Chapter 16

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*Screaming internally* Swim meets have just started, went of my first one on Saturday, it wasn't too bad, got two 1st places, two 2nd places, and a 3rd, also got to see some of my friends and had a lot of sugar :D so much sugar that I got sick and almost threw up at my friend's sleepover.

You have to admit, you loved Bramblepaw.


Shadowpaw watched the vole skitter among the leaves, her green eyes tracing every movement. Her breathing was soft and even, so unlike the previous night, where her breathing so was fast and uneven, she thought she might faint.

Multiple warriors now avoided her, along with Nettlepaw and Fernpaw, not that they didn't already. The level of mistrust between her and her clanmates had risen, or at least between most.

Crowwing and Foxstripe had left earlier that morning, claiming that the clan needed a leader, and that they would be lost without one. Shadowpaw didn't doubt Crowwing's skill or loyalty, the only thing she doubted was her leadership.

The rest of the clan were still mourning the loss of the two warriors, and Shadowpaw had left camp before dawn to avoid the stares.

Though she had been hunting since dawn, and it was nearly mid-day, Shadowpaw had only caught a thrush. She couldn't say it wasn't her fault, it was completely, she couldn't get the memory of the undisguised rage painting Blackheart's face.

Her claws dug into the ground as she gritted her teeth together and slightly disturbed a leaf, causing the vole's ears to perk, glancing around for an unseen danger.

Shadowpaw cursed under her breath, pushing her thoughts away, 'Stop thinking for once you stupid mouse-brain.' she thought, tensing her muscles as the vole skittered slightly closer.

In a effortless movement, her muscles snapped and her legs burst into motion. Within seconds she had crossed the clearing in a few bounds and were sinking her jaws into the spine of the vole.

The warm blood of the small creature ran over her sharp teeth, turning her jaws crimson before the flow was quickly stopped as the life faded from the prey.

"Hopefully that's not the first piece of prey you've caught today." A familiar voice rang through Shadowpaw's ears and she whirled around.

Blackheart stood at the edge of the clearing, a small smirk playing on his lips, and the sunlight turning his silver pelt golden.

"How long have you been watching me?" Shadowpaw snapped, flattening her fluffed up fur and glaring at the young tom, "You scared the shit out of me."

Blackheart chuckled softly, his shoulders shaking lightly with laughter, "That entirely depends on when you were going to notice me."

"Well if you thought that this was the first thing I've caught today, then you obviously haven't been watching me for that long." Shadowpaw stuck her tongue out the warrior, and he rolled his eyes at her immaturity.

His smirk didn't fade as he snorted, "I know you have only caught 2 pieces of prey."

Shadowpaw frowned only deepening Blackheart's smile as he said, "I followed you out shortly after dawn, Rockfang told me where you went."

Blackheart rolled his shoulders before stepping towards her, "I should tell Crowwing that she should think hard about who should be your new mentor, since you weren't about to detect me until now."

Shadowpaw's jaw dropped with mock offense and she lifted her paw to hit him. He dodged effortlessly as she made a lazy swipe towards his face and he gave Shadowpaw a smile, not a mocking smile, not a cruel one, not a smirk, but a real genuine smile, something not many saw from him often.

It wasn't the first time she had seen him smile like that, but it had been awhile, and she had to admit, she missed Blackheart smiling like that, at her. Blackheart's smile faded by the time she realized you were staring, she shook her head and looked away, "Sorry."

"What is there to be sorry for?"

Before Shadowpaw could respond Blackheart strode past her, his tail brushing her shoulder before he walked to the vole, buried it, then turned back towards the pine trees, "We better continue hunting if you want to bring back a reasonable amount of prey."

Shadowpaw bit back any response to Blackheart's question as she gave him a curt nod and followed him into the pine trees.

The two continued hunting until they reached the Skyclan border. Blackheart had caught a starling and a frog, while Shadowpaw had caught a shrew.

"Well I think that's a decent catch for the day." Blackheart said as Shadowpaw padded into the clearing and dropped the shrew at her paws.

Shadowpaw nodded, avoiding Blackheart's gaze by glancing over the border, then down towards the lake which they had become close to as they hunted.

Blackheart hadn't questioned her silence, and instead he picked up his pieces of prey and began to head back towards camp with Shadowpaw on his heels but halted when someone called out, "Blackheart! Wait!"

Turning around, Shadowpaw's gaze landed on three warriors racing towards them. She recognized two of them from the gathering as their familiar Thunderclan scents reached her nose, Patchstep and Eclipse. The other she remembered from the Dark Forest, Hailcloud, his sly yellow eyes trailing over the two Shadowclan cats.

She shifted uncomfortably under the mottled grey tom's gaze, he seemed to be assessing her, almost as if to see if she showed any sign of being like her father in her own cruel way.

Eclipse took the lead as Blackheart turned to face them, slowing to a stop.

"What?" Blackheart said, his question was soft as his gaze flickered over to the fellow Dark Forest warrior, who dipped his head slightly to the two Shadowclan cats.

"The three of us were patrolling the Windclan border near the Moonpool when we caught a scent." Eclipse said, glancing back and Hailcloud and Patchstep before returning his milky gaze to Blackheart.

"And?" Blackheart asked, his face unreadable, "I hardly think that had something to do with us, maybe you should report to your leader rather than trekking across Skyclan territory to tell me."

Eclipse's eyes flashed at the bland insult but he continued without showing anymore anger than that silent flash, "We followed the scent to investigate why Shadowclan scent was near our border, expecting to find a medicine cat or someone visiting the Moonpool."

'Shadowclan scent? They must have scented Crowwing and Foxstripe.' Shadowpaw thought subconsciously as Blackheart interrupted the older warrior.

"Yes, we're aware someone was visiting the Moonpool," Blackheart said, his voice lowering to a light growl, "your point?"

"I don't believe you understand youngster," Eclipse snarled, "We scented blood. Crowwing and Foxstripe are dead."

Sometimes I just really enjoy killing off characters. >:)

Also I'm slowly making each chapter longer.

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