Chapter 4: Humans and Digimon

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During the school's field trip on a secret museum tour, Wendy and Kevin were going to a movie at a museum nearby to Mr. Marley, who was now a tour guide.
SooLingmon and Dracomon just happened to secretly invite themselves along, and they notice an angry Buzz is following them and he was up to no good to pull a prank on them.

Just as Buzz was about to tackle both his little brother and Wendy by getting them into trouble, Dracomon and SooLingmon have to think fast to save their fun, at first, SooLingmon distracts Buzz by flying circles around him, making him a little dizzy and then Dracomon uses his Spitfire Blast sets fire to Buzz's pants, causing him to stop drop and roll to scream loudly so everyone can hear, which his pants burn away, revealing his underwear in front of everyone, including Meiko, Meicoomon and some tourists with cameras and they all laugh at him, much to his anger and humiliation.

Embarrassed, Buzz loses it and chases Dracomon all over the museum knocking over artifacts in each room, and finally went into the movie where SooLingmon freezes the stairs so Buzz will slip and fall fly threw into the air and crashes the big movie screen, which he was getting himself in trouble, so he was banned from the museum for good.

As soon as Kevin got back to his house, he overhears Buzz talking to their parents about Dracomon and SooLingmon being the ones who cause all the trouble, not him but they don't believe him.
Just as Kevin watched as his parents sent Buzz straight into his room, he came back into the house.
"Did you see the "dragons"?" asked his mother. "Of course not," said Kevin.
"Dragons are the mythical beasts."
"That's all I wanted to know," said his mother. "Buzz, you're grounded. I'm sorry Kevin, but your brother is as crazy as a jay bird." So, they punish Buzz for life and have no one else interfere with him by forcing him to wash the cars they owned.

"Well, it serves him right!" Kevin said to Dracomon happily, but he must hide him from his parents and brothers and sisters as a secret ever since he was on his side. If they found it about this, he will be in BIG trouble!

The next day after school was over, Wendy and Kevin visit Mr. Marley at the museum that his son and his wife owned.
"Wow, Mr. Marley, looks like found a new job as a museum tour guide as you get along with your son!" excited Kevin.

Then Mr. Marley and Bulucomon brought the box of William Shakespeare's books. "I'm saving these for all the history I'm gonna hear," they told Wendy and Kevin.
Mr. Marley made Wendy and Kevin take them to Hawaii to find the Wonderbolts Academy so they will be together someday.
"Swear our partners will take us. Cross your heart!" he ordered.
Wendy and Kevin did. They thought Mr. Marley was quite an old man.
Kevin and Wendy were best friends from those moments on. When they were at Mr. Marley's side.
They both didn't have any time to go to school though.

They had jobs at the museum for him and his family with the help of SooLingmon, Dracomon and Bulucomon. Kevin and Dracomon sold balloons from a cart, and Wendy and SooLingmon looked after the collection of dinosaurs. They were happy together.
But they still dreamed of traveling to Hawaii. They tried to save all their spare change in a jar, hoping they would eventually have enough money for the trip. But they could never quite collect enough.

Early the following spring in Easter, Mr. Marley and Bulucomon first meet Master Shen who arrives in town after losing a battle to Master Roshi. Rainy day, when Mr. Marley explains to them that his son told him to come to Hawaii until the war was over. Master Shen gets up and asks Mr. Marley to free BlackWarGreymon, the legendary Digimon, and the other Ancient Digimon who was kept on display in a locked glass box in his son's museum 5000 years ago. At first, Mr. Marley denies his request. However, after he sees the change in Master Shen's perspective towards the battle, he decides to make him the Ten Commandments.
The very next day, Mr. Marley and Bulucomon vanished.
Kevin looked outside, Beyond the basket of Easter eggs, jelly beans, and chocolate bunnies, raindrops rolled down the glass and he and Dracomon sees Wendy and SooLingmon catching them.
They had waited and waited, but they had not shown up at school.
As soon Kevin and Dracomon opened the school door and Kevin lent Wendy, SooLingmon and Dracomon his umbrella so they didn't get wet, they saw Master Shen and his thugs were last seen flying away on BlackWarGreymon and the other Ancient Digimon just as they were about to go back home first.
When Kevin and Wendy were riding on Coredramon and Xuerenmon followed them to see what they are going.
Had something happened?
Their anxiety swelled.

