Swap MCYT - Jefhalo

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This is mildly based off the song "Orange Blossom's" By JJ Grey 
Yes this is BottomBoyHalo



Good made his way to the other's house, 
Slightly stopping near the window. 
He tightened his grip on the small piece of paper in his hand. 

Well I snuck to her window, to leave her a note

He slowly climbed in,
As to not alert his father. 
The note read... 

"Will you come meet me at the back of the grove?"

He quickly left, 
Running to the meeting place.
As he arrived, 
All he could smell and see were the beautiful orange flowers. 

All the trees were in bloom that sweet smell in the air

He remembered when they first found this, 
Where Jef had asked for Good to date him. 
The treck there was a mess, but it was always worth it. 
Since they were much younger, 
It was very scary.

We were trembling together we were young we were scared

He was so happy he and the other met,
Seeing as...

True love is hard to find

The scent if flowers got bigger, 
He knew the boy was close. 

I can smell those orange blossoms~

He turned at a voice, 
Knowing who it was. 
Good turned, 
Seeing his wonderful boyfriend.

I can see her standing here~

"Hey Good!" 

"Hello Jeffery."

"You know that's not my name." 

"Do i?"

"You suck"

"Your dick?"

"GOOD! You ain't wrong tho-"


The two burst out laughing, 
Oh how they enjoyed they're time's together. 
This place held all of those memories together...

When I smell those orange blossoms, then I'm there~


I heard this song and thought of Jef, and i was like JEFHALO

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