Chapter 4

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"People of Faiyria. I am sad to announce to you that we are at war. This was not our choice, but it is the path we must follow.
Together, we can win. If we stay strong-brave and true like I know you are-we will overcome the evil that has come upon us. Our faith will be our saving grace." I yell out into the square. Thousands of people stand in front of me-cheering at my small speech. I wave at my people and step back inside my castle.
I slump against the wall. Thank goodness that is over. Now onto stage two-preparing for battle.
The first soldiers are marching out of Delllea today. Heading to the front lines. I'm leaving today too-as if I'm going to wait here and be a well behaved little queen like everybody wants me to be. I stand up and walk to my room.
I shed the fancy dress I used to address my people, and throw on something much more comfortable. Boots, leggings, a warm tunic and cape to keep me warm in Faiyria's brutal winter.
I jog out into the corridor and go find Jaosh. He is in his room, packing his things. Since he will be our king someday, he is obligated to fight. But not today. Today he is riding to Iovania-his native country to ask for support in this war. Kaone is going with him. We decided it would look much less suspicious if he was to travel with somebody, and since I obviously wasn't going to be allowed back inside Echidninare, (the only path to Iovania is through Echidninare) I asked Kaone to go for me.

"Ready?" Jaosh asks me. I sigh and sit in a chair in the corner of the room.

"Can you ever be ready for something like this?" I ask tiredly.
Jaosh stands up and shakes his head.

"Not really, but you can be prepared." He says. I smile.

"What would I do without you and your grand wisdom." I tease him. Jaosh rolls his eyes.

"You're hilarious. But on a more serious note-what are you going to do?" He asks me.
I sigh again

"I'm not really sure yet-probably stay here." I tell him, not quite meeting his eyes. Actually-I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm going into Echidninare and am going to bring it to its knees.

Jaosh rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"Are your eyes ok?" I ask him. He seems to be rolling his eyes quite a bit lately.

"Please Eadu-that's a lie if I ever saw one." He scowls. Anger floods through me. I stand up.

"Even if it was a lie, you can't stop me!" I tell him. Jaosh stands up and looks at me.

"Oh yea?"

"Please-you can't stop me if you don't know what I'm doing."

"You just admitted to lying!"

We yell at each other. I'm seriously angry now. Jaosh can't interfere with this. We glare at each other. His gaze softens.

"Look-I just don't want you getting hurt." Jaosh tells me. I grab his hand out of impulse.

"I won't! I'll be fine! I promise." I say softly. He lowers his eyes.

"That's what you said last time." He mumbles. I sigh.

"Why can't you trust me with this?" I mutter. Jaosh groans.

"I trust you with almost everything. I'd trust you with my life. But I don't trust you with yours!" He says angrily.
I drop his hand like its on fire.

"I'm fully capable of keeping myself alive. You're forgetting I spent four years living on the streets!" I spit. I walk to the door.

"I'll be back in a couple of days. Try not to get yourself killed." I tell him before opening the door and stalking out. As I stomp down the hallway I hear Jaosh yell.

"You can't run away from everything Eadu!"
At this I'm tempted to turn around and yell at him some more. But if I do I'll just delay myself some more.
I don't run away. I've never run away in my life. In fact, I'm about to go into my enemy's country! How could he say that to me?
But maybe he doesn't mean running away in a literal sense.
A gut wrenching feeling settles on my stomach-twisting it into knots.
Maybe he meant running away from myself. Does that make sense? Keeping myself continually busy so I don't have to face the fact that my family is dead. The fact that countless people have suffered because of me.
It's ok to try not to think about that stuff. And it's not like I forget it.
I don't run I?
I groan in frustration and then push the thought out of my mind.
I need to stay focused. I have a mission to accomplish.

"Eadu! Wait!" Branwen yells. She comes running at me from down the hall. I sigh. I'm really not in the mood for this. Branwen comes to a stop just in front of me. In the couple months she's been here, she has filled out and grown taller. She's just about taller then I am.

"What should I do?" She asks. I rack my brain for something for her to do.

"Why don't you help organize people that come here?" I say, trying to make it sound appealing. Branwen scowls.

"No way! I want to help!" She tells me. I roll my eyes.

"Branwen-you're too young. Just stay here." I tell her and begin to walk away. She steps in front of me.

"Eadu you've been too busy with 'war' stuff to realize I've grown up! I'm not just the little 11 year old girl that needed rescuing from the Amazon's anymore! I'm older, stronger, and braver. And plus-you'll need me if you want to get through Echidninare." She says-smiling mischievously at the last bit.

"First of all, you are still a child. I don't want you getting hurt. Second-how do you know that's what I'm going to do?" I ask angrily. She smirks.

"I have my sources. And I am not a child! Also if you don't let me go now, I'll head to the front lines. It should be nice and safe there." She glares at me.
I know she will. She'll leave from here and get herself killed. I have to take her.

"Fine. Come on." I growl. I walk away. I know, behind me, that Branwen is grinning like a madman.

"And wipe that smile off of your face." I say without turning around.
If you get right down to it, I'm glad I won't be alone in this. I just wish Branwen wasn't my companion. I don't want her getting hurt.

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