*Tartaros - The Jackal & Salamander*

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(Y/n) was in the bathroom puking, she gripped the toilet as she closed her eyes. 'We must avenge them, our family...I'm so sick to my stomach.." (Y/n) stood up and went to the sink. Once she was done washing her hands she went to the main hall to see 6 people on top of Natsu, "LET ME AT THEM! I CAN TAKE THEM ON, LET ME! BEFORE I PUNCH SOMEONE IN THE FACE!" Droy on the ground with a sore face moaned, "I wish you would have threatened that beforehand..." Jett yelled at Natsu, "Come on man calm down, we have to make a plan!" Lucy continued, "We do know one thing for sure, they're targeting members of the magic council." (Y/n) walked forward. "We must find out where every council member is, all the ones who have retired, if we all split up we can protect them!" (Y/n) said as she looked at everyone seriously, Erza smiled and nodded, "Yes, but how do we find out where they all are located?" Lucy was about to speak when Loke showed up, "I can help with that!" Lucy yelled at him, "I DIDN'T CALL YOUR GATE OPEN!" Loke smiled, "I don't know where every retired council member lives, but I do know a few." Lucy relaxed, "Oh really??" Wendy continued, "How do you even find out that kind of thing?" Loke started to whisper in Wendy's ear about how he found out... Let's just say Loke gets around with Councilmen's granddaughters... Natsu yelled, "Oh yeah Loke! Thanks for tramping around man!" Loke looked at Natsu with pride, "No problem man!" 


Fairy Tail prepared a map of where each of the 4 councilmen lives. "Our main objective is to protect these people from Tartaros," Erza stated as she pointed to the map. "But our second goal is finding out what these four councilmen know about other members, or about Tartaros." Everyone prepared into their designated teams, getting ready for their missions. Natsu went up to (Y/n), "You, Erza, and Mira be safe." He said as he held her hands, "You don't got to worry about us, I know we'll make it, just as I know you, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, and Happy will be good. You guys make a great team." Natsu gave (Y/n) a kiss, "Are you bummed Neko isn't coming with you?" Natsu asked, "I always want Neko with me, but she's found love. I don't blame her at all for wanting to be with Lily." Natsu let go of her as Lucy yelled at him. "I'll see you when we all return with the members!" (Y/n) waved back, once Natsu left she felt sick. She quickly ran to the bathroom and thew up again. 'What's wrong with me?' She thought to herself as she grasped her stomach.


Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Carla and Happy finally made it to their target, AKA Michello. The group is not welcomed, "How do you know where I live!" He yelled as he pointed a finger at the group. "We are here to protect you, Tartaros has killed the council and has been hunting down past members as well." Wendy calmly replies as Michello's granddaughter walks out, "Now listen to them granddad, they are only trying to help!" His granddaughter replied to her granddad's reaction to Fairy Tail trying to help. Wendy went red, 'That's who Loke was talking about...' she thought. Michello grunts as he listens, "Why do you think they would be hunting past members?" Lucy asked as the cat-looking man replied, "I'm sorry, but I have no idea what that might be.." His eyes went wide open, "No wait, there is something. Some awful thing, called Face!"  Natsu was about to ask the man something when he looked out the window. "Everyone down!" he yelled. He pushed them down to the ground right before the little cottage blew up. Once the crashing sound subsided, everyone looked up. There was a man looking down at them, "I didn't expect anyone to survive my attack! How did you do that!" Natsu smiled, "I ate your explosive flames! Pretty gross if you ask me!" The man glared at him, "I am Jackal, I'm part of Tartaros, no one disables my explosives." He said with anger, Jackal got into a stance that created explosions all over town. The town was freaking out over all the explosions, Lucy looked at him with horror, "Why are you attacking innocent people!" She yelled, He smirked as he replied, "I don't care for lives, especially weak human lives. After all, I'm the one who killed everyone on the council at Era." Natsu grew mad and gritted his teeth, he took his fire dragon stance and fired up at Jackal. Jackal looked at him and spoke, "Explosion!" The explosion hit Natsu, however, he was eating the flames. He punched Jackal in the face and knocked him down. "Jeez! This kid is a living fireball!" Natsu went at him again, causing him to be hit back into the building next to them. Jackal laughed, "There's something you should know about my power first!"  before he could continue, Natsu was beating the shit out of him. Again and again. "Don't you remember we need him conscious!" Lucy yelled, Natsu laughed, "Oh, oh yeah!" He stopped and looked at Lucy and Wendy. Michello panicked as he thought, 'They must be after Face... only a few know about it and I can't afford anyone to have anyone know about it! I must get to safety, I've heard about these Fairy Tail wizards, they are destructive and will bring me nothing but troubles.' He gulped as he grabbed his granddaughter's hand, "We must really be going, I um... want to check on the other members!" Wendy spoke, "I really think it's safer if you stayed with us." Lucy nodded as Jackal got up and spoke. "You guys really thought you defeated me? Ha!" They all turned with terror in their eyes. "He looks like he hasn't been hurt at all!" Happy yelled as Lucy continued, "He can't be... He's not human!" Jackal stood up and laughed, "As I was saying, you don't know my true power." Natsu looked down at his hands, they had markings and were now glowing. "My curses can change anyone stupid enough to touch me into a living bomb." Lucy's eyes went wide, "Curses? As in not magic?" Jackal hysterically laughed, "Curses are not magic, yes, it is a power that us Demons of Zeref have!" Natsu yelled at everyone behind him, "Get out of here! Get far away from me!" Lucy was hesitant until Natsu yelled at them again. "GO!" The group started to escape as the blast went off knocking them down. They all slowly got up looking over at Natsu, "Natsu!" Wendy yelled, Lucy looked over at him, "Get up Natsu!" Michello started crying, 'They are failing me... I must escape!' Michello ran off in the opposite direction of the Fairy Tail members. "Grandpa!" The Granddaughter yelled as she couldn't believe he was so cowardly. Jackal started to run after him when Lucy yelled to Wendy, "Come on Wendy! Let's take him!" Carla and Happy both replied, "Just make sure you don't touch him!" Wendy used her Dragon roar, but his explosion canceled it out. Wendy then tried to use her wing attack, but again it was canceled out. Jackal laughs, "Don't be shy there are plenty of explosions left to go around!" Jackal used his explosions to knock Wendy and Lucy away, chasing after Michello. Jackal was able to catch up to him and put him in an explosion bubble to stop him from getting away.  Lucy caught up and tried to take out a celestial spirit when he yelled at her, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. One wrong move and my landmine will explode you." Jackal laughed again as he took a pregnant woman and put her in an explosion bubble as well. 

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