Chapter 7: Wonderbolts and Washouts

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Twas three nights before Christmas, the McCallister family was getting ready for their vacation to Florida.
Everyone except for Kevin, when he heard his father announce his decision. "Tee-hee-hee-hee..."

Peter glared at his youngest son, his chin cupped in his hands. "Don't laugh! It's important!"
"Why don't you just keep doing what you like to do?"
"I hate it when everyone looks at me weird!"
He didn't cheer up in the least when Kevin told him he needn't worry because everyone would be going on vacation again soon.
"Well, I guess I don't have a choice, then," Kevin said. "Huh?"
He announced he was going to make his father a scarf. Dracomon watched over his shoulder as he skillfully stitched away on the pedal-powered knitting machine Wendy gave to Kevin. Now and then, Dracomon asked timidly if Kevin wouldn't mind making it for his father. It took one day to finish the beautiful long red scarf so fast.

Peter wore it around his neck on that day. He felt self-conscious, quite himself to feel warm to see how everyone would react.
When his wife and kids spotted him as he walked down the stairs, his family came pouring in. "Ooh, that's a pretty red scarf! I like the style! It looks so good on you! I want one!
This had nothing to do with the quality of the scarf itself; it was their way of validating Peter as one who shared their masculine values. In other words, it was a rite of passage in which they agreed to treat Kevin as an equal as they knew he was the one who gave his father as a Christmas present.
Peter felt a tremendous sense of relief at their reaction. He was sure he wouldn't feel out of place anymore, and now he could enjoy his time at school. He silently thanked his scarf and the one who'd knit it for him.

Soon, it was winter again.
Kevin and Dracomon visit Wendy and SooLingmon at their house, bringing some Christmas gifts to them and they invite them to the ice-skating rink.

Just then Kevin remembered that he was supposed to go on his family's vacation when his father, Peter comes in but was surprised to learn about Kevin's secret from Fuller, and then Kenny walks by and told him the whole story. But not in the way Kevin and Wendy had hoped for. Wanting to keep their friendship intact, their fathers strike a deal: no attacking during the race. Pleased with the idea, they accept, much to their children's delight.

Meiko and Meicoomon stood side by side, observing as Dracomon made a distressing call to Kevin. Intrigued by the urgency in Dracomon's voice, they listened intently as he relayed the details of a mission he needed Kevin's assistance with.
"Kevin, I need your help," Dracomon began, his tone filled with a mixture of concern and determination. "I've spotted Ebonwumon in the vicinity, and I need you to adjust my back focus. It's crucial for our success in capturing it."
Kevin's voice crackled through the communication device, his words laced with a sense of urgency. "I'll be right there, Dracomon. Just hold on."
Meiko and Meicoomon exchanged glances, a mix of curiosity and worry etched on their faces. They knew that the task at hand was no ordinary mission. Ebonwumon was a formidable Digimon, and capturing it required precision and skill.

As Kevin arrived at the scene, his eyes widened at the sight of Ebonwumon. The majestic Digimon towered above them, its presence commanding and awe-inspiring. Kevin quickly assessed the situation, understanding the importance of adjusting Dracomon's back focus to capture Ebonwumon successfully.
Dracomon, standing courageously before the mighty Digimon, called upon his inner strength and determination. He knew that retreating was not an option. With a burst of energy, Dracomon digivolved into Coredramon, a powerful and formidable Digimon capable of facing the challenge head-on.

Coredramon leaped into action, its wings propelling it towards Ebonwumon. As it approached, Coredramon skillfully maneuvered, catching Ebonwumon off guard. With a swift movement, it managed to secure Ebonwumon within its grasp.
"Stay calm, Ebonwumon," Coredramon spoke, its voice filled with a soothing tone. "We mean no harm. We only seek to understand and learn from you."
Kevin, witnessing the exchange between Coredramon and Ebonwumon, realized the opportunity that lay before him. He carefully approached the captured Digimon, extracting a small sample of its DNA. With the utmost care, he secured it in a specialized container, knowing the significance it held for further research and understanding of the Digital World.
Once the DNA was safely collected, Kevin sent a signal to the Digital World, opening a portal for Ebonwumon to return to its natural habitat. Coredramon released its hold, allowing Ebonwumon to soar freely into the shimmering portal, disappearing from sight.

