Chapter 6: Chance Meeting

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Soon after, Wendy and her family return home from Hawaii, Kevin then overhears Meiko talking with the other three schoolmates, saying that Wendy and her brothers might see him and his family on Thanksgiving. Kevin excitedly goes to his uncle's farm, he builds a flute that he thinks to use to make the Wu brothers and their partners dance, but it instead attracts them that devour his family's harvest and take their food. Kevin and Dracomon then go on a secret mission to locate a replacement for his family's harvest sapling by going to the Wu house to talk with Wendy and her father.

Kevin ran back to his house to tell his family the news.
"Mom, Dad!" he said. "I invite my friend, Wendy and her family to our Thanksgiving dinner!"
The McCallister family was outside the house, listening to the news, but they were not happy.
"The Wus are here," Kate said sadly. "This is bad news for our people. There is no peace with the outsiders here."

Buzz and Jeff both looked at Kevin and said, "In the past, the Chinese people killed the Americans. They want to take our land."
"Oh, Buzz and Jeff, let's go to see the Wus. I will invite my friend, Wendy and her family to Thanksgiving!" said Kevin.
"You can't trust them. Stay far away from that girl! Be careful!" said Kate.
"Remember, Kevin, the Wus are sneaky and dangerous. They bring us problems. They have strange magic. They carry thunder sticks to kill our people. They want to take everything from us, our savings. They can stay for a short time but they cannot stay here forever. Let's watch them and see what they do!"
"Mom, you're just going to have to trust that for whatever reason, I'm alright," said Kevin.

In the Wu house, there was little food. Pretty soon, Wendy, her brothers and their partners went into the grocery store to look for food. They walked for a long time. Then they ran into Kevin's brothers and sisters.
Kevin's brothers and sisters treated Wendy's brothers harshly because they had a prejudice against all Chinese people mainly since the Wu family had moved next door to their house as neighbors. They hurt Robbie by pushing him around. His brothers fight with them. Then Kevin's brothers and sisters captured Wendy and took her away.

After a long walk, Wendy stood in front of the McCallister family. Everyone was silent. Kevin stood next to his mother and father. He looked at Wendy.
Wendy spoke to the McCallister family in sign language and a few English words.
"Great Mr. and Mrs. McCallister, I am a friend of your son. My family and I want to live in peace with you."
Kate and the rest of her family did not like her.
Wendy shows her partner to the McCallister family.
Kate looked at her. She turned her around in her hand. She has never seen a rookie Digimon before. She tried to touch SooLingmon but she freezes her hand and it was cold. Kate thought the Digimon real. All the McCallister family looked at SooLingmon. They were surprised at Wendy's Digi-pet.
Kevin liked Wendy, but his family didn't like her.

That night when the McCallister family celebrates their Thanksgiving dinner, after Kevin invites Wendy and her family to their home, the Wu brothers and their partners ruin their dinner by taking their food, including the turkey. The McCallister family was very angry. Now Wendy will pay for this!

Kevin's two sisters pushed Wendy to the ground. They put his head on a very big stone. Then Kevin's two brothers picked up another big stone. They wanted to kill Wendy! When Kevin saw this, he said, "No, Mom. Please don't kill her. She isn't a bad girl."
His mother said, "No! She and her brothers ruin our Thanksgiving dinner by taking our food. She must pay for this."
The next day, Kevin's brothers were ready to kill Wendy. One boy raised his hand.
"No!" said Kevin. He jumped forward and put his head above Wendy's head.
"Please Mom, she must not die! Save her!" said Kevin.
Kate looked at her youngest son. She immediately told her two sons to stop. Everyone was surprised at Kevin's courage. Kevin saved Wendy's life.

After this, the Wu family gives a sincere apology for what they had done, and the McCallister family sympathizes with them, having gone through similar corrupting ordeals and accepting them as their friends to invite them to their dinner.

