Chapter 4

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Here, this is a picture of what my cat looked like (If you don't know about her she died on July 11). It's also what Penny looks like.

Things are heating up, Shadowpaw's first day out, and she's already witnessed something horrible... I can't wait to make her see more deaths.


Shadowpaw crouched above the scene, her eyes wide with terror. She heard a soft grunt as Wildtuft leaped down next to her, his eyes fixed on the group of cats and his muscles bunched as he was ready to leap into a fight.

Slowly, Shadowpaw unsheathed her claw, preparing to leap into a battle just like Wildtuft in case one started. Her breath was becoming panicky and quicker, and it started to become louder as she started to hyperventilate.

Wildtuft seemed to notice her panicked state, and he rested his tail along her shoulders and gaze her a reassuring look as if to say everything is going to be alright.

Calming down, Shadowpaw took a long breath in and smiled at her mentor, as if to tell him that she was fine. Turning back to the group below, Darkspirit had begun to talk again.

"I was simply wondering why you were talking with this bitch." He cakm voice rising as he snapped the word "bitch", causing Penny to flinch back.

Darkspirit stalked closer to her, his lips curled back in a snarl, and then he gestured with his tail towards three other cats who prowled behind her and when they saw his tail flick, they blinked away into the shadows.

After a couple seconds the reemerged with a small kit in each of their jaws. Penny turned around and gasped, before trying to leap forward at them, but the same two cats that blocked her way before, shoved her back.

One tom-kit, which looked like the oldest, was a light tortoiseshell just like his mom, with terrified dark blue eyes. The next one another tom-kit, it had the same dark blue eyes and a dark brown tabby pelt. The last kit was a she-kit and the smallest of the three with a light brown tabby coat and wide yellow eyes like her mom.

Darkspirit chuckled darkly, "I was just wondering, if these kits, were his." He said, stepping up beside Penny and hissing in her ear, "Tell me, or I'll kill them."

Penny suddenly started speaking frantically, "No! They're not his!" She continued repeating this until Darkspirit lashed his long claws across her face. She fell back with a cry of pain and shock.

"Lair!" Darkspirit snapped so harshly even the bulky cats among the rogues flinched at his sharp anger.

Nodding towards the three cats grasping the kits, Darkspirit watched as they set the crying kits down and lifted their paws with their claws outstretched, ready to deliver a fatal blow to the innocent kits.

Suddenly Wildtuft bounded down below, landing on the barn ground, he was still hidden among the shadows but not as well as he was, and if you look kt wouldn't be that hard to see him.

Shadowpaw glanced down at her mentor, he was slowly inching towards the group, his eyes filled with determination as they pushed back the fear swirling in his yellow orbs.

"Wait!" A sudden call broke the panic rising among them, then a young calico with sea-green eyes stepped out of the group, "Darkspirit, I mean no disrespect, but, doesn't your clan law or code, whateverit's called, not allow the killing of innocent kits."

Darkspirit froze and turned his burning gaze towards the calico, "Sagittarius, you said you would be loyal to me, and the last time I checked, doubting my word isn't full loyalty."

The cat apparently named Sagittarius dipped his head, "And my loyalty remains with you, but hurting innocent cats isn't right, even if that is what we've been doing, hurting kits is beyond us." He said, looking up and staring into Darkspirit eyes.

"Please," Penny said, rising to her paws again, "I never lied, they aren't Risingblaze's, they are a kittypets kits, he just promised to take care of them." Penny dropped her head and sighed, "Punish me for loving your brother, just don't punish them."

Darkspirit tore his gaze away from Sagittarius and looked down at Penny with a thoughtful gaze. Shadowpaw leaned over the hay bale, silently hoping Darkspirit would oblige and let them go.

"You're right." Darkspirit growled, his voice getting dangerously low where Shadowpaw had to lean over again to head him. Suddenly Darkspirit snarled, shoving Penny back so where she stumbled over.

Standing in front of her, blocking any escape path, Darkspirit lifted his outstretched claws into the air like the other rogues had down before. 

"No!" Shadowpaw jerked back as everyone except Darkspirit and Penny whipped their heads in her direction. Realizing they didn't notice her she watched with horror as Wildtuft burst into the open and raced towards Darkspirit.

As Darkspirit swung his claws down towards Penny's throat, Wildtuft raced up to him and jumped in the way. Shadowpaw almost called out and tears started falling down her face as Darkspirit's claws slashed through Wildtuft's throat.

And here we have another victim to Darkspirit's wrath.

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