Chapter 3: Friends

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When Christmas is over and the day of New Year's Eve arrives, Wendy and SooLingmon were at the ice-skating rink where Kevin, his brothers and sisters were playing hockey; she has no desire to get to know Kevin who literally bumps into her causing her to spill her hot chocolate all over her face and snow-coat.
Kevin's brothers and sisters were laughing at her.
"Ha ha ha! Look at her!" laughed Buzz. "She's a mess!"
You have no idea.
"I'm sorry. You OK?" Kevin asked, helping Wendy up.
"I would rather drink my hot coca... than wear it, but I'm fine," grumbled Wendy.
"I'm sorry." Kevin apologized.
"That's okay, but forget it. C'mon SooLingmon, let's go." Wendy said, walking away with SooLingmon and straight back home.

Kevin was catching up to them and said. "Hey, look. I really am sorry.
"Didn't we just do this?" Wendy wondered.
And Kevin said, throwing a friendly arm around Wendy's shoulder "Let me wash your coat."
But Wendy replied. "No, Xièxiè. I'm good."
"Come on. I'm practicing Southern hospitality." Kevin commented.
"Is that what they call hitting on strangers now?" Wendy asked.
"You know what?" replied Kevin. "I have no interest in washing you a coat."
"Is that so?" asked Wendy.
Kevin nodded. "I'm just over the other team can catch a breath.
"Pushy and conceited," said Wendy.
"Why don't you come watch," Kevin said to her, kindly.
"I'll pass. Xièxiè." Wendy said, smiling and she and SooLingmon walk away.

In one particularly tender moment, Kevin still feels bad about how he ruined Wendy's snowcoat, so he runs to her house, takes her snowcoat and cleans it.
"It's good as new," he said. "And Dracomon, let's go to the New Year's Eve Festival and give it to her!
Kevin was the only person in the world who knew Wendy's secret.
Which was to say, her secret became his secret.
His brothers and sisters were at the New Year's Eve Festival with their parents.
"So, who are you dating, Kevin?" they would ask him. "How much younger was she? How old was she? Was she thin?" Had she gone to a good school? What did her parents do? Did she give him a present on their anniversary?"
He didn't know how to answer their never-ending questions, but he knew he couldn't introduce her to them.
He simply told them he was seeing someone with integrity.

Pretty soon, Wendy was buying a pretty Chinese dress, and she and SooLingmon meet Meiko and her Meicoomon.
"That's so cool," said Meiko. "I bet Meicoomon like those."
"What kind of name is Meicoomon?" asked Wendy.
A girl replied. "A name I gave her, and my name is Meiko Mochizuki. It's from Digital World. My father's weird like that."
"Hey, I'm lucky my friend, SooLingmon wasn't a dragon, she's a Digimon, too," said Wendy.

After Wendy, Meiko and their partners becomes friends, they sit together and talk about their lives and how out of place they feel in Chicago. Meiko, Meicoomon, and her parents are moving from Japan, and they both do not like living with either of them.
"Cool. So you and Meicoomon live in Japan?" asked Wendy.
Meiko nodded. "Yeah, I do now. I'm from Tottori. My father was a head scientist at the university. After I met Meicoomon, I moved to Chicago where I met Kevin and we became friends when we were five before you came along.
Wendy began. "My family moved here just a few years ago after my father was tricked into destroying our home for the construction of the Red Ribbon World mall.
"With you all?" asked Meiko.
"Reconcilable differences," Wendy replied. "Think that's the phrase. He bailed. Families suck. I don't even live with mine."

"Meicoomon and I stay with Ryan usually. You have to meet Ryan. Let's go." Meiko points out a boardwalk performance featuring three juvenile thug–like guys. The leader of the three is Ryan. After he tosses a fireball toward SooLingmon, who use extinguishes the flame and the crowd cheer at Ryan and his thugs with applause.
"Thank you, everyone," Ryan announced. "Donations are accepted. In fact, they're encouraged."

Meanwhile at the festival, Kevin was talking to his brothers and sisters.
"So, Kevin, you want to get out of here? Mom and Dad are at some lame-o-award thing with the governor. They won't be home for hours." Buzz said, slyly.
"They must trust you," said Kevin.
"Imagine that," said Megan.