One crisp autumn day sometime later, Uncle Frank and Aunt Leslie's oldest daughter, Tracy towing both her jacket and her violin, headed out for the church.
"Tracy! Tracy McCallister! Where do you think you're going?" asked her father.
Tracy replied. "Helping Cousin Heather and her boyfriend to decorate the church for their wedding. Just once more, please?"
"Let me see a sweater you wear because it's cold outside—" Uncle Frank implored, his concern for her well-being evident in his request.
With a reassuring smile, Tracy unfurled her jacket, revealing a beautiful, soft pink sweater that hugged her frame, providing a warm layer against the autumn chill. Her father looked at the cozy garment, a silent nod of approval etched upon his features.
"They're beginning to warm. 10 minutes more." he conceded, his tone tinged with a hint of reluctance, yet understanding the importance of Tracy's role in her cousin's special day.
With a grateful nod, Tracy adjusted the strap of her violin case and began her journey towards the church, her footsteps echoing against the sidewalk, her spirit buoyed by the prospect of contributing to the joyous occasion that awaited her.

Back at the McCallister house, while Kevin is seen writing in his journal, the door to his room creaked open, and his mother stepped inside. Her expression was pensive, her eyes carrying a hint of wistfulness as she spoke, "Perhaps I haven't met a Chinese girl with a heart like my own until recently."
Kevin glanced up, his brow arching quizzically. "Would that be Wendy? Mom, I fear you watch me too closely," he remarked, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
Kate's gaze settled upon her son, her voice taking on a tone of gentle inquiry. "Did you send your cousin, Tracy, to help your big cousin Heather, who is now a police deputy, and her husband-to-be, Drake, with throwing a party for their wedding at the church where they're going to get married, so that you could pursue them? Do you question my honor?" Her words carried a hint of reproach, yet her eyes twinkled with affection. "Heather will return soon. You have my word."
Kevin's expression softened, and he offered a reassuring nod. "I'm a good boy... but I'm a good honesty boy," he affirmed, his voice sincere.
Kate's features melted into a tender smile as she regarded her son. "Then be a good boy, Kevin. You are a big boy." With those parting words, she turned and exited the room, leaving Kevin to his thoughts.

Seizing the opportunity, Kevin called out for Dracomon, who digivolved once more into the mighty Coredramon. Kevin hastily gathered a bag filled with a dozen packages of firecrackers, intended for the grand fireworks display at the upcoming wedding celebration.
"Meet SooLingmon at the church," Kevin instructed, his voice brimming with determination. "And the next time you see there are my cousins, greet them." With a nod of understanding, Coredramon spread his wings and took to the skies, soaring towards the church where the festivities awaited.

During a luminous autumn night, Kevin's older cousin, Heather, a police chief, and her fiance, Drake began to a ceremonial dance in the moonlight in a wedding march while Tracy played the violin after they finish the decorate the church for the party.

Just as Drake leaves to invite everyone, Tracy, Heather and two police officers can be seen outside of the church, they saw Dracomon and SooLingmon eating the wedding cake that goes on at the party.
"Please take this to Drake and my family," Tracy and Heather implored, thrusting envelopes into the hands of the bewildered officers, their gazes fixed upon the unfolding scene with a mixture of disbelief and mounting fury.
Panic gripped them, and they charged back into the church, their voices echoing through the hallowed halls like a battle cry. "We'll get you both if it is the last thing we do, you thieving dragons! You're under arrest!"
SooLingmon's terrified cries rent the air, "Help! Dracomon, help!" spurring her companion into action. Dracomon's protective instincts surged, and he unleashed a barrage of projectiles – seat cushions, firecrackers, and any object within reach – hurling them towards the relentless pursuers.
One errant object found its mark, ricocheting beneath the grand piano and striking Heather squarely on the head. The force of the impact sent her careening backwards, her body colliding with Tracy's, the sickening crack of bone echoing through the sacred space as Tracy's leg twisted unnaturally beneath her.
The scene descended into chaos, the two women flailing helplessly amidst the mayhem, their distant screams mingling with the sounds of revelry, akin to the joyous shrieks of girls at play. Dracomon, driven by a primal need to protect SooLingmon, continued his onslaught, hurling cushions and firecrackers with reckless abandon.

