MCYT - Karlhalo

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P.2 of pride month series!!!
Also- Kind of a request? From my amazing child:  My_Name_UwU 



"Bad, Its to cold-"

"But- The snow is so pretty!"

Karl and Bad were having a little disagreement, 
Bad wanted to play in the snow and Karl wanted to stay inside.
Bad honestly just wanted to build a snowman.

Bad looked Karl dead in the eye's,
Hoping to scare the other.
He failed,
And ended up being laughed at. 

"You know what, Fine"


"Yeah.. As long as we can cuddle afterwards."


The two got dressed in snow clothes,
Seeing as it was VERY cold out there.
They made they're way out of the house,
Being immediately struck by the cold wind. 

While they were out,
They made:

-Snow Angels
-Snowball's (For a fight obvi)
-Rat Snow Sculpture 
- A Snowman

They dubbed the snowman as,
F R O S T Y 

Karl practically ran inside,
He was Freezing.
When Bad got in,
They quickly slipped of the snow stuff and got on the couch.

They were now cuddling on the couch,
Watching Christmas movies and enjoying hot chocolate.

They ended up falling asleep,
Using eachother (And a blanket) 
To keep themselves warm.



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