As soon as Kevin's brothers and sisters, Dracomon flies over him.
"My man! He tells you the good news?" he told Kevin.
"Yeah." Kevin nodded.
"Oh, my God. Buzz wants you to pick up some sodas on the way home, so we gotta do that.

As the two friends were walking, they saw Wendy and SooLingmon, and they realize they were here
"You know what, Dracomon? I'm going to skip it." Kevin said, going to talk with Wendy, but Dracomon stops him. "No, no. Hello, hello. Eyes right here, buddy. No. No skipping it tonight. Look. Listen to me. OK. Kevin yes. Mom yes. Dad yes. Your brothers yes. Your sisters yes!"
But Kevin said. "Come on. Take one for team Jeff."
Ryan appears and grabs Dracomon by his neck.
"Where you been, buddy?"
"You guys don't hang out with us."
"Get off him!" demanded Kevin.
Meiko and Meicoomon were laughing while Wendy and SooLingmon watched, silently.
"Get off him. I love you, Kevin," growled Ryan. "You're so butch. Always looking out for your friend.
Then Ryan dumps the little girl's ice cream he took and dumps it onto the top of Dracomon's head which makes him so angry.
Ryan was leaving with Meiko and Meicoomon, and after only a brief hesitation, Wendy and SooLingmon chases after them.
"Come on. Dude, come on." Dracomon angrily grabs Kevin by the hand and leaves.

The five of them later hang out under a pier at a fire. While Meiko gets Ryan another root beer, Ryan offers Wendy a root beer, but Wendy tells him she doesn't drink. He does manage to walk to Wendy and slip his arm around her, and Wendy tells him to stop and forbids him from ever touching her again and then she and SooLingmon decided to leave the festival along with her father and her brothers.

The next day, at school, the McCallister brothers and sisters prepare to pull a mean prank on Wendy and her brothers by pelting them with water balloons, only to miss every time. Their partners appear. Wendy and her brothers realize this, and stop dodging. Kevin runs up and covers them. He also disses his brothers and sisters.
"Leave them alone, guys!"
"Why did you defend them?" asked Megan.
"Because those are my friends," Kevin replied, sparking reactions from his brothers and sisters.
"Are you kidding, they're our enemies!" said Buzz frowning.
"You're all never fallen down and embarrassed before. They have enough. Then I must with them. I'd rather play with you all" Kevin told his brothers and sisters.
Wendy and her brothers agree, and the two leave.
Meiko comes over to the McCallister brothers and sisters, and she said. "Well, this is an interesting development now, is it?"

At Kevin's house, the McCallister brothers and sisters are all bored because they haven't seen Kevin in 6 days (or according to Meiko, 6 1/2 days), as he hasn't returned from hanging out with Wendy and her brothers. Their father suggests that maybe Wendy is Kevin's girlfriend. Buzz and Megan deny this, but Linnie and Jeff aren't so sure, as Kevin's never acted like this before. Meiko and Meicoomon walk off to find Kevin and Wendy, and find both of them walking into the Wus' house.

At the Wu house, Kevin goes to get Wendy and her brothers some water, Wendy and her brothers look at a picture of Kevin's parents, brothers, and sisters. They think that it must be nice to have a father to teach Kevin how to cook or clean. Their mother died when they left China, and since then, they have been raised by their father, trying to make a living a better life, but they all were being picked by Kevin's brothers and sisters since they were rivals.

Kevin understands their backstory and immediately feels bad, as he was too picked by his brothers and sisters because he was a helpless little wimp. This time, he decide to help them.

One evening, Kevin uses his superb skills to teach Wendy and her brothers how to cook and clean during class the very next day, which fuels the fury of his brothers and sisters who're feelings of being betrayed by him as he helps Wendy and her brothers to win against them.

In his sweetness, Kevin then gave Wendy back her clean snowcoat, which her father and her brothers appreciate his kindness. Wendy and her brothers then give Kevin a very rare Chinese Tang suit they made just for him and their father told Kevin, "You and your friend are invited to come to the banquet of our five-star luxury hotel that I shall hold tonight, but don't tell your family. If they found out about this, you'll be in big trouble."
"Don't worry, Mr. Wu. It's our little secret that my family didn't know that I was spending time with you, Wendy, her brothers and our partners," said Kevin.