Unfortunately, Dracomon then loses his balance as he accidentally trips and fell and fumbles desperately in a In the midst of the pandemonium, Dracomon's footing faltered, and he tumbled to the ground, his claws scrabbling against a compartment in desperation. To his horror, he produced a flare blast, the crimson light casting an ominous glow upon the unfolding scene.
With a primal roar, Dracomon cocked the flare and fired point-blank at the heater, unleashing a searing sheet of flame that engulfed the sacred space. Seizing SooLingmon's trembling hand, the two digimon fled for their lives, leaping through the nearest window and plunging into the relative safety of the world beyond.
A final, blinding flash heralded the cataclysmic explosion, the gasoline igniting in a fiery maelstrom. "No-o-o-o-o-o...!" Tracy and Heather's anguished shrieks pierced the air, their forms engulfed by the searing inferno, their screams abruptly silenced as the ruined church crumbled and collapsed, the oily conflagration consuming all in its path.
From their vantage point outside, Dracomon and SooLingmon turned, their eyes widening in horror as the distant "crump" of the church's detonation reached their ears. Meiko, Meicoomon and a gathering crowd gazed skyward, their faces etched with shock and disbelief as they bore witness to the once-sacred edifice consumed by tragedy in the span of mere moments.

The police give Drake and the McCallister family the news and the three mails at each of their houses. Kate and Heather's parents, Georgette and Rob in shock, move down a corridor with Heather's boss, the Chief and Drake. He holds her arm as they move to a back room of the station. Uncle Frank, Aunt Leslie, his four kids, and a handful of townspeople watch sadly from the other end.
"If I didn't have to, I wouldn't. There's not enough...Law requires a positive identification and there's not." The Chief said sadly holding the door open and Kate, Aunt Georgette and Uncle Rob goes inside.
A sheet covers the table in the center of the room. There's a slight bulge beneath it. Aunt Georgette and Uncle Rob move to the table. The Chief moves to get ahead of them. "I wish there was some way to make it easy...." he said.
Kate, Aunt Georgette and Uncle Rob, still in shock, watch as two of the Chief's assistants pull back the two sheets. They go rigid, staring at Tracy and Heather's burnt remains without expression. He glances at them, then puts the sheet back. They don't move. Silently, the chief moves to an old desk that sits in a corner and retrieved a package from an old desk in the corner – Heather's service revolver, still nestled in its holster, and her badge, a poignant reminder of her dedication to duty. He approached the grieving family, offering the package with a somber, "Her things....I thought you both want them...."
Aunt Georgette and Uncle Rob accepted the items, their movements mechanical, before departing, their spirits crushed beneath the weight of their loss. Kate, however, remained, drawing upon an inner strength that belied the controlled rage etched upon her features, a testament to the depths of her anguish.

The crisp autumn air carried the scent of decaying leaves as the van rumbled up the winding dirt road, its tires crunching over the scattered foliage. Kevin, now in his late twenties, emerged first, his face etched with lines that spoke of burdens far beyond his years. His father, a man in his mid-fifties, followed closely behind, the weight of their shared sorrow evident in his weary gait.
One by one, Kevin's brothers and sisters spilled out of the van, their eyes drawn instinctively towards the aging farmhouse that had been their sanctuary for so many years. Wendy still grappling with the complexities of the situation, clung tightly to her father's hand, her innocent gaze flickering between the solemn faces of her family and the weathered façade of the McCallister home.
As Kevin's father gathered their luggage, the family members, accompanied by their faithful Digimon partners, stood in silent vigil, their hearts heavy with the memories that this place evoked. It was a homecoming tinged with sadness, a bittersweet reunion with a past that could never be reclaimed.

Stepping over the threshold, Kevin's voice echoed through the empty rooms, a desperate plea for familiarity, "Mom? Uncle Frank? Aunt Leslie? Aunt Georgette and Uncle Rob? Anybody home?" The silence that greeted him was deafening, a stark contrast to the laughter and warmth that had once filled these walls.