As the portal closed, Kevin turned to Coredramon, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Coredramon. You've shown remarkable bravery and restraint. Together, we have achieved something truly remarkable."
Coredramon bowed gracefully, its wings unfurling as a sign of respect. "It was an honor to assist you, Kevin. Our mission was a success, and we have taken another step towards understanding the Digital World and its inhabitants."
Meiko and Meicoomon approached, their faces filled with admiration for the bravery displayed by both Kevin and Coredramon. Meiko placed a reassuring hand on Kevin's shoulder, her voice filled with pride.
"Kevin, you've proven once again how resourceful and dedicated you are. Your ability to adapt to challenging situations never ceases to amaze us."
Kevin smiled, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of satisfaction and excitement. "Thank you, Meiko. But this victory was a team effort. Without Dracomon's initial sighting and Coredramon's bravery, we wouldn't have achieved this success."
Meicoomon purred contently, rubbing against Kevin's leg. "Indeed, it was a true testament to the bond between humans and Digimon. Together, we can overcome any obstacle."
As they made their way back from the mission, the team reflected on the events that had transpired. They knew that their journey was far from over, and more challenges awaited them in the Digital World. But with each victory, their bond grew stronger, and their determination to protect and understand the Digital World deepened.

While Coredramon, Xuerenmon and Meicrackmon enter a flying race, back at the McCallisters' house, Kevin suggests he invites the Wu family to dinner with no weapons, and Wendy and her family agree not to use their partners. However, his mother and brothers and sisters ridicule Kevin's plan and decide weapons will make it an easy invitation but his father told them what Kevin tells them to do.
"If you can't trust Wendy, her father and brothers, then you could at least trust me!" said Kevin.
"I did trust you, Kevin. I will not make the same mistake twice..." his mother complained.
Yan-Lo, Marv and Harry, escape from prison to seek revenge on Kevin and "roughed" up the Wu family.

Meanwhile, the dinner has started at McCallister's Four Seasons Hotel Chicago, and Kevin's brothers and sisters want to put Wendy down quickly.
"We're tired of this Chinese girl. She's going down," they said.
But the McCallister family understood they were giving Kevin a chance to prove himself by making peace with their neighbors.

As the evening settled in, the McCallister and Wu families gathered together in anticipation of a joyous feast. Laughter and conversation filled the air, creating an atmosphere of warmth and togetherness. Little did they know that their tranquility was about to be shattered

In a sudden and unexpected turn of events, Marv and Harry burst into the McCallisters' hotel accompanied by a pair of menacing SkullSatamon. Panic gripped the air as the families were taken hostage, their lives hanging in the balance.

After Yan-Lo summons the evil Digimon called Dorbickmon from the Digital World, Coredramon, Xuerenmon, Meicrackmon and the other Digimon invade the hotel to save the McCallister and Wu families. When Meiko and her father knocks out a Yan-Lo to free his parents, and Kevin is thrown a gun by Wendy, her brothers use their partners to break a door only for Snipe to get through. Just then, Yan-Lo recaptures Peter and flies off on Dorbickmon. Kate drives in the van to try and save her husband from Yan-Lo who orders Dorbickmon blast at the McCallister family until they are blocked by a group of marching band. When Kate uses a grappling hook on Dorbickmon's tail and is joined to the unwilling parade ranging from Buzz, Megan, Linnie, and Jeff. Kevin tries to shoot at Yan-Lo, but he uses his father as a shield.

When Yan-Lo tries to escape with Peter on a copter, at that moment, Xuerenmon, Coredramon, Meiko, Meicrackmon, and Professor Mochizuki arrive as the Wu brothers' partners. Their arrival is signified with Wendy's Digivice then causes Xuerenmon to digivolve into the very rare powerful Ultimate Digimon called Sufeiyamon to defeat the menacing Dorbickmon by sending a barrage of energy blasts towards him. However, Dorbickmon landed down on the Four Seasons Hotel, it gets caught in the massive explosion, killing both Yan-Lo and Peter. Debris rained down as the building collapsed in on itself. The McCallisters watched in horror, realizing Yan-Lo and Peter were still inside.
This event upsets Kate and her four kids where they ask Kevin why he did not shoot. Kevin reasons he would've hit his own father, but this does not make his mother, brothers and sisters feel better as they felt Kevin let his father die and their hotel destroyed.

The McCallister family had lost everything in the explosion that had destroyed their beloved hotel. They had no choice but to move into a small, rusty cottage in the streets, where they would have to live until they could figure out what to do next while Meiko and Meicoomon watch.
Buzz, Megan, Linnie, and Jeff were all very cross to think that because of Kevin, they had lost everything to the Wu family. They were angry and resentful, feeling like they had been robbed of their privileged lifestyle.
But Kevin felt even worse. His only thought was to try to reason with his family, to make them understand that he had not caused their misfortune. He had canceled their family vacation because he had a bad feeling, and he had been right. But his brothers and sisters saw him as somewhat culpable in their father's death and the loss of their hotel, and he felt guilty about his decisions.
He tried to talk to them, to explain himself, but they wouldn't listen. They were too angry and upset, too caught up in their own grief and frustration.
As they settled into the cottage, Kevin felt a sense of sadness and longing. He missed their old life, the luxury and comfort they had all taken for granted. But he also knew that they had to move forward. They had to rebuild their lives, honor their father's memory, and find a way to make things right.
And as they sat together in the small, cramped living room, Kevin felt a sense of determination. He knew that they could do it, that they could overcome this tragedy and find a way to thrive once again.
"We'll make it through this," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "We'll find a way to rebuild, to make things right. We'll honor Dad's memory and do what he would have wanted us to do."
His brothers and sisters looked at him, their eyes filled with doubt and uncertainty. But Kevin knew that they would come around eventually. They were a family, after all, and they had been through so much together.

