Chapter 2: Home Alone

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Twas three nights before Christmas, and the McCallister family was getting ready to leave for vacation.
Everyone was busy packing.

Everyone except Kevin, who was busy getting into trouble.

"Go straight to bed!" his mother demanded. "That's enough trouble for one day!"

Lying in bed, Kevin could hear voices and laughter coming from downstairs. Everyone was having fun without him.
"I hope I never see my family again," Kevin whispered. "I wish I was home alone."

The next morning, the house was very, very quiet.
No one was shouting. No one was running around. No one was telling Kevin to hurry up and eat his breakfast. No one was home.

Finally, Kevin realized what had happened.
"I made my family DISAPPEAR!"

For the first time ever, Kevin had the house all to himself.

He raced up and down the halls.

He jumped on all the halls.

He ate a giant ice cream sundae for breakfast.

After watching hours of television,

he searched through his brother's private stuff,

rode a toboggan down a giant mountain,

and waves hello to Meiko and Meicoomon.

But however, a circle of green light appears in the sky, then shoots out beams of light at Kevin. He gasps as the beams come right for him.
"My very own Digivice." he thought.

In the end, Kevin realized that he forgot his Digi-Egg in the basement, he goes down to found it hatches and a baby Digimon then comes out of it's shell. It possesses large horns and tiny wings.
"It's...It's alive!" cried Kevin.
"Petitmon!" A baby Digimon shouted, hiding under the boiler.

Now Kevin was secretly let Petitmon to stay with him. When he would did pick him up, wrapped up him in his arms and took to his room. But those a smile on his lips and a widener in his eyes.
"Oh, it's cute! Don't worry, little baby. You will stay with me! I'll protect you!" he said.
Kevin begin to think Petitmon indeed he something perfect—if only they could be friends and play!

It worked about as well as his other plan. Kevin then told Petitmon. "Do not eat so many candy bars, you'll make it sick. Hey, those are not for you, those are SANTA'S!"
"We can't keep you. Where's him gonna sleep?" Kevin wondered, seeing Petitmon is sleeping in his bed.
"Yes! My bed!" he cried. "I guess we could always tell mom that it's a throw pillow.
And Kevin said to Petitmon. "I giving you a bubble bath!"
Kevin and Petitmon began to play in the bathtub.
He even tried his father's after-shave lotion, so Petitmon can watch.
(This was not a good idea—it stings!)

But sometimes it was scary to be all alone.

Kevin and Petitmon were especially afraid of their next-door neighbor. Old Man Marley was the scariest person who lived on his block, working with the Wu family, with Bulucomon on his side.

And that night Kevin and Petitmon heard whispers outside the living room window. Burglars were snooping around his house!

"You see?" Marv said. "Most of the houses on this street are empty! Everyone is away for the holidays!"
"Perfect," Harry said. "We'll come back tomorrow night and steal everything that our boss tells us to do!"

Kevin was so scared, he dialed 911, but the telephone didn't work. The wires had been damaged in a snowstorm.
After hiding under his parents' bed for a long time, Kevin decided that he was being silly.
"Only a wimp would be hiding, and I can't be a wimp. I'm the grown-up of this house, and I need to act like one!"

Only to discovered Petitmon was missing! Kevin ran to the living room to found him eating the cookies, which he digivolves.

"You changed, you got bigger!" Kevin amazed, lifting his friend to reveal excrement.
And a very special friend said. "My name is Babydmon and I'm a Digimon, short for Digital Monster. I'm from the Digital World."

That was the first time any of us really connected with the Digimon. As time went on, he learned that not all Digimon turn out to be so friendly.
Now every time that thing changed shape, or what Kevin now call digivolved, there was a weird electrical surge throughout the city. Of course, there was only one way to keep him a secret from his family.

The next morning after buying food from the same grocery store, Kevin wander around the town where he sees the missing poster of a girl. And then he heard a sweet voice. "Nǐ hǎo! Young man!"

Kevin turns around and saw a man none other than Kenny Wu approach him. "What are you doing here? Are you lost?" asked Kenny with a kindly smile. "How can I help you?" But Kevin shook her head and nodded.
"I can't leave you here, all by yourself in your home," said Kenny. "Come back to my house with me. There you can live in comfort, and you meet my seven sons and safety."

The sun was setting as Kenny took Kevin to his house, which was decorated with beautiful red glitter poinsettias and ornaments and lights. The house has a beautiful, rare Christmas tree—but all Kevin could do was silently weep at being parted from his family and was made to do all the work for Kenny.
Then he started to clean. He was washing, ironing, scrubbing, dusting, baking cookies and fruit cakes, and cooking heaps of food.
"I brought all your things for you to feel at my house," said Kenny.
Only to his surprise, Kenny was overjoyed to see Kevin smile for the first time, for he was starting to see that the little boy was doing a good job.