From the kitchen, Meiko emerged, Meicoomon at her side, their faces etched with the weight of their shared grief. Behind them trailed Fuller, Rod, Sondra, Brooke, Aunt Georgette, Uncle Rob, and their three daughters, Steffan and the twins, all bearing the marks of a tireless vigil.
"Kevin..." Wendy's voice broke the silence, a single word carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions as she moved to embrace her brother, seeking solace in his familiar embrace.
Meiko and Meicoomon exchanged sorrowful glances with Wendy and SooLingmon, their eyes communicating a depth of understanding that transcended words. In that moment, they were united in their shared grief, a bond forged by the cruel twists of fate that had brought them to this point.
"Where's Mom?" Kevin asked, his voice tinged with a desperate hope that threatened to shatter at any moment.
Meiko's response was a mere gesture, a solemn pointing towards the streets that lay beyond the farm's boundaries, a silent acknowledgment of the vigil that had consumed their mother's every waking moment.
Fuller's voice cut through the heavy silence, "We just came from Drake's house..."
Professor Mochizuki added, his tone somber and laced with pity, "Poor lad... The doctor's had to sedate him..."
Kevin nodded, his expression hardening as he turned to leave, a silent understanding passing between him and his family members. There were no words that could ease the ache they all carried, only the shared burden of a loss too profound to comprehend.

As Kevin departed, Meiko offered Wendy a small, bittersweet smile, a fleeting moment of warmth in the midst of their collective sorrow, "I hardly recognize you, Wendy. You're here..."
SooLingmon, sensing the weight of Wendy's emotions, spoke softly, her innocent voice cutting through the heaviness that hung in the air, "Tracy and Heather were both dead. Will they ever come back?"
Meicoomon, ever the comforting presence, extended her paw towards SooLingmon, offering a momentary distraction from the harsh realities they faced, "You want something to eat?"
Wendy, grateful for the reprieve, replied gently, "We'll talk about it some more later."
SooLingmon, her appetite temporarily sated, responded with childlike innocence, "I had a turkey on the plane."
Meicoomon's gentle laughter filled the room, a brief respite from the sadness that lingered, "We can do better than that. How about a funny bone sandwich?"
SooLingmon giggled, her laughter a poignant reminder of the resilience of youth, as she and Meicoomon disappeared into the kitchen, their shared understanding of the difficulty of their friend's situation a silent bond between them.
In that moment, the McCallister farm stood as a testament to the strength of family, a sanctuary where grief and joy intertwined, where memories were both cherished and mourned, and where the promise of tomorrow always glimmered, no matter how dim the present appeared. For in the face of loss, it was the unbreakable bonds of love and kinship that sustained them, a beacon guiding them through the darkest of times.

The streets were still and silent, a somber tableau etched against the backdrop of the ruined, burnt church. Kate stood motionless, her gaze fixed upon the charred remains, her expression devoid of emotion – a stoic suppression of the tumultuous feelings that threatened to consume her from within.
Beside her, Uncle Frank, Aunt Leslie, Aunt Georgette, and Uncle Rob formed a solemn vigil, their faces mirroring the same hollow emptiness that had settled over Kate's features. It was as if the weight of their collective grief had drained them of all vitality, leaving behind mere shells of the people they once were.
It was in this atmosphere of desolation that Kevin approached, his footsteps muffled by the soft sand beneath his feet. As he drew nearer, his voice pierced the oppressive silence, a single word carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions, "Mom..."
Kate turned slowly, her eyes meeting Kevin's in a long, lingering moment that seemed to stretch into eternity. In that instant, a lifetime of shared memories and experiences passed between them, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had sustained them through countless trials and tribulations.

Without a word, Kevin moved towards her, enveloping her in a powerful embrace that spoke volumes of the love and strength they drew from one another. They held each other tightly, their bodies trembling with the force of their shared anguish, as tears began to well up in Kevin's eyes, a testament to the depth of his sorrow.
Kate met his gaze, her own eyes dry and haunted, as she gently pressed her lips to his in a tender, reassuring kiss. It was a fleeting moment of solace amidst the storm of grief that threatened to engulf them both.
As their embrace ended, Kate's attention drifted back towards the water, her eyes fixed upon the distant horizon with an intensity that bordered on obsession. Her voice, laced with a deadly calm that chilled the very air around them, broke the silence, "It came for him. It waited all this time, and it came for him..."
Kevin's response was a mere whisper, a desperate attempt to reach the part of her that had retreated into the depths of her own pain, "Mom..."
But his words fell upon deaf ears, for Kate's mind and heart had already embarked upon a journey to a place where even the love of her son could not reach her. In that moment, she was lost to them, consumed by a grief so profound that it threatened to swallow her whole, leaving only a hollow shell in its wake.
The weight of their shared loss hung heavy in the air, a palpable presence that seemed to smother them all, as the once-vibrant family found themselves adrift in a sea of sorrow, clinging to one another for the strength to endure the unendurable.

