Chapter 9

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My brother's first animation for a thing his friend, him, and I are doing. (I probably worded that wrong but what the heck, I don't care.)

Btw, I will start to post chapters to my own book called Red Pyre, and I'm thinking about making another small book, but I will try to finish this book and maybe get started on Nightbreeze's Loyalty before then.


The silence that fell over the clans was riddled with confusion. Looking around, Shadowpaw could see confusion glittering in most of the young cats eyes, but some of the older cats looked as if they knew exactly why and they were slightly happy at Darkspirit being exiled.

Shadowpaw lowered her head, dismayed that so many cats from all the clans hated Darkspirit, and that they probably wasn't going to show much compassion towards her and Shadepaw.

"So, Darkspirit killed Risingblaze?" Lynxstar spoke up first, no surprise hidden in his blunt voice. Dawnstar nodded solemnly to Lynxstar, who glanced around at the over leaders before scanning the crowd, "No doubt this was probably not his first kill?"

With a long sigh Dawnstar shook his head, "He killed Wildtuft, and probably killed Nightshade too. He was also possibly behind the death of Dogchaser, Midnight, and Rapidriver." "Not surprising," Deerstar sneered, lashing her tail, "He was always untrustworthy, just like his father. Shadowclan is made up of evil cats, most of them are probably willing to betray us right now."

"What!" The Shadowclan deputy, Crowwing jumped to her paws, her eyes blazing with anger, "How dare you question our loyalty!"

It only took a couple seconds for more Shadowclan warriors to rise to there paws with her, growling with fury as their claws dug into the ground. The warriors included Shadowrunner, Raventalon, Talonclaw, Blackheart, Redheart, Eagleflight, and Leafblossom.

Shadowpaw backed up, glancing around nervously as if everyone was staring at her, but a stopped when a tail tip rested on her shoulder. She glanced up at Rockfang would was staring down at her with a reassuring look, "Calm down, if you look nervous, you'll look suspicious in their eyes."

Releasing her tensed muscles, she sat back down, curling her tail over her paws and taking a deep breath in and out, trying to relax.

"You have no right to question our loyalty you snake!" Raventalon snapped, shoving his way through the crowd, even though to most cats his head only reached up to their shoulder.

Deerstar hissed in response, rising to her paws with her fur along her neck bristling, "How dare you show so little respect to a leader!" "You aren't my leader! And when you die I guess I'll have to remind myself to spit on your grave, to remind me of how little respect you showed me!" Raventalon snarled back.

"ENOUGH!" Rockfang howled, causing silence to take over the clans, he was now on his paws and striding toward the crowd, "Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, squabbling over respect none of you deserve."

The entire clearing had been silenced, most of the cats looking ashamed of themselves for their behavior, some still looked defiant, while the few others were glancing around with uncertain looks, even the leaders had fallen silent.

"Now! If your done 'fighting' the ones here with common sense are tired and would like to go home without provoking another clan to start a war with them because their leader is too full of herself." Rockfang announced, earning looks of disgust from Windclan, pride from Shadowclan, and respect from the others.

Shadowpaw stared at Rockfang with pride, he was a true born leader, born to fill in his father's place as leader of Shadowclan.

Deerstar only hissed in response to the insult fired at her before leaping down the tree and beckoning to her clanmates that it was time to go. The rest of the clans slowly started filing out too, mostly congratulating Rockfang for his leadership skills or plainly because they were tired of Deerstar's shit.

Dawnstar finally dropped down beside Rockfang, only giving him a nod of approval before heading for the gathering exit. Shadowclan followed their leader, with Shadowpaw falling in beside Rockfang.

"That was intense." She stated bluntly, letting out a long sigh. Rockfang smiled and looked down at her, "Insulting Deerstar felt amazing." He responded, chuckling slightly. Shadowpaw smiled softly then looked down at her paws.

She didn't realize that Rockfang was watching her, "Are you ok? I saw you stiffen up when they were mentioning loyalty." The two walked in silence for a while, their paws skimming the forest floor, rustling the leaves and parting the grass as they followed their clanmates.

"I felt like they were going to target me, because of my father." Shadowpaw finally answered, earning a sympathetic glance from Rockfang.

"Tell me, what do you fight for." Rockfang said, his words surprising Shadowpaw. She glanced up at him, her eyes glittering with confusion, "Um, my clan, I guess."

Rockfang rested his tail on Shadowpaw's shoulder, "Everyone fights for their clan, but there is always a deeper reason, whether its glory, greed, honor, or power."

Shadowpaw looked up at Rockfang as he continued, "Do you know why the good guys always seem to win?" She shook her head, in which Rockfang leaned down and pressed his muzzle to her ear, "Its because they fight for something much stronger than they enemies."

"What do they fight for?" Shadowpaw asked, tilting her head to the side slightly. Rockfang smiled softly and whispered softly in her ear, "They fight for love." Then without another word, Rockfang turned away and bounded after his clanmates.

Wow! I said something slightly inspirational :O.

Btw, Rockfang doesn't love Shadowpaw, there is no sexual relationship between the two, so don't get your hopes up, Rockfang has a different mate, for a different, VERY important reason.

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