After Kevin orders 3-DAC to shut the compound down and cancel his family vacation permanently. Meiko tells Dracomon that there must be something to be done to make Kate change her mind who asks Meiko to let him know if she thinks of something.

Kevin goes to his mother, brothers and sisters where they were putting a small vase with flowers onto their destroyed hotel where his father was killed by the explosion. Kate talks with Kevin about the hotel Peter built after they got married and they must let them go as he would've wanted no matter how hard she owns it. Kevin warns his mother that things will only begin to deteriorate between them as he cares about her, his brothers and sisters as he was part of the family. Dracomon is hiding behind a tree watching the ongoing argument about Peter's death and the hotel. He mutters that "they're at it again," implying this is an ongoing issue of contention among the family members as they grieve and figure out what to do next.

Just then Meiko and her father offer to take Kate and her kids into town which they accepts readily. Kevin asks Dracomon if he could have made that shot to save his father, Dracomon replies no one would've made it and he must stop blaming himself as his mother, brothers and sisters were doing enough of that for all of them and must face the Wu family themselves.

Since Kate still hasn't eaten or slept for days, she seeks vengeance upon
Kenny and his children to avenge her husband's death. The day came for the McCallister family to attend the iconic TV game show Legends of the Hidden Temple. They knew this was where they were going to beat the Wu family.

As Kevin walked past some club booths, a flyer caught her eye. It was for the Survival Games—a competition that determined the scariest each family on campus. Kevin thought the games sounded exciting!

Kevin headed to his dorm room to meet Dracomon again. When he opened the door, Dracomon leaped forward. "Kevin, aren't you going to do this?" he asked.
"Yes," replied Kevin.
Dracomon smiled. "I can tell you and Wendy going to be together."

The next day, Kevin attended his first test: Hiking 101. Captain Menoa Bellucci—the head leader of the Wonderbolts and her partner, Morphomon, the unbeatable master of Digidestined, spoke to the class. As a professional referee, Captain Menoa had broken the all-time scare record.
She warned the new teams: Fail the final exam at the end of the semester, and you are out of the Hidden Temple Program."

Kevin tried to explain that he had actually wanted to join his family's team, but no one listened to him. His brothers and sisters wouldn't even allow him to join them.
"Mom said, this team is for grownups who actually have chance." Buzz told Kevin.
Kevin was steamed. "I'll scare circles around you this year!" he shouted.

All semester, Kevin holed himself up in the library, practiced his daredevil techniques, and aced every exam. Meanwhile, his brothers and sisters enjoyed themselves and barely passed their tests.
Buzz and Megan were having doubts about Kevin. If Kevin didn't follow their commands or make amends with them, he would eventually be disgraced from his family, and he was being drowned.

Kevin refused to give up his path of becoming a Wonderbolt. He and Dracomon found the Hidden Temple Games flyer in their dorm room and came up with a brilliant idea. Kevin ran off to sign up for the games! He thought if he could help Wendy and her brothers to win the Hidden Temple Games, it would prove to Captain Menoa and Morphomon that he belonged in the Hidden Temple Program.

To take part in the Hidden Temple Games, the Washouts and the Wonderbolts are squaring off, and after knocking away Marshal Arts when Morphomon tries to break them up. Then she asks Captain Menoa. If the Washouts and the Wonderbolts won the Hidden Temple Games, she would let them all into the Hidden Temple Program. If the McCallister family would leave the Legends of the Hidden Temple. But Kate and her kids needed one more player to qualify. Kevin was the only one to volunteer, his brothers and sisters were furious, but they have no choice. They had to let Kevin join the team.

When the McCallister family arrived at the Washout fraternity house, Uncle Frank, Aunt Leslie, Aunt Georgette, Uncle Rob and their kids welcomed them.

The McCallister family was thrilled to be part of the Hidden Temple Games. But there was a problem: when their mother was away, Kevin's brothers and sisters make him their slave and make him do all this ridiculous stuff!

