never easy for them and their father. It was even harder if they tried to make a living from one another.
"Bàba, my brothers and I were all almost growing up we do like to go to school if we study hard," said Wendy.
"We can get a good job and take care of you after Māmā died." Wendy told her father." added La.
But their father said. "School will cost a lot of money, my children. Well, you and your brothers have none."
"We are almost bigger than other kids," replied Derek.
"We drink less chocolate milk now," added Robbie.
Until Wendy then suggests. "Maybe we could sell one of our cows to our neighbors, the McCallister family. She said, much to her brothers' dismay.
"Yeah, perhaps we could." said their father.
"We won't disappoint you," Wendy said, jumping into her father's arms.

The Wu family shows a cow to the McCallister brothers and sisters at their uncle's farm. But Buzz is trying to look uninterested and spoke. "We'll give you..mmm...three."
"What?! She's worth at least six!" Wendy exclaimed.
"Six? Your daughter's not very bright, is she?" Buzz said to Kenny pretending to go away.
"She's yours for three," Kenny said quietly.
"Sensible man!" Buzz smiled in a meaningful way and he gave Kenny three hundred dollars and took his cow.
Kenny walks away with his kids.
"Now children, you all can go to school!" he said happily.

Wendy and her brothers became the best pupils in their class, their father still had to make sacrifices to repair his hotel, but they never regretted it eventually there was nothing left to sell. Poor Wendy was hardly ever noticed by her classmates. One day, Wendy's class went on a field trip to the library that the history of the Wonderbolts to power the world. Some other kids would say the Wu family is weird, even the McCallister brothers and sisters. They were often bullied and humiliated, but Wendy and her brothers kept their hearts light because they have a secret dream.
"Don't worry. Someday," Wendy told her brothers, "We are going to share a great adventure by going to the Wonderbolt Academy. I don't know how or when, but we shall."
Wendy admired the latest advertisement for a monster sale at McCallister's Four Seasons Hotel Chicago, which had floated down from a box kite high in the sky.
The box kites made Kenny has a small outburst, is angered to find that Kate outbid him.
"I'll outsmart that that rotten pampered rich lady yet!" he grumbled. "Wait till they see this." And he called his kids.
"Here, my children, go and paste up these handbills!"
Wendy read one handbill first.
"Oh, my brothers!" she said excitedly.
"Bàba has ordered the Wonderbolt uniforms to wear it and we become victorious. It will trail a banner a hundred feet long, saying 'COME ONLY TO WU'S PENINSULA CHICAGO, CHEAPEST AND CHOICEST'. If only we were that.
"We are warning you!" Wendy and his brothers, come in.

One evening, Kenny called his kids to his study. "My children I have some news for you. I have met an old kind man and he has a helper; Bulucomon I have decided to hire him. His name is Mr. Marley. They both who does it have a job like me. I know you all will like Mr. Marley and Bulucomon."

Wendy was happy for her father. Her brothers weren't so sure—especially after they met Old Man Marley and his partner, Bulucomon. "Marley's a sad man," Derek said.
"Yeah, he does," added Robbie.
The rest of their brothers agreed.

Life was happy. Wendy and her brothers appreciate seeing Old Man Marley and Bulucomon were very kind to them, but they still managed to have special moments together. Wendy didn't mind Old Man Marley and Bulucomon, even though her brothers didn't know about Old Man Marley.
"It's natural, they both been good to us," Wendy told them.

Then suddenly Kenny called to his kids. "Go to the grocery store and buy six farm eggs, a cake for tea, a pound of pears, the bacon, and, don't forget the milk and come straight home."
"Yes, Bàba." said the children.
At the grocery store, Wendy and her brothers found something that they buy: six farm eggs, a cake for tea, a pound of pears, bacon, and everything. After they head home, Wendy gives a start "We forgot the milk!!" she screamed, and she run back to the grocery store and buy the milk by giving away the last money she saved and the way back home.

There happened to be the three mysterious strangers in the alley who snatched Wendy away while she look up and saw a strange little Chinese Ice-Dragon-type Digimon who came flying above her. Poor Wendy. For weeks the police searched for her. But criminals could murder children with knives or guns. That's for people who get caught. And criminals never get caught. They searched for miles around. Everyone in the town searched but she had completely disappeared before a young boy come to the rescue; a boy of her age who was home alone in many, many ways.

Kevin was in love nearly the moment he met her.
He was eight, and aside from a few crushes that were more admiration than affection, she was his true love. Only when fell for her did he understand what a mysterious thing love was—how it brought with it a readiness to accept whatever the future might hold.

Even though he is the youngest of five kids in the McCallister family, Kevin is a kind and pure hearted boy. But once he displeased his brothers and sisters for picking on Wendy and her brothers by pulling a terrible mean prank on them, he gets them all in trouble, making their lives miserable since they were in the same school. He loves Digimon and he wants to become a Wonderbolt just like the other kids, but his mother, his brothers and sisters never let him because they hate Digimon they said that some kids have their own Digimon partners who were all vicious monsters they barely knows.

One early winter day, when Kevin tried to catch up with Buzz and Rod, he notices an egg on Buzz's computer screen in his bedroom, which turns out to be a Digi-Egg.
"I know that Buzz told me to stay out of his room, but I couldn't help myself. I felt like I was being drawn to it somehow. Like, something was telling me...a Digi-Egg belonged to me! I just wanted to look at it. What harm could THAT do?" Kevin wondered. "But it's doing something weird."

Not knowing, Kevin found his first Digi-Egg, which he was right, claiming on the other side of the world, the Wonderbolts were getting their Digi-Egg at the exact same time.
After bringing his Digi-Egg to his world, Kevin decides to hide it so he places it in the dark basement so nobody can see it.

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