Suddenly, there's a knock on a door and Kevin open it. Out shot Kenny's seven sons! They returned home to see their house was clean.
They walked to the kitchen and they smelled something good, they saw some food with scrumptious fresh baked cookies and fruit cakes.
"Mmm! How tenderly delicious!" they thought.
They eat and then they saw Kevin, standing there.
"Do you clean house our house and cook some delicious food?" Derek asked.
Kevin nodded. "Yes! My name is Kevin McCallister. Your father brought me to your house to stay with me when I was alone. I always do all the work for him."
"Then you must be from the McCallister family!" cried Robbie.
"Unlike them, you clean up our home and cooked dinner for us," added Bruce.
"We want you to say 'Fēicháng gǎnxiè nǐ' means 'thank you very much for being so kind to us," said Robbie.
And 'Shèngdàn kuàilè he Xīnnián kuàilè' means Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!" added Jackie.
Then Derek asked kindly. "Kevin, would you join me and my brothers for dinner?"
"Stay with us!" added Sammo.
"Yes!" Kevin replied, and he sit down and enjoy lunch with the Wu brothers.
After dinner, as soon as Kevin was playing with his newfound friends, the twin brothers Jim and Jett found Babydmon, who was poked out of Kevin's bag.
Discovering a baby Digimon, they sold it to their brothers, who presented him in turn to their father.
Kenny was more than surprised to accept Babydmon as a gift. He was entranced by the tiny thing, which was a rare Digimon.

When Kevin sees this, he grabs Babydmon off Kenny's hands. And he ran away.
After leaving the Wu family, Kevin looked around on the road where he hitch-hikes a mysterious man named Yan-Lo who is driving a van.
"Hey, you! Little boy, can you read and write?" Yan-Lo asked Kevin.
"Yes, sir, I can." he nodded carefully.
" cannot work for me," Yan-Lo said and he drives away.

"I know what you want to hear." Kevin thought, but he had a good idea of how to outsmart Yan-Lo by using Kenny's heavy snowsuit he stole as a disguise, carrying Babydmon, took another turn, and block Yan-Lo on the road.
Yan-Lo stops the van and asked again. "Can you read it right, little boy?"
Kevin said with a sad voice, "I'm too poor to go to school."
"Would you like to work for me?" asked Yan-Lo.
"Yes, sir and I had a friend with me," Kevin replied.
Then Yan-Lo orders his two henchmen, Harry and Marv to grab Kevin and then take him to an impressive, gigantic mansion.

Inside Yan-Lo's workshop, Kevin saw a collection of all of the virtual pets.
"My boy," said Yan-Lo. "This way and here are my Digimon, you will take care of them whilst I'm away, but don't touch anything else!"
"I understand," Kevin said frighteningly.
Poor Kevin! He watches Yan-Lo and his henchmen leave the mansion while raising the drawbridge. He feeds the babies and takes care of the rookies. He was exhausted after a hard day's work.

Exclamation of surprise as torches lit by magic and food appears, Kevin then looked at Babydmon, who was feeling sad because he was hungry. "Come in, Babydmon," Have some cheese pizza," he said, feeding Babydmon some pizza. Babydmon munches on the pizza happily. Babydmon's eyes open wide and his body goes stiff..."Babydmon digivolve to.... Dracomon!"
"Hey, you're Dracomon!" Kevin says happily and hugs Dracomon. "The food must have made you digivolve what Yan-Lo was talking about no wonder you eat my cookies," he commented.

Then suddenly, Kevin and Dracomon hear a girl singing. They run into the garden and enter a labyrinth. They try to find their way out and nearly fall into a bottomless hole and they discovers a trap - an overlapping song. They walk in the labyrinth, Kevin adds the location of the last trap to the map.
Kevin and Dracomon carry a very large map and discover a fountain, and a mysterious singer. Kevin saw a girl leaving alone, notebook grasped in one hand.
She probably didn't turn in her slip, he thought. He and Dracomon followed her out of the classroom and glimpsed a figure in a very beautiful red snowcoat which she is just like Santa Claus and red ribbons on her pigtails. Kevin would have to jog to catch up with her.
When he finally reached her, she was descending the white roses. He called out without thinking.
The figure—the girl—paused on the landing. Then she slowly turned one rosy cheek in his direction and fixed her gaze on him.
Kevin's heart thumped.
Her eyes were startlingly beautiful.