For the next event, each team had to get across the Wall Climb and grab their fag without falling.
The Washouts slowly crept toward their flag. Then Wendy got impatient. As she hangs from a wall, it broke! To his family's surprise, Kevin came to Wendy's rescue. He gives her and her team a chance to escape.

The Wonderbolts had made it safely outside, but they didn't have their flag. Wendy and SooLingmon were devastated! They had failed. But suddenly, his brothers and their partners appeared—holding the flag, thanks to Kevin!
"How...?" asked his mother.
Kevin leaned into his mother, his brothers and sisters. "Misdirection," he said. For the first time, Kevin had a glimmer of hope.
Nearby, Captain Menoa and Morphomon looked on. They couldn't believe that Kevin was still helping the Wonderbolts.

From then on, the Washouts trained hard. Kate had them practice their flying skills. She also had them do push-up drills. It didn't take long before they were ready for the next Survival Games event!

Later, Kevin and Wendy and their partners were in their meeting at the lake, not knowing that Kevin's brothers and sisters spy on him, becoming enraged to find out that Kevin still has feelings for Wendy.
Kate was even more furious than ever as she discovered this. But she and her four kids have a very cruel idea. The next day, they confront Kevin by telling him to put aside their rivalry with the Wonderbolts, which makes him feel excited. Kevin invites Wendy and her father and her brothers to his family's party on Christmas Eve.

On their way to get a dress, Wendy and SooLingmon saw Ryan demanding money from Meiko for "rent." When they intervened, he pushed Meiko down and drove off, leaving her sobbing with Meicoomon.
Wendy's heart broke seeing her friend mistreated. She helped Meiko up and quietly left money under a rock, knowing Meiko was too proud to take charity. "You can always stay with me," Wendy insisted.
Meiko nodded gratefully. As they continued on, Wendy's brothers showed up and offered to help pay for Wendy's dress, to thank her for her kindness to Meiko. Together they picked out a beautiful gown that made Wendy beam with joy.

At the grand Christmas Eve party, Wendy and Kevin found themselves lost in the joyous festivities. They were accompanied by SooLingmon and Dracomon, who were equally engrossed in the holiday cheer. The party was in full swing, with guests mingling, laughter echoing through the halls, and a sense of camaraderie filling the air.

In the midst of all the merriment, Meiko was hard at work. She was managing the catering for the party, Meicoomon by her side. As Meiko moved around the room, ensuring that the guests were well-fed and happy, she carried a sense of quiet contentment with her.
As Wendy noticed Meiko's diligent efforts, she decided to express her gratitude. "Thank you, Meiko," Wendy said, catching Meiko's attention. "You've done a wonderful job with the catering."
Meiko paused to smile at Wendy before revealing some surprising news. "I've left Ryan," she admitted, her voice steady. "I've also decided to leave his team."
Her revelation hung in the air, marking a significant change in her life. Yet, despite the surprising turn of events, the party continued, a symbol of life's ability to move forward amidst changes and challenges.

Ryan's heart raced as he burst onto the scene, his eyes fixed on Meiko. Her voice echoed through the air, filled with anger and frustration. "Get away from me, Ryan! Our relationship is over!"
Without hesitation, Ryan's hands shot out, gripping her wrists tightly. His voice was filled with a mix of hurt and defiance. "I got your note, Meiko. And I hated it. Our relationship is over when I say it is."

The commotion caught the attention of Kevin and Wendy, who quickly approached. Kevin's eyes blazed with protectiveness as he stood in front of Meiko. With a stern voice, he demanded, "Ryan, leave. We don't want you here."
Ryan's grip on Meiko tightened, his anger boiling over. He leaned in, his words dripping with venom. "Do you and the others think you're better than me, Kevin? Is that what this is about?"
Wendy stepped forward, her voice firm and resolute. "Meiko, you need to walk away from him. He's not worth it." Meiko attempted to break free, but Ryan's grip only tightened, refusing to let her go.
Fuller couldn't stay silent any longer. He spoke up, his tone laced with authority. "Ryan, you weren't invited to the party. Leave now."
Kevin's patience wore thin, and he made a move as if to start a physical confrontation. Surprisingly, Ryan released Meiko, a fleeting moment of sanity overcoming him. But the respite was short-lived.

Ryan's eyes gleamed with a twisted grin as he grabbed a nearby glass of orange soda. With an abrupt motion, he hurled it at both Wendy and Meiko, the liquid splattering across their faces. SooLingmon and Meicoomon growled in anger at the disrespectful act.

Kevin's fury ignited like a flame, and he lunged at Ryan, determined to put an end to the chaos. Ryan, sensing the impending danger, quickly seized a crowbar from the back of his father's van, wielding it as a makeshift weapon.
With a deranged look in his eyes, Ryan taunted Kevin, his voice dripping with malicious intent. "I don't want Meiko, Kevin. I want Wendy. She'd be fun to have around for the winter."

