*Mr. Cursey & The Marshmello*

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(Y/n) looked at the now healed Natsu and she stroked his pink hair, moving a strand out of his face. "He should be fine now, just needs some shut-eye." Wendy smiled at (Y/n)'s affection towards Natsu, after he was healed she draped his scarf on him again, and also turned his vest back over (who knew he cared that much about style?) (Y/n) looked to her right and sniffed, "I smell Lucy, she's with someone I've never smelt before, he must be part of the seven kin." Wendy replied, "You go to Lucy, I'll wait for Natsu and Master to wake up. I'll take care of them." (Y/n) turned to the sky dragon slayer and smiled warmly at her, "Good plan Wendy, I'll see you soon!" (Y/n) got up and started to run to where Lucy was battling a Purgatory Kin.

A few minutes after (Y/n) had left Natsu slowly got up. He moaned, "Welcome back Natsu!" Wendy said with a smile, "Where's Gramps!" Natsu said as he spun his head to face Wendy, "He's right here, he's not out of the woods yet, he needs lots of rest." Carla replied, Natsu looked down at his scarf, "Hey! My scarfs fixed!" he said with a smile. "Yeah, (Y/n) fixed it! she even switched your vest back around!" Natsu blushed at the fact that (Y/n) had taken his vest off and put it back on him. "Wow, thanks (Y/n)! Wait, where is (Y/n)?" Neko responded, "(Y/n) smelt Lucy nearby with a kin member and went to check on her." Natsu was glad she ended up ok, "You missed her using an awesome elemental combination!" Happy happily said, "Awe man! She's never shown me those!" Natsu said with a grumpy face as he got a weird look on his face. "What is it Natsu?" Wendy asks as he looks towards her oddly making her sweat drop. "Stop sniffing her you fire-breathing Perv!" Carla yells as Natsu jumps up. "I smell that guy from Galuna island, the one with the forbidden time magic." He started to run in their direction. "Hey wait up!" Happy yelled as he followed his best friend's tracks. Lily sighed, "I Envy Natsu's and (Y/n)'s noses.."

*✬ - Meanwhile -✬*

(Y/n) came upon Lucy and she was with a chubby man with dark hair who was a kin member. Lucy was talking to him as (Y/n) walked up to them. "Lucy! are you...ok?" she started to ask when she saw Lucy holding a doll as the man looked at her angrily. "Oh hi (Y/n)! This guy named Kain believes this doll to be a voodoo doll, all you need is someone's hair and you can control them." Kain got mad, "HIS NAME IS MR. CURSEY AND I TOLD YOU TO TRY IT OUT." 