Yet, he and Dracomon discovered that she also had a Digimon partner who was with her. So they both blurted:
"...Here." He held out an extra attendance slip. "If you write your name down and turn it in, you'll be marked absent. So... your name is Wendy Wu, the missing girl who disappeared long ago."
"And you and your partner found the center of the maze!" Wendy amazed.
"Dracomon and I come to rescue you and all the Digimon." said Kevin.
"My friends and I could." Wendy smiled sadly.

Trustingly Wendy told Kevin and Dracomon the whole sad story that Yan-Lo and his two henchmen have kidnapped her when she was going to buy the milk and took her to the workshop where she met and befriends with SooLingmon, the same little Chinese Ice-Dragon-type Digimon she saw from before and all of the Digimon that Kevin and Dracomon fed every day. "Thanks to this magic fountain I can become human to see my family again. But only for a few moments a day all the Digimon came from the Digital World to our world to hear my song got trapped in the maze as soon as they were caught Yan-Lo knew and came back to keep them as his pets. And now SooLingmon and I don't know what to do next."
"Dracomon and I will find a way to free you and SooLingmon, Snowflake. First, we've got to free all the Digimon," said Kevin, kneeling before Wendy. "Let's see who finds something to help us—my family? No, my family disappeared, but I had a friend called Dracomon who look after me while they were away."

A secret passage appears in the ground.
"It's time to return to the stable," Wendy said sadly.
Kevin and Dracomon go with Wendy into the dimly lit passage she turns back into a dragon and SooLingmon goes on to confront her.

Then Kevin and Dracomon found Yan-Lo's hidden library where they found a book.
"So this is why he didn't want someone who could read and write," he thought.
"KǍLĀ TÚ·BĀ LĀ DÁ·NÍ JĪ!" Kevin began learning all the magic words, hoping to find a way to help Wendy and all the Digimon. By the time Yan-Lo and his henchmen do return, Kevin had learned many powerful tricks. But he had not yet found out how to turn a pale red dragon back into a girl and free their friends...
"Kevin! Where are you?! Where are you?!" A gasp of surprise at hearing Yan-Lo's voice who is calling to him, Kevin rips out the page of the book and it in his pocket. Then he and Dracomon leaves the hidden library and meets Yan-Lo and his thugs in the stable. "I'm over here."

Yan-Lo, with a suitcase full of money, told Kevin. "I'm pleased with the work you've done and even more pleased that you obeyed my instructions. For your reward, will you take this money or one dragon?"
Kevin tries hard to look calm, "That's an easy choice..." Then Kevin jumps on the dragon. "Keep the money! " he said as he flies out of the stable.
Yan-Lo shouts at him, shook his fist, "Come back! Come back this instant!"

Kevin then Yan-Lo's magic words. "DǍKĀI!"
Instead, all the Digimon were finally free from the cages—even Wendy was free to go as well.
Even she and Wendy serve to channel the emotional energy of the DigiDestined, allowing their Digimon partners to digivolve as far as the Champion level. SooLingmon went through an amazing change. She digivolved into Xuerenmon. Xuerenmon was a very powerful Digimon.
And Dracomon digivolved into Coredramon, who is powerful as Xuerenmon.
Now the two Digimon were ready to go!

Wendy, Kevin, their partners, and all the Digimon were all escaping from Yan-Lo's mansion. Kevin and Wendy stop near a big crossroad. Kevin steps down, takes the torn page of the manuscript, and reads aloud, "I hope this works, Snowflake! GORT DEGRET OVROSCO!"
The pale red dragon turns back into the girl. It briefly cut to a close-up of Yan-Lo reacting to Kevin's use of magic.
"You save all of us!" cried Wendy.
"How can we thank you," added SooLingmon.
Kevin looks up and sees Wendy surrounded by a halo of light. "Wendy, I love you!" he exclaimed, giving Wendy a big hug, blushing.
Yan-Lo's voice suddenly echoes eerily (Yan-Lo is out of sight), "Run as far as you want as the very next time you use my magic! My men know to find you!
"Come with us to my house," Kevin told Wendy.

But Wendy said. "No, Yan-Lo will always stand between us until we defeat him and his gang join us. Soon I take you to see my family. But first, our Digimon must digivolve into more powerful forms."
They both fly over the town, taking Wendy and Kevin with them, so the people can see them. Just then they arrived at Kenny's house.
"Look! Kevin's back!" Kenny said to his sons. "And he and two dragons brought your sister back to our home!"

When Wendy arrived with SooLingmon, she ran into the embrace of her father and seven brothers who had happy to see her with tears of joy into open arms, which Kevin discovered that Wendy was from the Wu family, which had disappeared a month ago.
Kenny and his sons turn and gather around Kevin and Dracomon.
"You were right about Kevin," Derek said to his father.
"Thank you for bringing our sister back to us, Kevin." Robbie said. "You and your Digimon friends are heroes."
"Yes," Jim and Jett agreed. "We would be glad to have you as our friend."
Thank you for being so kind and nice to me," Kevin replied. "I'm happy to be your friend. I'll never let you down. And neither will my Digimon friend!"