Kevin's restraint shattered like glass. He launched himself at Ryan, his fists flying as he aimed to teach him a lesson. Blow after blow rained down on Ryan, his nose gushing blood under the relentless assault.
Amidst the chaos, Kate rushed forward, her voice filled with desperation. "Kevin, stop! That's enough!"
She managed to pull Kevin away from Ryan, who slowly rose from the ground, wiping the blood from his nose. With a defiant glare, Ryan retreated, his steps leading him back to his father's van. The screeching sound of tires filled the air as he sped off, leaving behind a trail of tension and fear.
As the dust settled, SooLingmon and Meicoomon approached Kevin and Wendy, their presence a comforting reminder of loyalty and support. Kate, still shaken, stepped forward, her voice filled with concern. "Kevin, take both Wendy and Meiko home. It's time to leave this behind, even their partners."

In the end of the party, Kevin realized that he had to find a way to make peace with his mother and Kenny. He couldn't let their differences tear their family apart. With the help of Wendy and Meiko, he sat down with his mother and Kenny, and they all talked things out.

It wasn't easy, but they eventually found a way to move forward and put their differences behind them. They realized that they were all family, and that was what truly mattered.

Before long, Dracomon had an idea and he then arrived at the true questions that lay at the Wus' cabin.
"Shut up!! You don't know anything!!"
"I know plenty!!"
The next instant, Kevin snapped and slapped him across the face. "I'm better to stay with my family, or else they will fire me or kick me out of this place where we lived because I was friends with Wendy and her brothers!!"
Dracomon glared at Kevin, pressing his cheek. Up till now, he had always out-argued him. But today, he didn't give in.
"You don't want to do this!!"
"I'm warning you!!"
"You don't want to do this!!!"
Dracomon shoved the dining table with all his strength, and it toppled over with Kevin pinned underneath. His mug shattered on the floor.
Dracomon jumped up. His eyes brimmed with quiet anger.
Kevin took up a position across the table.
"...You wanna fight?"

Wendy and SooLingmon, who were drawing a bath, looked up as a loud crash boomed through the house.
"What was that?" They hurled into the room and gasped at what they saw.
The table and chairs were knocked over and scattered around the room. Shards of glass from the China cabinet littered the floor. And among it all, the two friends were tangled in a brutal fight.
Grrrrrrrrr....... arrrrrrrrrrr....!
Kevin and Dracomon took turns tearing into each other amid an exchange of threatening growls.
"...Dracomon?!... Kevin?"
Dracomon was straddling Kevin, only to be kicked off and hurled against the wall. When he tried to pounce him, he dodged him by a hair and escaped across the sink counter. The dishes and pots that the Wu brothers had just finished washing went Dracomon had barely brushed him as he ran past, but he went flying onto his backside. He watched as the two banged into the bookshelf in the corner of the main room, and the whole cabin shook with the tremendous blow. Books were thrown onto the floor, scattering the summer cushions, and the little vase with a buttercup in it fell, along with Mr. Marley's driver's license and the picture of Paledramon.

At last, Kevin had no place left to run.
Dracomon pinned him to the floor with his powerful front hand and bit mercilessly into his throat. Blood soaked his hair as he let out a high-pitched scream.
Still, Dracomon did not loosen his hold. He snapped at him again and again, as if he intended to rip his ears, nose, and legs to shreds.
He was trying to prove his dominance.
"Oh... oh my god..."
Wendy and SooLingmon had no words for the horrifying scene. Dracomon was tearing into the other with overwhelming violence. It was cruelly evident who was winning.

The suffering Kevin writhed around and managed to crawl away, fleeing with a whimper to the hearth and pitched disgracefully into the pile of firewood in the corner, sending a curl of smoke up from the ash. When he saw Dracomon approaching with a measured stride, he dived, terrified, into the bathroom.
The door slammed shut, and SooLingmon heard the lock turn from inside. With that, the fight was over.
"Dracomon... Kevin...!" Wendy and SooLingmon arrived belatedly in the hearth room.
They both froze.

Before the frosted glass of the bathroom door, Dracomon slowly stood up. His skin was covered in wounds.
SooLingmon managed to call her friend's name, but that was all. From a corner of the bathroom, she could hear Kevin weeping softly.
Afterward, Wendy cleaned up the cabin alone, with the help of SooLingmon.
It looked as if her father and brothers enter their cabin and saw the mess.
To Wendy, this was the evidence of Kevin being torn between to be staying with his family and being with Wendy and her brothers, and she realized he would soon be at the stage where no one could hold them back.