Staving off the cold spring drizzle with their umbrellas, they headed into the museum, only to find it destroyed.
At the intersection with the main boulevard, where cars back and forth, they looked in all four directions. They beneath each of the umbrellas on the museum winding through the residential neighborhood.
They both were nowhere to be found.
They kept walking, searching for them until they came across their families and were happy to see them. The ambulance was stopped at the destroyed museum, its lights blinking. Several groups of people carrying umbrellas had stopped to peer down at the museum, and their families in raincoats were standing at it.
Kevin and Wendy joined the crowd peering down at the museum as if their gaze were magnetically drawn.

At the feet of the EMS workers who came out of the museum, four of the police officers grabbed both Mr. Marley and Bulucomon.
The raindrops pelted the thin bony corpses of Mr. Marley's family.
They never learned what Mr. Marley and Bulucomon have thought that day.
Perhaps an instinct to sometime after, they snuck into Mr. Marley's son's museum, find BlackWarGreymon and the other Ancient Digimon and release them, and then give them to Master Shen and his thugs, who requested the minions from them, which ended up being their greatest mistake. Mr. Marley's family was slaughtered by those same Digimon and their museum is burned to the ground by BlackWarGreymon and the other Ancient Digimon, causing Mr. Marley's son to think that his father and his partner were responsible for the cause of the deaths of his wife and daughter.
The police officers were about to puts both Mr. Marley and Bulucomon into their squad car, Kevin threw down his umbrella and ran toward Mr. Marley and Bulucomon. He flung his arms around it, but one of the police officers peeled him away, scolding him for touching it. He begged him to let him have them, but he curtly refused.
While he argued with him, another of the police officers took Mr. Marley and Bulucomon roughly into the back of their squad car.
Suddenly, the strength drained from Kevin's body, and he burst into sobs.
The squad car faded into the distance until he could see only the red and blue blinking of its lights.
Kevin stumbled after it, but, of course, he couldn't keep up. What remaining strength he had slipped away, and they sank to the ground, covered his face, and wept, holding Babydmon into his arms. The Wu brothers had been watching the scene and Derek unfold held his umbrella over him and told him don't cry. Wendy holds Tianqinzuomon into her arms, standing away from everyone else, and seems to feel sad too.
Believing Mr. Marley and Bulucomon were executed for their crimes, Kevin could even give them a funeral.

A gentle breeze blew across the meadow.
Kevin, wearing the same snowcoat he'd worn that day long ago, realized someone was behind him and turned around.
It was Wendy.
She was smiling and carrying a notebook like she had been that day, dressed in her usual Santa-like red snowcoat.
He smiled and tried to walk toward her. But as he did, she did, she looked at him sorrowfully and was taken away by Yan-Lo.
Kevin shouted her name, but his voice was lost in the wind, reaching no one.
There, in the wide-open meadow, he was alone.
Kevin opened his eyes.
He had fallen asleep with his head on the low table, still wearing a snowsuit. The room was dark. It was evening, and outside, a light rain was still falling. The red glow from the electric stove on Babydmon, curled up asleep on his bed.
He saw his lying on the table and picked it up. It held only a few bills along with some coupons and receipts, but he noticed his Digivice begins acting up and Wendy appears on a nearby computer screen, telling him and Babydmon to meet her and Tianqinzuomon at the museum.

Kevin and Babydmon enter and look at the aftermath of the fire. He stops at a spot where Mr. Marley's granddaughter and daughter-in-law were killed.
"Mr. Marley..." Kevin said kneeling and staring into the spot and Babydmon confronts him.
"Kevin! Dracomon!" Wendy calls out happy and appears behind Kevin and Babydmon.
"Wendy! SooLingmon!" Kevin and Babydmon said and turns around.
"Kevin! Look what Mr. Marley asks my brothers to look after him before he and Bulucomon are sentenced to prison for their crimes they can't commit!" Wendy said and showed Kevin an orphaned baby boy. "It was Mr. Marley's grandson, and his name is Junior."
"You mean he's the only one left in his family," Kevin said softly.
Of course, Mr. Marley must not have suspected he would die along with Bulucomon that day. He'd wanted to watch over his grandson as he grew, Wendy and Kevin knew, and now that wish would go unfulfilled.

That was an incontrovertible fact.
They felt Mr. Marley was asking someone to take care of his infant grandson for him.
They were ready to cry again, but they both held back their tears. Instead, they smiled brightly at them. Leave it to me We find someone to look to after him right and we make him feel special, Kevin promised.
Wendy and Kevin order their friend, Swanmon to take the baby to Hawaii where he can't safe as he was being adopted. Swanmon flew the baby Junior to Hawaii where she left him on the stairs ahead of the orphanage after doing so.

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