The kitchen was a flurry of activity, the warm aroma of simmering dishes filling the air as Aunt Leslie methodically organized the evening meal. Kevin entered, his footsteps heavy with the weight of the day's events, as he made his way towards the refrigerator, popping open a can of beer with a practiced motion.
"Mom tells Wendy and her family to go home," he announced, his voice laced with a mixture of resignation and weariness as he studied the amber liquid swirling in the can.
A rueful smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he reminisced, "I bought Uncle Frank his first legal drink. He got so pissed that night..."
Aunt Leslie's voice cut through the silence, tinged with a fondness born of shared memories, "He told me you both did..."
Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them – a testament to the bond forged through the trials and tribulations they had weathered together.
Peter chimed in, his tone nostalgic, "He told me a lot about you two..."
As Kate entered the room, her presence commanded their attention, Kevin's gaze following Peter's as he caught sight of his mother's weary form.
"Sit down, Mom..." Kevin's voice was gentle, an invitation to rest and unburden herself, if only for a moment.
But Kate brushed aside his concern, her maternal instincts overriding the fatigue that seemed to weigh her down, "You guys must be starving..."
In an instant, she was a flurry of motion, pulling out pots and pans with a frantic energy that bordered on desperation, as though the simple act of preparing a meal could somehow restore order to the chaos that had engulfed their lives.

Peter moved to intervene, his voice soothing, "Leslie is making dinner. You should..."
But Kate would not be deterred, pulling herself free from his gentle grasp and continuing her frenzied preparations. Suddenly, she froze, a single pot clutched in her trembling hand, before letting it clatter to the floor as she turned to face Kevin, her eyes brimming with a torrent of emotions.
"I want you to stay away from the Wus," she declared, her voice trembling with a conviction that bordered on mania.
Kevin's brow furrowed in confusion, "What?"
"I want you to give up that terrible idea," Kate continued, her tone brooking no argument.
Kevin's response was laced with bewilderment and a touch of exasperation, "Come on, Mom, you can't be serious..."
But Kate's resolve was unwavering, her voice rising in a crescendo of barely contained anguish, "You're damn right I'm serious..."
Kevin's protest was tinged with frustration, "I'm just getting started..."
But Kate would not be swayed, her words tumbling forth in a torrent of fear and grief, "I don't want you to see the Chinese girl with that monster anymore..."
She trailed off, suddenly aware of the stunned silence that had fallen over the room, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air.
Kevin's voice was gentle, tinged with concern, "Mom, you're upset. Sit down...Please..."
But Kate was beyond reason, her emotions spiraling out of control as she unleashed a tirade born of unspeakable pain, "I won't have anyone in my family anywhere near or trust the Wus.... Never again...Never..."
Kevin moved towards her, his arms outstretched in a futile attempt to comfort her, to anchor her to the reality that seemed to be slipping through her fingers.
"Digimon don't commit murder. They don't pick out a person..." he began, his words a desperate plea for understanding.
But Kate recoiled from his embrace, her anguish etched across her features as she lashed out, "They picked Cousin Tracy...They killed Cousin Heather..."
Kevin's voice took on a pleading tone, "Cousin Heather and Cousin Tracy both died in a fire..."
But Kate was beyond consolation, her mind trapped in a spiral of grief and guilt, "They were both in the same church that blew up...From having to go out there after them..."