Under the jumbled mess of books, Wendy and SooLingmon found Mr. Marley's driver's license with a picture of Bulucomon on it. They put it back in its place on the bookcase. As always Mr. Marley and Bulucomon smiled out at them.
"...Kevin is torn between going to stay with his family or he was beginning to start a new life to be with me, my father and my brothers to his own way to go to the Wonderbolt Academy..."
More than anyone in the world, Kevin would be able to choose his own paths in life. Still...
"This is what he wanted, so why does he feel so anxious...?"
Mr. Marley and Bulucomon gave them no answer.
"Tell us...why."
They asked over and over, but Mr. Marley and Bulucomon only smiled back at them.

Many of the beautiful little worlds the Wonderbolts worked together and survived the third and fourth events. That meant they were heading to the finals with the Washouts as they invite them to their hotel!

"Wait," Buzz said to the stunned reaction of everyone. "We can't break bread with you. You have taken the savings which are rightfully ours."
After outlining the crimes of the colonizers, he concludes: "And for all these reasons, we have decided to scalp you and burn your five-star luxury hotel to the ground just like you burn ours."
They lead their cousins on a rebellion, burning Wu's Peninsula Chicago and tying up Wendy and her brothers, and then pouring a green slime over them, which they become a laughing stock in the whole town! Kate was delighted.

In her shame, Wendy ran into her cabin room where she flops on the bed and buries her head in a pillow, crying with SooLingmon and her father comforting her. But she soon learned that her brothers have a heart of gold—and she found out that they knew Kevin from the day of last Christmas.
"Now there's a blight what never lose our luxury hotel to those jerks," said Robbie.
"Shì, his only weakness in making peace with his family," said Derek. "Got a new one every work."
"Well!" said Wendy. "I certainly wouldn't give a second thought as a person like that!" But really, she felt sad. She was sure Kevin had betrayed her and her family by letting his brothers and sisters pull a prank on them and destroy their hotel. Her reception when she and SooLingmon left the game show and joined her brothers and their partners.

When Kevin came around to call the next day, Wendy would not even speak to him. That was just Marv and Harry violently confronting him, however, Dracomon arrive, digivolving into Coredramon and helping Kevin fight off Marv and Harry by destroying their partners and taking them back to the police. Kevin then apologizes to Dracomon for not listening to him.
Now, seeing Wendy and her brothers and their partners sadly gather at the lakeside knowing they are now destined to always be swans under the loss of their team spirit. Kevin appears to apologize to Wendy for being tricked by his brothers and sisters, but they believe him to remember how to be together after Mr. Marley and Bulucomon were gone. So Kevin took Wendy and her brothers go on the field trip to the library. The greatest Wonderbolt Academy in Hawaii, which Mr. Marley was talking about!
Kevin and Wendy realized there was a way to find a new life.

Back at Legends of the Hidden Temple, when he goes back into his cabin to rejoin his mother, brothers and sisters, Kevin overhears them talking about cheating at the temple games, thanks to Dracomon.
They rushed to the rescue to warn Wendy, SooLingmon and her family about it Wendy and her brothers agree that Kevin was telling the truth and that they need him to join them and Kevin and Dracomon prepare to compete.

The final Survival Games event took place in the Hidden Temple Games amphitheater. The stands were packed with hundreds of cheering fans. They were all there to see the Wonderbolts and the Washouts go head to head.

Each competitor had to perform flying in a flying simulator, which was set to the highest difficulty level.
One by one, the Wonderbolts performed a successful scare and increased the level of the team's flying stunt. Soon their score was tied with the Washouts.

The Washouts were in a state of shock. They couldn't believe that Kevin got a Digimon partner as he reveals his Digivice. He uses it as a weapon to digivolve Dracomon into Coredramon! The most powerful Ultimate Digimon to scare his uncle and cousins away to save Wendy and her brothers.
"Kevin!" gasped Kate.
"Sorry, Mom," said Kevin. "I'm going to help my friends to win!"
Kevin was just returning with Coredramon, who then digivolve into Wingdramon, helping Wendy and her brothers to win by stopping his brothers and sisters from cheating at the last minute causing them to lose.

As the stadium erupted with cheers, Kevin and Dracomon come over and finally explain to everyone, and Captain Menoa announces that she decides to accept both Kevin and Dracomon, so they are made two new members of the Wonderbolts due to their honesty to them and even Wendy's brothers hoisted Kevin and Dracomon up in the air. "We're in the Wonderbolt Academy in Hawaii!" Dracomon shouted. The Wonderbolts cried tears of joy.

Then Kevin and Dracomon run up to Wendy and SooLingmon, hugging them. Kevin opens his eyes, frowning as he sees his mother, his brothers and sisters standing there... and then he faces to face with them later on into the sunset, he is silent as Dracomon stands behind him, fidgeting with his hands.

