Chapter 5

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Branwen and I camp for the night in the middle of the countryside.

"Where exactly are we going?" She asks me as I kneel on the ground, trying to get a fire going. It's difficult because of the snow that is gently falling.

"Back to the Amazon's. But don't worry-it will be a short visit. Then off to Morford." I respond. I blow on the glowing embers, and hold up a dry leaf. The leaf catches and soon a full on bonfire is blazing into the deepening night. I stand next to it, letting the warmth wash over me. Briss comes and stands next to me.

"Why the Amazon's?" She asks. I look at her.

"We're at war. I need all the help I can get." I tell her. She nods. I look down at my arm-the one that Electra tattooed. The pain is completely gone, but white lines still remain, reminding me that, like it or not, I'm always going to be one of them.
I quickly pull the sleeve back over my forearm and throw a stick in the fire.

"You should get some sleep-I'll keep first watch." I sigh. She starts to protest, but I wave her off. I just want to be alone.
My head is pounding. I fall onto my knees and bury my face in my hands. I can't handle this. I can't. Words from the last couple days replay in my mind.

You don't have to be strong anymore.

You can't runaway from everything.

You can't let this get to you.

You have to be strong.

How can I be strong? How can I lead a country when I can't even take care of myself. And Laura-oh Laura. Why would she leave me now! Why would she abandon me when I need her most.
I hate myself. I hate myself for letting Laura die. I hate myself for killing that man. I hate the constant pain in my shoulder-reminding me that I'm not invincible. I hate the emotion inside of me. What wouldn't I give just not to care anymore. But I do care. I don't want to care anymore. I also hate Derrin and Jaosh. I don't want them to care about me.
I don't deserve to be loved.
I rest my cheek against the snowy grass. A frozen tear falls down my face. Then another, and another. Sobs escape my lips-not the dainty little cries, but heart-wrenching, painful sobs. I let it all out-the trauma, the exhaustion, all the emotions I usually bury deep inside.
I don't know how long I lie in the snow weeping, but after a while, my tears stop and I haul myself to my feet. I walk back to the campfire, where Branwen sleeps.
I smile ruefully at her. She hasn't had the perfect life, but I pray she will never feel the pain that I feel. It's my personal goal in life to make her as happy as possible. I want her to have the childhood I didn't have.
I bend down and kiss her forehead. She's kind of like my family. I love her as my baby sister.
I think about those words that were running through my head earlier. They all told me what I couldn't or shouldn't do. I decide that nobody will ever tell me what to do ever again.
I am strong. I am independent. I am free.
I am Eadu Jade, daughter of King Might and Queen Ebony. I am the Queen of Faiyria. I am a Amazon. I am many different things. But that's ok. I know now that it's ok to be more then one thing. And I know something else.
I am capable of anything.

"We have visitors!" A woman yells as Branwen and I enter the Amazon camp. A gong rings, and girls run towards us. I grit my teeth and look around. I didn't want to come back here. It brings back painful memories. From my vantage point, I can see the bay where Laura and I swam when we were first reunited.
Yesterday, that memory would of made me upset, but today it brings me peace. After last night, I feel better. I still love Laura with all my heart, and will always remember her, but the pain has diminished. I feel looser. Freer. It's like there was a burden on my back I didn't even realize I was carrying until I dropped it.

"Eadu! It's been too long!" Mali runs out to greet us. We embrace. Several other girls that I don't recognize come up and shake my hand or give me a hug, as Mali talks to Branwen. I do see a couple faces of stone in the sea of friendly faces. Clearly a couple women are not happy about my return.

"Anyway, it's great to see you again. But why are you here?" Mali asks me. I bite my lip and walk to a large rock. I hop up onto the rock and survey my audience.

"I've actually come to ask your help. Faiyria was attacked by Echidninare a couple days ago. We are currently at war." I say. Murmurs erupt through the crowds. Mali shushes everyone.

"Of course. We will gladly help you." She says, glaring at the crowd and silencing them at the same time. I take a deep breath.

"Thank you. I ask for one more thing. I need somebody to accompany me on a mission. I'm not going to lie-this is going to be dangerous. On a scale of danger from one to ten, this is a twelve. But we could stop this war before any more blood is spilled." I finish. It's so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. People are averting their eyes, refusing to look at me. I know I'm asking a lot. I'm basically asking for somebody to give up their life for a mission that will only slow down Echidninare. But I need them. I've got Branwen, but it would look a heck of a lot less suspicious if there was three of us.

"Sure. We only have one life, and I'm in the mood for some fun." A voice comes from the crowd. A tall girl with dark brown eyes and hair steps forward. Mali comes up to us.

"This is Gracia. She will do well." She tells me. Gracia looks at me.

"First of all, if you ever call my Gracia, I will kick your butt, royal or not. Second, obviously I'll do well. But this is a trick, then I will kick your butt again." She says matter-of-a-factly. I grin. I already like this girl.

"Ditto for you there. What should I call you then." I ask.

"I go by Gray." Gray tells me. I smile.

"I'm Eadu and this is Branwen." I say motioning to Branwen. Gray looks at me.

"Leighfoo?" She asks me. I roll my eyes.

"No. Eh-ahhhh-doo." I say, sounding out my name for her. Gray cracks a smile.

"I'm calling you Leighfoo. C'mon Queen Foofoo." She mocks me. I roll my eyes and hop off of the stone. I walk to Mali, and whisper something in her ear. She nods, and I step back.

"Goodbye Eadu. Stay safe. And say hi to Laura for me." She says. I stop walking and tense up. Mali notices. Her eyes fill with horror.

"No.....Not Laura!" She murmurs. I nod.

"Bye Mali. See you soon." I say before mounting my horse and riding away, Branwen and Gray in tow. Off on a mission that will likely end in our deaths. But as Gray put it earlier, it will be fun.

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