Chapter 15

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"Eadu?" Derrin's sleep filled voice echoes around the tent. I turn back to him.

"Its ok. Go back to sleep." I sit down next to him. I can see his eyes slowly fluttering shut.

But before he is completely asleep, he speaks again.

"Don't leave. We'll figure everything out." He mutters. I bite my lip.

"Ok." I whisper. I hate that I have to lie.

Within seconds, Derrin is completely out of it. I stand up again. But this time, I don't look back.


I trudge through the snow, pulling my thin cloak around my shoulders.
Gosh it's cold outside.

Soon, I leave the camp behind. Nobody pays attention to a mysterious stranger walking away, and I'm thankful for that.
I stop. I look down to my waist, where Ignis is strapped in tightly. I'm not going to let my worst enemy take one of my most prized possessions. I unsheath Ignis and stare at it for a long second. I'm going to miss this knife.
Especially where I'm going.
I grab it by the hilt and throw it as far as I can.
The silver blade shines brightly for a moment before sailing into the fog.
I sigh again.
Enough stalling. I need to get on with it. For the sake of everybody.

Within a matter of minutes, I can see the smoke of burning fires rising in the distance. Nervous butterfly's rise in my stomach as I approach the camp. I really don't want to do this.
It's like those days that you just don't want to get out of bed, but you know you have to.
I hate those days.

I hear a bugle ring out from the camp. I know it must be for me. I squeeze my eyes shut.

Think 'happy thoughts-cake, my friends, killing Gai. And maybe Artol too while I'm at it......never mind.
Just think about cake.

I feel a rough pair of hands on my shoulders.

"You are being arrested in the name of the great and glorious King!" A man screams in my ear.

"Great and gloriously fat maybe" I mutter under my breath.

"And you can't call it arresting if I come willingly!" I speak louder, my voice coming out much more stronger and angrier then how I am feeling.
Good. The angrier the better.

Truth be told, I'm angry enough that I have to come here. It's probably good that I'm so angry-it blocks out the gut wrenching fear.

The man doesn't have a comeback to me, so he just grabs my arm with a tight grip and drags me towards camp.

I stumble as I try to regain my balance. This stupid man is determined for me to fall over, that I'm certain.
Never underestimate the power of will.

I don't fall over. In fact, I stand up straighter, and taller as I stride through camp with dignity.
As much dignity as possible in my situation in any case.

As we enter the camp, and walk past Echidninarian soldiers, murmurs and whispers follow me wherever I go.
I can feel the angry glares burning into my back-making me feel smaller and more insignificant then I already am.

"Take a picture. It will last longer." I snap at one little group of men staring at me with their eyes wide and their mouths hanging from their jaws.
I must be a sight for sore eyes, with my battle torn cloths, and my hair in a knot. Typical girls wouldn't be caught dead in what I'm wearing.
But then again, I'm not a typical girl.

I am thrown into a large tent.

"Kneel before the King!" A guard roars in my ears. When I don't oblige, he kicks the backs of my knees hard enough to make me crumple to the ground.
When I look up, I see King Artol flanked by Gai and Gray smirking down at me. I smile when I see the large bruise along Gray's cheekbone-consequence of our tussle the other day. But my brief surge of happiness vanishes when my eyes land on Gai Flynn.
I thought he was still locked up in my castle!?
Gai was the only thing in my life I didn't have to worry about. I always felt a bit of relief when I thought about Gai locked up.

Now I don't even have that.

"Well this is a....pleasant surprise!" King Artol chuckles. I roll my eyes.

"The soldiers in my camp don't deserve to die." I respond shortly.

"Are you surrendering then?" Gray interrupts eagerly, a malicious glint in her black eyes.

I bite my lip. I never surrender. I guess there's a first time for everything though.

I try to say yes, but the words just don't come out of my mouth.

"We'll discuss this later. Give orders to the men that we're leaving. Tell them we caught the Queen running away from her soldiers. In fact-send a messenger to the soldiers of Faiyria. Tell them that their 'Queen' deserted them!" The King laughs.

My face burns with shame at the thought of my friends and fellow soldiers hearing the lies that King Artol has concocted. I wish they knew that I didn't run away. But what are they supposed to believe? They are there.

And I am here.

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