"So we're all trying to understand this," his mother speaks up after a few seconds, "You snuck in last year on Christmas, Buzz's room, where you saw his computer screen, that somehow you too got your very own Digimon that killed both of your own cousins?"
"...Yes," Kevin said, cringing in shame.
"And you acted alone?"
"Look, I know you're all angry, but can't you see? I'm okay! I'm more than okay, I-"
"Kevin," Kate interrupts her youngest son, standing up. He opens his mouth at her, wondering what she was going to do... "There's something we need to tell you." He approaches him and he stares at her with a worried look. "We love you. The morning, you're left behind, Kevin, a part of us died, the best part of us. For last time, we swore that if somehow, someway, by some miracle the fates decided to show mercy and return you to me, we all would never have to see you again. And now that these have returned," She lightly touches his shoulder, "The very reason you're just taken, we're afraid we left with no choice."
She turns her back on him. "It's a shame when a mother was misguided as being part of the family. Kevin, despite my sins I had to draw the line. We don't want you anymore because your brothers and sisters and I couldn't work with you any longer and it was either us or you leaving the family. All you did is unforgivable is to do the right thing. Going off on what it means to be a Washout. Always talking about honor. Played us all for fools by cheating us out of our money and giving it to your friends. We cannot stand for your fighting either. Is that understood?"
"But Mrs-!" Dracomon shouts in protest, but Kevin blocks him.
"There is so much more to us than you all think. Take care of yourself," Kevin's voice breaks and he leaves the room, walking past Meiko and Meicoomon. Meiko stares at Kate in concern and she just closes her eyes.

Kevin boarded the bus, his heart heavy with the weight of his family's rejection. His fingers traced over the scales of Dracomon.
The bus hummed to life and pulled away from the stop, leaving behind the cottage where his brothers and sisters still stood on the porch, their expressions stone-cold. He watched as they became smaller and smaller figures in the backdrop, until the bus turned a corner and they disappeared from his view.
"Looks like it's just you and me now, Dracomon," Kevin said, his voice hoarse. Dracomon nodded, his eyes soft with understanding.
They traveled in silence, the scenery flashing by the bus windows a stark contrast to the turmoil inside Kevin. He thought of the Washouts, the group he'd once been a part of. He'd never meant to disgrace them, but his actions had led to unforeseen consequences.
With each mile that passed, Kevin felt a part of him being left behind. The familiarity of his old life was slowly being replaced with uncertainty. He didn't know where he was headed, didn't have a plan. All he knew was that he couldn't go back.
The bus journey seemed to reflect his emotional journey – it was long, it was hard, and it was lonely. He turned to Dracomon, who was seemingly lost in its thoughts. Dracomon had been with him through thick and thin, and Kevin was glad for its silent companionship.
As the bus pulled into a train station, Kevin felt a mix of apprehension and hope. He didn't know what lay ahead, but he knew he had to face it head-on. With Dracomon by his side, he stepped off the bus and into the station.

The train station was filled with a heavy atmosphere, as if the air itself held its breath in anticipation. As the train pulled out of the station, Uncle Frank and Aunt Leslie arrived with Aunt Georgette, Uncle Rob, and their children. A hush fell over the crowd as they noticed their arrival, their presence bringing an uncomfortable tension.
Uncle Frank's eyes scanned the crowd until they locked onto Kevin. His face contorted with anger and grief, he approached Kevin with purpose. The onlookers fell silent, sensing the impending confrontation. With a growl, Uncle Frank hissed Kevin's name through clenched teeth, his anger simmering just below the surface.
Kevin met his uncle's gaze, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and guilt. He nodded slowly, acknowledging the weight of his uncle's accusation. Without warning, Uncle Frank's hand swung through the air, connecting harshly with Kevin's cheek. The sound of the slap echoed through the station, amplifying the tension in the air.
Embarrassed silence enveloped the crowd as they witnessed the scene unfolding before them. Dracomon, Meiko, and Meicoomon exchanged concerned glances, aware of the mounting tension and the trend that had begun with the mention of cutting open Kevin's dreams.

Uncle Frank, his voice choked with tears, began to speak. His words pierced the air, holding the weight of a grieving father. "Our Tracy was a beautiful girl, and you killed her," he uttered, his voice heavy with accusation. "Did your aunt and I know that? We knew you had a Digimon partner, the same dragon responsible for this. We knew it was your 'monster-friend' who killed her and Cousin Heather, both here at the end of Thanksgiving last year. We just found that out. But we knew it was all your fault, and now we know you're better off without us, pursuing your dreams of joining the Wonderbolts. You knew all those things, and still, our daughter is dead because of you, and there's nothing you can do about that. Our eldest daughter is dead. We wanted you to know that."