On the day of the Chinese New Year, when Wendy and SooLingmon were making dinner for themselves, Kevin and Dracomon for their date, Meiko comes in with Meicoomon and confronts Wendy, telling her she loves Ryan. Wendy tries to convince Meiko that Ryan is a jerk and a creep and that she shouldn't be in a relationship with someone like him, but she realizes that she was disappeared without a trace.

At midnight, the holiday lights strung up along the street went dark, Kevin puts on his Chinese Tang suit underneath his snowsuit tiptoed, and snuck out of his house and then he and Dracomon hurried to the street where they see the parade downtown.
A voice called out to them, but they didn't answer. A siren wailed in the distance and faded into silence. Kevin buried his face in his scarf and closed his eyes. He and Dracomon had no idea how long they did been standing looking at the parade when they heard the voices.
"Kevin and Dracomon."
"We're sorry, Kevin and Dracomon. " Wendy and SooLingmon both standing over them. "...It was a lousy thing to do."
Wendy slowly looked up at them. Kevin's cheeks were frostbitten. All the same, he answered with a broad smile.

They stood on Downtown Chicago Street overlooking the Chinese parade as innumerable fireworks and stars sparkled in the night sky.
"The question is, what do you want to do now, Snowflake?" Kevin asked as they were going to have fun in Wu's Peninsula Chicago, was just repairing, singing, and dancing with the Wu brothers and their partners.
"Oh, if only my father, my brothers and I have to spend time with you in your family's mall," Wendy said.
"McCallister's Four Seasons Hotel Chicago?" said Kevin "My family would never allow me to love an enemy and they will punish me as I disobey them."
"Stay away a few hours, let them worry a little. Have dinner with me and SooLingmon at our place we know, and then we'll show you and Dracomon the 4th floor of our exceptional five-star luxury hotel, Shanghai Terrace." Wendy told him.
Kevin and Dracomon found themselves following along, and they both have to admit that dinner on the rooftop bar at Shanghai Terrace was the best meal they did have for weeks, but the two don't know that Meiko and Meicoomon were spying on them in Meiko's cellphone that records a video of the whole town.

When Kevin's parents and brothers and sisters discovered that he spent a lot of time with their neighbors, the Wu family in the restaurant of their hotel, they were all furious. They wander by Wu's Peninsula Chicago, seeing him and Wendy together.
"Kevin! What are you doing?! We do not fraternize with the Wus!" Kate told his youngest son.

Then Kenny walks by and explains the concept of time-off to Kevin so that he can have some fun in his life. But Kate just pointed out that his youngest son wouldn't disobey her rules and shook her head. Wendy and Kevin watched as their families argued.
"Wow!" Kevin blurted out. "I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Our families hate each other."
"I know that," said Wendy.
After a few harsh words, the two shopkeepers go their separate ways with their children.

At Kevin's house, his parents and brothers and sisters confront Kevin about abandoning them for the Wu family, and Kevin explains to them that the Wu family just needs a friend and that his parents and brothers and sisters are still his family.
"What have I told you about the Wus." his mother snarled.
"I'm sorry, Mom." Kevin whimpered. "She didn't seem so bad, I thought we could be friends."
Kate realizes that if Kevin is friends with Wendy and said. "I forbid you to stay away from that Chinese girl!"
"But Mom, I would, but I can't help it, I love her!" Kevin protested.
"You cannot have the girl of your dreams because she's the daughter of our enemy!" Buzz told him. "Why did you're on their side instead of on ours?"
"It's easy to find girlfriends," Kevin said. "I buy them a motorcycle, a leather suit, and put them in acting school."
"There were a couple of good-looking girls that were schtupping, Kevin," recalled Jeff.
His mother answered, and she frowned. "If you loved her, you just let her go. No son of mine is going to make a man at the daughter of my arch-rival!"

Night after night, Kevin and Wendy sit at the window of their bedrooms, staring at each other. They almost wish for their families will learn how to get along.

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