Chapter 1

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Three weeks earlier

Streaks of pink and red fly across the sky, signalling that the sun is not far behind. I look over the sleeping city of Delllea. Below me, the people sleep, unaware that their lives are about to change drastically.
Last night, the small town of Byfay was attacked. In the summer, I recovered there after I was shot.
It's almost winter now. The cold wind blows through my thin layers and makes me shiver.
I have friends there. In Byfay. I wonder if they're ok. I wish I could pack up and leave now. I could get there before the sun sets if I leave now.
But I can't.
I've got a war to plan.
Echidninare, the country that attacked me last night, has been after my land for a long time. My father would always let them have what they want.
But I don't.
I guess they got tired of waiting.
This all seams surreal. I can't do this. I can't win a war against the huge forces of Echidninare. I'm 16 years old for goodness sake.
I crumple to my knees and just sit there for a bit. I know I'm getting my dress wet, but I could care less. Nobody will reprimand me today.
My hands are red from the cold, and I shiver. Those poor people of Byfay-if they survived last night, they probably have nowhere to protect them from this cold. Somehow, I feel guilty-I have this huge castle all to myself to protect me. Those people have nothing.

"Eadu this is not your fault." Somebody says from the door to the balcony.
I don't bother to turn around. If I turn around, I risk somebody seeing the tears in my eyes. I'm not usually a weak person. I never cry.

Mufar comes and walks in front of me. He helps me to my feet.

"Echidninare was going to attack anyways. We all know that. They knew that by taking Byfay, you would be hurt. You can't let this get to you. You have to be strong." He says gently.
I feel overwhelmed.
"I can't...I can't....I can't..." I murmur. Mufar gives me a hug. I lean my head into his shoulder until I feel better. Mufar has almost been like a fatherly figure to me over these last couple months. I can't put it into words how much I appreciate it.

"Thank you. Please call a war council in ten minutes." I say before leaving the balcony.

I go and change my wet clothes for something warm and dry. I glare at the mirror as I comb my hair up into a sloppy bun. Instead of the hopeless despair I felt just minutes ago, anger fills my body, until I can barely see straight. I slam the door to my room when I leave, and stalk down to the council room. I stop at the doors.
I take a deep breath. I need to stay calmer. I push open the doors, and walk to my seat at the head of the table.

I sit down and survey my court. After I returned from the Amazonian camp, I made a couple of changes to the Seatador council, and am slowly building trust with the remaining ones.
They are all here.
Derrin, one of my good friends and the Captain of the Guard sits on my right, and Ivo Roth sits on my left. I asked Roth to be the Head Seatador after I came back home, seeing as I didn't have one. I've made several bad decisions in my life, but putting Ivo Roth in a position of power wasn't one of them.
I lean over to him and squeeze his hand.

"Any news?" I ask. His granddaughter lives in Byfay.

"She's ok. Shaken up, but perfectly fine." He whispers back to me. I breath a sigh of relief. Arlen is one of the sweetest kids I've ever met. If anything happened to her, I don't know what will happen.
Roth still looks uneasy.

"My Queen-there is still something-" He starts, but somebody interrupts.

"This meeting has been called to order!" Mufar yells. I turn my attention onto him.

"You may have heard by now, but in any case. Faiyria was attacked last night. Echidninarian soldiers marched into Byfay last night. We are still not sure of the damage, but it's bad. We all know what this means. They have declared war on us, and we will be returning the favour. I now invite my Captain to speak to you." I say firmly.
There's murmurs among the council at my announcement as Derrin gets up to talk.

"Thank you. Anyway.." He goes into a detailed plan of response. But I'm not listening. I'm thinking about the people in Byfay.
Poor Arlen-she must have been so scared. All alone. But wait-Arlen wasn't alone. She had to have had somebody looking after her while Roth was here.
But who?
A sinking feeling settles in my gut as I remember who volunteered to look after Arlen.

"Crap!" I yell, interrupting Derrin. Everybody stops and looks at me.

"Your majesty?" Somebody says.
My mind is spinning. Laura. Laura, my best friend-practically my sister is there. I need to get to Byfay right now.

"Sorry, go on." I wave Derrin ahead as I slump back in my chair.
Please let her be ok. Please let her be ok.
The minute the meeting is done, I spring up from my chair and run through the halls. I grab boots and a warm cloak along with some food and blankets for the villagers.

"Ready to go?" A voice says. I look up. Kaone stands there. I glare.

"You can't stop me." I tell her. Kaone laughs.

"Please! I'm coming with you. She's my friend too." She says. I smile at her and continue packing.
On our way out, I run into Derrin and Jaosh, my fiancé. I'm not sure if that's quite the right word for him, but whatever.

"Where are you going?" Jaosh asks me. I scowl.

"You guys know exactly where." I say. Jaosh frowns.

"I know you're concerned Eadu, but your not helping by going there. Send somebody else!" He tells me. I groan in frustration.

"Jaosh it's not that! It can only be me. It's because...." I mumble. I can't bring myself to say her name.

"Laura." Derrin says. He's watching me closely.
I watch Jaosh as understanding dawns on him. I see him sigh.

"She'll be fine." He mutters. I just purse my lips and hope he's right. Jaosh steps forward and gives me a tight hug. I can't put into words how much I appreciate it, but judging by his sad smile after we break apart, I know he understands. I turn to Derrin. He still has a frown on his face.

"Be careful." He tells me and I nod. For a second, we just look at each other. He's trying to tell me something, but I don't understand.

"Eadu-we've got to go." Kaone prods me. I give Derrin a reassuring smile, and then walk away. I've got to find Laura. Before it's too late.

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