Chapter 19

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The guards look at me strangely as I grin.

"I have always wanted to say that." I smirk as Kaone laughs. One of the guards yanks me harshly, dragging me towards the stairwell. All traces of laughter vanish as I struggle against my captor. Regret bubbles inside my chest-threatening to choke me as I watch them-my friends, waging their own war against the soldiers surrounding us. This could quite possibly be the last time I ever see them. They aren't just my friends anymore-Derrin and Kaone are the closest things I have to a family. I can't leave them like this. I can't.
I won't.
The soldiers run up the stairs, screaming for reinforcements. I have seconds maybe, to say goodbye.
In a instant, Derrin is next to me-throwing his arms around me. I grip him tightly-trying to express the things I know I'll never be able to say out loud.

I'm not a emotional person. I'm not one of those people that words flow naturally to. But I'm going to die today. I might as well try right?
I look up into Derrin's face-the face I have come to love-and smile. I open my mouth to speak-but he talks first.

"I know." He says softly. Our lips meet briefly before he pulls away.

"This isn't where our story ends. Not today. We're going to survive this, and then we're going to live a long peaceful life together. They can't take that away from us. Okay?" He murmurs.

"Okay" I whisper back.

"Eadu! Come out right now or else!" A man with several shiny medals pinned to the front of his uniform shouts at me.

"Or else what? You're going to kill me? I'm getting executed anyways!" I yell back. I feel angry. Reckless and angry. Not a good combo under good circumstances, least of all right now.

I hear the cell door swing open with a clang. I sigh inaudibly, and step away from Derrin.

"I'm coming! Don't get your panties in a twist!" I holler angrily. Then I look back at Derrin. He gives me a weak smile.

"See you soon." I say softly.

Then the guards seize my arms, and drag me out of the dungeon.


Artol paces in front of me. His hand comes down at the desk I'm sitting at with a loud thud.

"Sign the piece of paper right now or I swear I'll-" Artol snarls, but I cut him off.

"I'll what? I'm going to die anyway. Wether it's now, or in a hour it doesn't really matter" I say wearily.

Gai, who's been skulking in the corner, steps into the light and glares at me.

"Sign the paper."

The paper, the official document of surrender, looms in front of me. I push away the jar of ink, and lean back in the chair.

"I don't know how to write." I patronize.

"Yes you do! I taught you you little brat!" Gai yells.
I laugh, but there's no joy in my voice when I speak.

"I forgot. But I might remember how to write if you promise to let my friends go free." I stare intensely at Artol. My mother used to say it was one of my many talents-my ability to stare.

"Fine! Just sign the stupid paper!" Artol yells at me. I grab the quill and scrawl on the paper. I stand up abruptly.

"Next on the agenda?" I ask angrily.
Artol smiles smugly-having gotten what he had wanted.

"We have a couple of your people waiting to witness your execution. We figured they would like to see their 'heroic' and 'brave' leader put to death. Why don't we go pay them a visit?" Gai smirks. I roll my eyes.

"My pleasure." I glare at Gai as I am ushered out of the room. Seconds later, we walk out of the front doors onto a makeshift stage. In the centre, a large pair of gallows stand, waiting for me. I can feel the nerves set in now. I'm still not sure how I'm getting out of this, and I'm literally minutes away from death.
In front of me, a sea of people stand solemnly, watching me. Not a single person is smiling.
A pair of guards usher me to step onto a tall stool. After the rope is around my neck, they will kick the stool out from under me, causing the rope to tighten. It's not going to be a quick death either-I'm going to slowly suffocate.

Well this sucks.

"Step up." One of the masked guards whispers. I frown. I know that voice. I peer closely into the slits in the mask for eyes. Familiar blue eyes stare back at me. It's Jaosh.

"What are you doing here?" I mutter under my breath. He rears back and punches me in the gut. As I double over in pain, Jaosh speaks quietly.

"Sorry about that. Take this. Get ready for a fight."

He slips me a tiny, silver object. Instantly I forget about the pain in my stomach. He gave me a knife!!! A knife! I'm not going to suffocate after all!!!

I give him a slight smile before straightening up and stepping up onto the stool. I hide the knife in the long sleeves of my shirt-thank goodness for sleeves. Jaosh grabs a rope and ties my hands behind my back, but loose enough that I can slip out of the knot in a instant.

King Artol steps onto the stage, telling the world about my treason, and how I was in the wrong or whatever. I don't really listen. Adrenalin is pumping through my veins, anticipating the battle to come.

"Can we get on with it?" I interrupt harshly. Artol looks surprised.

"Umm, ok? Any last words Your Highness?" He says smugly.

"Actually yes." I taunt him in return.

I turn and face the crowd of people. Of my people. Pride swells in my chest as I look out at them. They deserve better then this, and I'm going to make sure they get their happy endings.

"This isn't where the story ends. Not today. They can't beat us down that easily. We are stronger then this. We are survivors. We-"

"Enough! Guards-do it." Artol booms. Obviously he didn't like my little pep talk.

"Just one more thing!" I shout.

I look out at the crowd one last time, and can't help the smirk that spreads across my face.

"Give 'em hell"

Then the stool drops out from under me.

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