Unable to maintain her composure any longer, she fled from the room, her sobs echoing in her wake as she retreated to the sanctuary of her own private torment, unwilling to unravel completely in front of her loved ones.
Kevin's final words hung in the air, a last, desperate attempt to reason with her, "There's been many Digimon from around the world. They have very nice good homes...Some kids really like them because they're good monsters..."
But Kate's voice, distant and haunted, drifted back to them like a ghostly lament, "Cousin Tracy's dead...Cousin Heather's dead..."
Kevin and his father exchanged a grave look, their eyes reflecting the depth of their concern for the woman they loved, a silent acknowledgment of the long and arduous road that lay ahead.
In that moment, the McCallister farm stood as a testament to the fragility of the human spirit, a poignant reminder that even the strongest of bonds could be tested to the breaking point by the cruel vagaries of fate. Yet, in the midst of their shared sorrow, there flickered a glimmer of hope – a promise that, through the unwavering love and support of family, even the darkest of storms could be weathered, and the light of joy could once again illuminate their lives.

The sidewalk is hard from the cold and it's empty of people. The city is calm. The day is sunny and peaceful.
"They're such two good-natured girls..." he mused, his voice tinged with a melancholic nostalgia that belied the depths of his sorrow. "Always going out of their way..."
Wendy's reply was measured, a gentle acknowledgment of the tragedy that had befallen them all. "They were both doing their job..."
But Kevin's anguish could not be contained, bursting forth like a torrent of emotion too long suppressed. "It was the firecrackers," he exclaimed, his voice trembling with a mixture of sorrow and disbelief. "A lot of firecrackers. It's not fair..."
As they came into view, their backs turned towards the world, their figures seemed to meld into one, two kindred spirits bound by the weight of their shared grief. Wendy's voice broke the silence, a gentle reminder of the harsh realities they now faced. "They're just doing their job, Kevin."
"They're just doing their job, Kevin," Wendy said to Kevin.
They walked on in silence for a moment, the weight of their sorrow hanging heavy in the air, their footsteps the only sound to punctuate the stillness. As they drew nearer, their expressions came into focus – Kevin's brow knitted with the burden of his troubled thoughts, Wendy's visage etched with concern for her companion's well-being.
"God, I could make them laugh sometimes," Kevin continued, his words a wistful reminiscence of happier times. "I was always tagging after them when they were on Uncle Frank's farm. He wanted so much to do what I was doing..."

Suddenly, without warning, Kevin broke into a run, his body propelled by a force greater than mere physical exertion. Wendy watched him for a moment, confusion and concern etched across her features, before giving chase herself. "Where are you going?" she called out, her voice carried away on the autumn breeze.
"Nowhere...." Kevin cried, his pace quickening into an all-out sprint, every muscle in his body straining against the weight of his anguish. Wendy runs with him, stopping finally because he was too fast and she can't keep pace. She watches as he works every muscle in his body, trying to exhaust himself, trying to rid himself of what he feels.

The mournful tones of the Minister's voice carried across the somber gathering, the words of Ecclesiastes echoing like a mournful hymn amidst the sea of grief. Kate, her expression a paradoxical blend of sorrow and serenity, smiled wistfully as memories of her nieces washed over her. Kevin stood by her side, his hand enveloped in her own, offering silent support and drawing strength from her resilience.
On Kate's other side stood Peter, his face etched with the weight of a parent's unimaginable loss. Next to him, Drake, his eyes awash with tears, struggled to maintain his composure, the rawness of his emotions laid bare for all to witness.
The funeral drew a vast crowd, a testament to the profound impact Heather and Tracy had on the lives they touched. Hundreds of townspeople, from the Wu family to members of the marching band, had come to pay their last respects, forming a tapestry of grief that transcended boundaries and united them all in their shared sorrow, including Meiko, Meicoomon and her parents.
As the Minister's resonant voice recited the poignant verses, a hush fell over the gathering, each word reverberating like a solemn drumbeat. "A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh..."
Kate's smile, a seemingly incongruous expression amidst the sorrow, remained steadfast, prompting Kevin to gaze up at her, his own features a mirror of his mother's serene countenance. His brothers and sisters, too, looked on with concern, their hearts heavy with grief, yet buoyed by their mother's resilience.

