Chapter 18

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"That's not going to work.....none of this is going to work..." Kaone murmurs softly. I sigh and rest my head against my arms.

"What else? We need to come up with another idea." I say wearily.

One of the guards that brought our food also delivered the news of my execution to come, meaning that we had less then 12 hours left to think of something to save all of our skins. The stress and exhaustion are kicking, making everybody irritable and fearful-a bad mix when you're trapped in a small, enclosed space.

"We could try to overcome the guards, and escape?" Derrin asks. I shake my head, then realize that he can't see me.

"Key word, try. It's practically impossible for three prisoners to fight 50 guards and win. I don't think that's going to work."

Silence follows my words. I rack my brain for another solution, but none are forthcoming.

"It's all right guys. Right now we're in a bad position, but once I get out of here, I'll figure something out." I say firmly.

"And how are you going to do that hey?!!?" Kaone's voice rises in frustration.

Anger laces my words as I speak,

"I said I'm working on it!"

A tense silence fills the cavern, making it impossible to speak.

"I'm going to sleep." Kaone says shortly before rolling away from us.

Derrin and I don't speak. The sounds of Kaone's even breaths are almost calming. I try to match my breathing to hers.

"She's just worried about you." Derrin says softly. I sigh and let my head rest on the cool stone wall.

"Isn't everybody? All people do is worry about me." I snort bitterly. I feel a arm slide around my shoulders, bringing a sense of comfort.

"You're a worrisome person." Derrin laughs. A warm, happy, feeling rises in my chest as I laugh with him.

For a while, we sit together, not speaking. But sometimes, you don't need words to communicate. I don't know what happens after this, with Derrin and I, but I do know this.

It's going to be awesome.


Before I know it, we can hear the heavy footsteps of people moving above us. It must be morning. This means that they will be coming for me soon.

I have a feeling that this war will end today, one way or another.

Goosebumps run down my arms as I think of the possibility's.

No, I can't think about it. I only have space in my brain to think about winning. We are going to win.

I am going to win.

I turn my head to look at Derrin.

"You ready?" I whisper, so I don't wake up Kaone. He looks thoughtful.

"How are you so sure that you'll be ok?" He asks me.

I shrug my shoulders.

"I have to believe that everything will work out." I respond.

Derrin smiles at me-a brilliant, crooked smile. A strange, happy feeling wells in my chest, making me return his smile without a second thought.

The door bangs open and the smile slides off of my face. Armed soldiers flood the tiny space, making it hard to breathe. Gai strides in, wearing a white shirt so bright it hurts my eyes, and a purple velvet cloak.

"It's a beautiful day to die isn't it?" Gai greets us cheerfully.

"Gai. What a pleasure" I mumble, my voice muffled by the fabric of Derrin's shirt.

"Men!" Gai orders. Soldiers grab me by the hair and drag me to my feet.

"Get off of me! I'm coming!" I yell. Two more soldiers pull Kaone to her feet, effectively waking her up.

Derrin jumps up to his feet, and grabs my hand. A soldier immediately yanks me away, and holds a sword to my throat.

"What are you doing with my friends!?" He yells at Gai. Gai just laughs.

"I'm the master-I can do whatever I want." He says smugly.

Derrin glares at Gai, a cold, stony glare that makes me remember the man that kills with ease on the battle field.

Then he looks at me and his gaze softens. I realize how much I don't want to leave him.
I turn to Gai.

"Can I say goodbye?" I ask softly. Gai stares at me, with cold cruel eyes.

"You can say goodbye from here."

I can see desperation in Derrin's eyes. He gives me a halfhearted smile. I give him a reassuring smile in return.

Then I turn to Gai.

"Alright then. Take me to your leader."

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