Perfect Job

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I met a girl. We talked. It was epic.
But then the sun came up and reality set in. Well, this is reality.
-Stefan Salvatore
(The Vampire Diaries)


"No. We don't have a vacancy here."

I nodded my head and left the library. This was my last hope. What am I going to do now? How am I gonna pay my bills?

I sat on the pavement, with my head hung low. I'm sure I'm gonna drown in my debts. My house is gonna get seized, if I don't close the loan, which I took last year.

"Mamma! Will you baay mee that tooy?" I looked up and saw a cute little girl with pigtails, pointing at the glass window of a toy shop. She tightly gripped her parents' hands.

What if I had my parents with me? I wouldn't have had to go through this. I wouldn't have a fucking loan to pay. I wouldn't have to stop my studies halfway.

I sighed.

Why didn't they take me that day with them? Then I would have died with them in the car accident. I remember throwing a fit to go with them. But they didn't allow me to, as I had an exam the next day. But what shattered me was the news that I didn't just lose my parents, but a sibling too.

Yes. You heard me right.

My mom was pregnant.

It came along with the reports. All our money was used to save them. But in vain. They just left me all alone in this cruel world.

I peeped through my heavy eyelids. The cars were speeding away. I loosened my hair out of the tight bun and rubbed my aching scalp. I was trying to make an impression by wearing my best professional look. But everything went useless.

I stood up and started walking to my house. It was only half an hour away from here and I didn't want to spend any more on a taxi. They are charging a lot now.

The heels slowed me down and I released a long breath, finally reaching my house. I was all sweaty with my clothes glued to my body like a second skin. It was wet with my sweat.

I was about to open the door, "Hello!" a shrill voice startled me. I looked around and saw a beautiful plump girl with a big smile plastered on her face. Why didn't I notice her before? Maybe I zoned out a little.

"Hi. Uhm, how can I help you miss?" I asked her politely, masking my startled expression and letting my eyes take a closer look at her.

She looked professional with her ironed skirt and a neatly tucked-in shirt. Her hair was pinned into a nice bun and no hair was sticking to her face.

"Miss Bella Dallas, I'm here to offer you a job."

Uh oh. Okay.

Wait. Did she tell me what I heard? A job! But I don't know her. What if she's from the mafia? Lord.

As if reading my thoughts, she continued with a smile.

"Well Miss Dallas, don't worry. I'm not here to harm you. I'm the personal assistant of Marissa Standal."

She showed me ID proof to prove her point.

Marissa Standal as in the co-founder of Standal Enterprises? Oh my God! That's one of the biggest multinational companies in the world.

I frowned. What does she want from me though?

"Miss Dallas---"

"No. Just call me Bella." I smiled at her.

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