The Minister's voice rose and fell, the cadence of his words painting a vivid tapestry of life's cyclical nature. "A time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together.... a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.... A time to seek, and a time to lose; A time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew..."
Amidst the grief, whispers of hope and resilience echoed through the hearts of those gathered. Uncle Frank and Aunt Leslie, united in their grief, made a silent vow to honor the memory of their daughter and niece by holding onto what they loved. As the funeral drew to a close, the attendees dispersed, their hearts heavy but their spirits determined to find solace and healing in the days to come. Even Dracomon, watching from behind a tree, his guilt weighing heavily on him, found solace in the presence of SooLingmon, their bond a reminder of the enduring strength of love and friendship.
As the Minister's voice reached its crescendo, the words reverberated like a clarion call, "A time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love and a time to hate; A time for war, and a time for peace." In that moment, the gathered mourners found solace in the knowledge that even in their darkest hours, life's cyclical nature promised the eventual return of joy and renewal, a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

The next morning, when Kevin sees Uncle Frank coming downstairs with weapons, wanting to get revenge on the Wu family. Kevin cuts him off. "Uncle Frank, please I beg you." he pleaded.
But his words fell on deaf ears, as Uncle Frank's fist lashed out with furious strength, knocking Kevin aside with a sickening thud.
"Get out of my way," Uncle Frank snarled, his eyes burning with a fire that spoke of a man teetering on the edge of madness.
Kate and Peter moved swiftly, reaching for their own weapons, their faces masks of grim resolve. But Kevin was faster, pushing himself off the ground and throwing himself in front of Uncle Frank once more, his body a living barrier between his uncle and the world beyond.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"To kill the Wus." Uncle Frank spat, his words dripping with venom.
At this, Kate and Peter's knives sang from their pockets, the metallic sound echoing through the tense silence. Uncle Frank's hand hovered near his holstered gun, a deadly promise waiting to be unleashed.
"Uncle Frank! I know life means nothing to you at this moment, but I will not let you kill yourself," Kevin pleaded, his eyes locked with his uncle's, willing him to see reason.
"The Wus killed my daughter and your cousin!" Uncle Frank roared, his anguish a palpable force that threatened to consume them all.
"The Digimon killed Tracy and Heather!" Kevin cried, his voice cracking with emotion. "The Digimon, and love. But not the Wus."
Buzz stepped forward, his eyes burning with a righteous fury that matched Uncle Frank's own. "I'll kill those monsters for him, Mom, if you don't wish to –"
But before he could finish, Uncle Frank spun with the speed of a striking rattlesnake, his gun whipping from its pocket and narrowly missing Buzz's shoulder. In a blur of motion, he disarmed two others, bringing the point of his pistol up beneath the chin of a third, shoving them back with a roar that echoed through the house like a thunderclap.
"Come on! All of you!"
Kate moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior, tackling Uncle Frank from behind and pinning him face down to the ground. For a moment, Uncle Frank bellowed in rage, his voice straining against the torrent of emotion that threatened to drown him.
"Coward! Fight me! Fight me...!"

Emotion spills up into Uncle Frank's throat, and he begins to sob, "They killed my daughter and your niece, Kate! They killed my daughter and...!"
Kate, dying inside, still grips Uncle Frank. Uncle Frank grows quiet, and Peter, Aunt Georgette and Uncle Rob drift closer.
"Get back, all of you!" Kate stands, and Uncle Frank rises, still holding his sword. He looks at Kevin for a long beat, then sheathes his gun and takes it to his wife. Peter, Aunt Georgette and Uncle Rob move to him.
"Let him go!" Kate said sadly.
With a heavy heart, Uncle Frank made his way back to his room, his movements weighted by the burden of his grief. Yet, in that final, fleeting moment, his words cut deeper than any blade. "You're the traitor," he uttered, his gaze fixed upon Kevin, a silent accusation that hung in the air like a spectre.

Early in the afternoon, Dracomon stops by alongside with SooLingmon and Wendy and apologizes to Kevin for an incident that happened a little while ago. And Kevin says that so right and he then forgives him and SooLingmon.

Every day, the Wu family won contests against the McCallister family. Kate was angry, she declared war on the Wu family. There was a lot of fighting.

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