Unable to continue, Uncle Frank's voice trailed off, his emotions overwhelming him. Aunt Leslie took his arm, leading him away with a mixture of sadness and anger etched on her face. Aunt Georgette, Uncle Rob, and their daughters followed suit, except for Fuller, Rod, Sondra, and Brooke, who remained rooted in place, their gaze fixed on Kevin and Dracomon.
Fuller, his voice filled with regret, broke the silence. "I'm really sorry, Kevin. My dad is in a sick, terrible state," he apologized, his words tinged with sorrow. With that, he turned and walked away, his siblings following suit. Kevin and Dracomon stood there, silhouetted by the fading light of the sunset, their hearts heavy with the weight of the accusations hurled at them.
Meiko and Meicoomon stood nearby, their presence a reminder of the complex web of emotions entangling them all. Meiko attempted to voice her thoughts, but before she could finish, Kevin's shoulders slumped, and his body seemed to go limp with resignation.
"He's right," Kevin admitted quietly, his voice heavy with sadness. "Let's get out of here, Dracomon."
Dracomon nodded in understanding, a mix of determination and loyalty in his eyes. "We're going to Hawaii together," he affirmed, his voice filled with unwavering support.
Without another word, Kevin and Dracomon turned abruptly and walked away, leaving behind the heavy atmosphere of the train station and the weight of their shared guilt. Meiko and Meicoomon watched them go, their eyes meeting in a moment of mutual understanding, their journey together uncertain and yet intertwined.
As the distance grew between them, their paths diverged, each carrying their own burdens and searching for their own sense of peace and redemption. What lay ahead for Kevin, Dracomon, Meiko, and Meicoomon was unknown, but they carried with them the lessons learned, the scars of their past, and the hope for a brighter future.

At night, Wendy, her father and brothers were all waiting at the airport. They notice Kevin and Dracomon were coming along.
"You both come along..."
Kevin and Dracomon walk towards them. "I believe somebody ordered room service," He smiles gently, holding up a dozen of cupcakes.
"Kevin and Dracomon" Wendy smiles softly at them. "How did you both know?"
"Eh, I had a feeling." Kevin then drops the smile, "Look, I just wanted to clear some stuff up," He and Dracomon join her at the window, placing the cupcake into their hands. "I haven't had a chance to apologize to my family for getting into this mess, but I did."
"Well, looking back, storming out of the room probably wasn't the best reaction," Wendy gives him a weak smile, taking a small breath. "So, I'm...I'm sorry."
"No, no, don't apologize," He tells her, "Look, I'll admit, I don't quite understand why you said no..." He sees her guilty look and places his hand on top of hers. "But I promise to do everything I can until I do, but I'm sorry. Joining the Washouts... I really considered becoming a Washout and defeating you and your brothers. What's more, not even to join their side... Only because I wanted to believe my family. I didn't want my family to hate me... But now, it's time to say goodbye." He gives her a gentle smile and she returns it, holding his hands. "Thanks, Kevin."

"In the meantime, we'll stay right here and take things slowly. I miss this," He touches her shoulder, and she grips his hand.
"Hey, promise me one more thing."
"Anything," He grins at her.
"That you'll be patient with me."
Meiko is talking to her two friends, hugging them. "Everything is going to be fine, Kevin and Wendy."
"Meiko, I wish someone out there would get me," Kevin murmured. "Don't get me wrong, I love Wendy and the others, but they're all older than me and I feel like a kid compared to them. I want to meet someone my age who won't fear me, who likes the same things I do, and understands what I'm going through."
"And everyone so far only has two of those traits...right?" Meiko asks softly.
"Yeah," Wendy chuckles a bit, playing with one of her bangs. "Does we look...weird to you?"
"No, Wendy," Meiko holds her cheeks. "You're more beautiful than me no matter what you have. And I'm sure you'll find who you're looking for soon enough."

As Kevin said goodbye to Meiko, Meicoomon, and her parents, he felt a sense of gratitude and sadness. They had been a great help to his family during their time of need, and he would always be grateful for their kindness and support.
But he also knew that it was time to move on, to start a new life with Wendy and her family and their partners. He bid farewell to his mother, his brothers, and sisters, feeling a sense of sadness and longing as they hugged each other tightly.
And then, with Dracomon by his side, he boarded a small plane and flew off to Hawaii, ready to start a new chapter in his life.
As they flew over the ocean, Kevin felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. He knew that there would be challenges ahead, but he also knew that he was ready to face them head-on, with the help of his friends and their Digimon partners.
He looked over at Dracomon, who was sitting next to him, and smiled. "Are you ready for this, buddy?"
Dracomon nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "You know it, Kevin. We're in this together."
And with that, they flew off into the unknown, ready to face whatever came their way, with courage, determination, and a strong sense of hope for the future.

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