Chapter 5

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Here is my other cat, and by my other cat, I mean the one that died 4 years ago. He was 16 and the sweetest cat you could ever find. Whenever you came in his sight he would start purring, he comforted me when I was scared, he was perfect.

If only cancer didn't have to be so cruel.

But I understand, he was old and had a good life, and it was his time to go.


Shadowpaw opened her jaws in a scream, but before any noise could come out something rammed into her side. At the impact the air was knocked out of her, and as Shadowpaw stumbled to her paws she came face to face with Rockfang.

"Shut it, or do you want your father to kill us too." Rockfang snapped in a low voice, his tail lashing wildly. Shadowpaw glanced back down at her father, "He wouldn't hurt us, he didn't mean to kill Wildtuft." She stumbled over her words.

That caused Rockfang to pause, as if he was truly not wanting to admit that Darkspirit was evil. He closed his eyes and sighed, before opening them and staring straight into Shadowpaw's green eyes.

He had sympathy glittering in his yellow eyes, but the words that came out of his mouth hurt Shadowpaw harder than ever, "Sorry to break it to you, but your father is a cold-blooded killer."

Shadowpaw opened her mouth to protest, but no words came out, because deep down inside of her, part of her knew he was right.

"Now let's go before they find us too." Rockfang hissed before grabbing Shadowpaw's scruff and dragging her up the hay bales until she stumbled to her own paws and followed him out of the crack in the roof of the barn.

Rockfang quickly lead them back over the Riverckan border and off towards Shadowclan territory, their paws thrumming against the ground as they rushed towards their camp.

Shadowpaw's mind was racing, to the point her head started aching, and the rhythmic pounding of their paws on the cool hard ground echoing in her ears wasn't helping.

When the two paused after they passed over the Shadowclan border, their flanks heaved as they struggled to walk towards the Shadowclan camp, Shadowpaw's paws threatening to give out underneath her.

As they padded through the marsh, Shadowpaw got time to think, and she started mumbling to herself under her breath, "Why would my father kill someone, and Wildtuft of all the cats he could kill, he had no motive."

"Because ever since he got that taste of blood in his mouth at his first gathering, he's had a lust to kill anyone who had wronged him or anyone in his way ever since." Rockfang said sharply, breaking her out of her thoughts, and looking up, she saw him staring off into the distance, his yellow gaze unfocused.

Shadowpaw, rose her voice slightly as she asked him another question he might be able to answer, "Who was the first cat he attacked?"

Slowing his trot, Rockfang sighed, "The same cat you saw dragged into the barn today, Risingblaze, or Risingpaw at that time, angered Darkpaw, and got him to attack him, most of those scars you saw on him, the old ones, were inflicted by your father."

Flattening her ears, Shadowpaw glanced at the ground, and almost as if Rockfang could read her mind he continued, "His next victim wasn't so lucky, Badgerpaw of Riverclan was killed in a border skirmish when Darkpaw lost his temper and didn't stop attacking him. The list of victims just go on and on."

Soon they arrived at the Shadowclan camp entrance where Rockfang sighed once more and glanced back at Shadowpaw, "Nobody knows your father has been behind all the mysterious deaths in all 5 clans, only Dawnstar and I, now, I fear the truth must come out."

"I understand, Darkspirit is too dangerous." Shadowpaw exclaimed, staring up at the dark grey tabby with a encouraging look, as if to tell him it's all right.

Rocfkang smiled back, the worried look still not leaving his face, soon he looked away, staring at his paws, "But how will I tell my younger brother, Scarface has always been Darkspirit's best friend, and Darkspirit has always been even more to him."

Glancing up at Rockfang, Shadowpaw tilted her head to the side and followed Rockfang as he started trotting through the entrance to the camp, "What?"

"That is someone thing I will explain to you another day." Rockfang quickly retorted, and before Shadowpaw could ask another question, they burst into camp.

The camp was stirring wildly, warriors were crowding around Crowwing as she assigned patrols, and the other apprentices sat in front of the elders sunbathing outside as they begged for a story.

Rockfang glanced down at her, "You should go get some rest, or go listen to a story by the elders with the others, I'll handle this." Opening her mouth to protest, he whisked his tail past her mouth, silencing her.

But he must have seen the fear in Shadowpaw's eyes, because he let out a long sigh and growled softly, "Fine, come with me."

Bouncing happily and smiling, she followed her possible new friend towards Dawnstar's den.

Sorry for the long wait, I ended up binge watching a show :P

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