After bringing Wendy to her home, Kevin and Dracomon invites her and her brothers and their partners to a Christmas party at his house and gave them some pizzas and ice cream, and that very same day Kevin gave Kenny and his sons some great rookie Digimon to be their friends and even Wendy gave all the baby Digimon away to the sick orphans who wants be friends with them as they knew they were good.

The next day was Christmas Eve, Wendy and her brothers and their partners helps Kevin and Dracomon with plenty of grown-up work to do.
They walked to the grocery store and bought food.
They put Kevin's clothes in the washing machine.
They decorated a Christmas tree.
And they hung Christmas stockings for Kevin's parents and brothers and sisters.
"I miss you guys," Kevin whispered. "I wish you would come back."

Kevin's family always went to church on Christmas Eve, so that's what Kevin did, too.
After the service ended, he, Wendy, her father, her brothers and their partners saw Kenny's scary helper, Old Man Marley and Bulucomon, sitting nearby.

"What are you doing?" Wendy asked Kevin. "We want you to meet Mr. Marley. He's a friend of ours."
"You don't have to be afraid," Mr. Marley said. "The kids in the neighborhood have lots of spooky stories about me, but they're not true."
After they talked for a while, Kevin and Dracomon realized that Mr. Marley and Bulucomon were in fact very nice as Kenny and his sons.
"Are you visiting anyone for Christmas with Bulucomon?" Kevin asked.

"No," Mr. Marley said. "I miss my family and I'd like to see them, but my son and I are fighting. I said some angry words that I didn't mean."
Kevin knew exactly how Mr. Marley felt.
Kevin remembered wishing his family would disappear—but he hadn't really meant it. Even Wendy, her father and her brothers feel really sorry for both of them as they listen to their story, and so is SooLingmon, Dracomon and the other Digimon.

"You should try talking to your son," Kevin said.
"And then you have to patch up with him a little to become father and son again," Wendy added.
"Maybe I will." Mr. Marley said.

When Kevin left the church with Dracomon, Wendy and SooLingmon on their side, it was already dark.
Yan-Lo's henchmen would be coming soon to get them!

The four all the way home.

Kevin made a plan that was full of booby traps.

He scattered to toy cars

and Dracomon smeared tar on the basement steps.

Wendy made a big pile of feathers

and hid sharp ornaments under the windowsills.

SooLingmon sprayed water on the front steps before she freeze it and Kevin tied paint came to ropes.

He and Dracomon stretched a trip wire through the hallway

and built an escape route to his tree house.

At nine o' clock, Marv and Harry returned to the McCallisters' house, ready to steal everything inside.

They didn't know that SooLingmon had freezes the water all over the steps...
or that the steps were frozen into slick slippery ice.
Yan-Lo's henchmen stumbled into all of Kevin's traps.




Marv and Harry slipped on the toy cars and were knocked over by paint cans.

Kevin, Dracomon, Wendy and SooLingmon escaped through the bedroom window and ran next door to their neighbor's house.

Unfortunately, Marv and Harry were close behind.
"Now we've got you all four, kids!" Harry said.
"And little monsters too!" added Marv.

The Wu Brothers and their partners with Mr. Marley and Bulucomon arrived just in time! WHACK! WHACK!
Mr. Marley bonked Yan-Lo's henchmen with his snow shovel just until Bulucomon freezes them with his breath so they can't move and Kenny called the police.
Then Mr. Marley and the Wu brothers brought Wendy, Kevin and their partners home.

That night after his friends were leaving, Kevin left a note for Santa Claus, along with some milk and cookies.

He couldn't wait for Christmas morning.

When he and Dracomon woke up the next day, Kevin rushed into the living room. "Mom? Dad? Is anyone here?
No one answered him.

Then he heard a familiar voice.
"Kevin? Is that you?"

His mother was home!
"I missed you so much," he said, giving her a giant hug, and Dracomon was hiding, watching them with a smile.
"I missed you, too," she said.
"Where are the others?" Kevin asked.

The front door flew open, and there they were! His father, his brothers and sisters—everybody was home at last.
"Are you okay?" his father asked.
"I'm just happy you're all back," Kevin said. "Merry Christmas!"

At night when everyone was asleep, Kevin and Dracomon both first laid eyes on Wendy and SooLingmon as they saw them bringing Mr. Marley's family for him to help him to reconcile with his son.

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