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(Y/n) was confused until Lucy moved the doll into a position, causing Kain's body to do the same thing as the doll. "Oh MY, That Is So Cool!" (Y/n) states as she stood next to Lucy who was also enjoying herself. "What positions should we do!" (Y/n) asks excitedly and Lucy looked at her they both agreed on a fashion pose showdown! They both were laughing hysterically at the yoga moves, break dancing, and fashion poses. Kain got extremely irritated, "YOU TWO STOP IT! I PROVED YOU WRONG NOW GIVE MR. CURSEY TO ME!" The girls ignored him, and (Y/n) waved her hand in dismissal. "Nah, I think we are quite enjoying ourselves!" The two girls continued to discuss what they should do next with Mr. Cursey when Kain decided he had enough. While the girls were caught up in themselves (Not viewing the man Kain as threatening) he quickly ran toward them knocking them down. Mr. Cursey was thrown up into the air and landed on a grassy patch over on the far side. Kain not seeing where it landed frantically looked around, "Mr. Cursey! Where did you go!" (Y/n) got up and rubbed her butt where she landed hard on a rocky patch. Lucy moaned, "Oh, why did we have to land on rocks!" She wined as (Y/n) got up to get Mr. Cursey before Kain spotted it. Kain saw (Y/n) and where she was running to, and he angrily ran toward there too. (Y/n) stepped in front of the Voo Doo doll and attacked Kain, "Water dragon Roar!" Water spouted out from (Y/n)'s mouth, Lucy took the opportunity and opened Aquarius' gate, as Kain was pushed back by the water. "I've handled you bringing me forth out of puddles and worse, but this is the last straw! IF YOU BLONDIE EVER BRING ME FORTH OUT OF A BIMBO'S MOUTH WATER AGAIN I WILL END YOU." (Y/n) was ticked off, "WHAT DID YOU SAY WATER WHORE." "YOU HEARD ME WATER MOUTH WRENCH." (Y/n) and Aquarius were head butting as they were throwing insults, that was until Kain kicked all three of the girls sending them hurling down the hill. Aquarius yelled as they tumbled, "I'm not dealing with this shit!" She said as she closed her own gate going back to the Celestial world. Lucy cried, "Don't leave me here!". (Y/n) and Lucy hit the rough gravel as they kept tumbling, their outfits getting caught on rocks causing tears and rips. Both Lucy's and (Y/n)'s clothes were now torn, their Boobs nearly falling out of the ripped breast area. "Now, now ladies, let's not fight over who gets to go on a date with me!" Kain exclaims as he watches their near-bare breasts shake as they move to attack him. Lucy annoyed, grabbed her keys and summoned Aries as (Y/n) punched Kain continuously. Kain laughed, "This doesn't bother me at all!" He quickly swung his arm and whacked (Y/n) pushing her back to Lucy. Lucy ran to (Y/n), "You okay!" (Y/n) growled, "I'll be fine once this bitch is down and out." Lucy thought for a moment, "Oh, (Y/n), how can we keep this up? I don't want to fight it, not this feeling, it's too powerful!" (Y/n) looked at Lucy confused as hell until she caught on. "Oh, yes, how can we keep attacking this big hunk, all I want to do is hug him, kiss him, and Love him." Lucy waved to Aries directing her to seduce him too, she distracted Kain with her 'Love' for him getting super close and personal. "Now, now ladies, this is ridiculous! You all can have me!" Aries looked at him, not too far from his face, she faked going in for a kiss and she hit him with her wool bomb ability. The Wool Bomb only made ended up just making him mad and sending them flying in the air again with his strong arms. (Y/n) yelled, "Sky dragon claw!" she hit him, but like all of her and Lucy's attacks nothing had an effect on him. Kain once again kicked (Y/n) and Lucy knocking them down another long hill. They both fell down and (Y/n) slammed down onto Lucy. "(Y/n), get off of me you're really heavy..." (Y/n) growled, "I AM NOT HEAVY!" Kain was about to land on top of both of the girls when Natsu kicked him in the face. "Hey! where did you guys come from? I don't need help dealing with the girl!" Natsu said as he helped (Y/n) up, Lucy looked irritated, "Ya, sure, I don't need any help at all, even after being crushed by (Y/n)'s big butt..." (Y/n) glared at Lucy and she slowly started backing away. "Natsu did you see Lucy get a face full of dirt!" Happy laughingly states as Lucy yells at him, "WANNA SEE WHAT YOUR FACE IS GONNA GET FULL OF WHEN I'M THROUGH WITH YOU." (Y/n) turned back to Natsu, "We were fighting that big marshmallow over there, oh and thanks for kicking him!" Natsu was blushing because he was looking at (y/n)'s near bare breast. (Y/n) followed his gaze and slapped him, "Natsu you Perv!" Natsu rubbed his cheek as he weakly smiled, "Sorry (Y/n)..." Kain was now standing next to the woman who Natsu was previously fighting. He once met her on Galuna Island, where they briefly fought. Natsu smelt her and ran in her direction, only to find her with Zeref, the man who was dressed in black that they had previously encountered, the one who turned Natsu's scarf black. They fought until they ended up in the same spot as where (Y/n) and Lucy were. Her name is Ultear and is also one of the seven Kin, their mission is to bring Zeref back to their guild Master Hades, who will unlock Zerefs full potential and bring an end to this world. "Kain take care of these three, I have Zeref." Kain nodded as he smiled evilly, "Yes Ma'am." Natsu, (Y/n) and Lucy were not too keen on the idea, "YOU JUST TRY AND RUN AWAY FROM ME!" Natsu yelled at the woman who was now leaving. "Let's go you guys!" Natsu yelled as they put their three hands into a huddle. "Alright let's go--" (Y/n) froze mid-walk, just as Lucy did. "What's wrong with you two?" Natsu asked looking at both the girls, "While you guys were running from me, I got strands from both your hairs." Kain said as he showed the girls he now had Mr. Cursey. He moved Cursey, causing (Y/n) and Lucy to do the same things they made him do. Natsu was entranced when Kain made (Y/n) do some of the poses. "NATSU STOP STARING AND HELP US!" both girls yelled as he shook his head out of his trance. "Right! I'm on it!" Kain moved the doll once more, "Not so fast!" he yelled as Both girls were forced to attack Natsu by kicking him. "Oiiii...." Natsu yelled as both kicked him. Kain kept having them kicking Natsu, Kain had (Y/n) take Natsu's ankles and Lucy take his wrists and pull. "What the heck are you guys doing!" Natsu yelled at the two as he got away from them. "DO YOU THINK WE ENJOY THIS!" Lucy yelled at Natsu, (Y/n) responded "Actually I was having a lot of fun beating Natsu up! We make a good team Lucy!" Lucy shrieked, "Really! That is all you can say during this whole ordeal!" Kain was about to use the doll again when Happy flew in and stole it. "I got the doll you guys!" Lucy yelled happily, "Yay! Way to go Happy!" Happy looked at the three evilly as he took the doll and moved it. Lucy and (Y/n) both were moving toward Natsu, they grabbed him and shoved him into their breasts. "HAPPY YOU LITTLE FUCKER KNOCK THIS SHIT OFF NOW! JUST WAIT UNTIL THIS ALL OVER!" (Y/n) angrily shrieked at Happy with a bright red face. Lucy also screamed at Happy, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU CAT!" Kain knocked the doll out of Happy's hands, making the doll fall from the sky spinning, as a result, making (Y/n) and Lucy spin. "Ahhhh!!!" both yelled as Natsu caught the doll making them feel relief, only to have Kain kick him and the doll to go flying... as the doll does, the girls do. "I'M GETTING SICK OF THIS SHIT!" (Y/n) yelled as Lucy screamed again. Natsu was flung into a rocky wall, causing him to fall to the ground and be pinned down by rocks. Both (Y/n) and Lucy were on the ground panting, trying to catch their breath. "I'm stuck! I can't get out!" Natsu yelled, Lucy responded, "Hold on I'll call Virgo!" she was just about to when she realized. Both she and (Y/n) were out of magical energy, battling Kain and being used as puppets really drains you. Kain was right behind the two girls as he grabs them by their hair and pulls them off the ground. "Stop! let them go!" Natsu screams as Kain explains his intentions, he wants to squish their heads like grapes. Natsu was stumped, he didn't know what to do, until he sees the doll next to the pile of rocks, within his grasp. The next thing the girls knew, they were beating up Kain and had no control over their bodies...again. Natsu exclaimed with excitement, "WE ARE THE (Y/N) AND LUCY ACTION FIGURES! WATCH US GO!" He was making them do the most ridiculous fighting positions that were getting on both their nerves. Lucy screamed, "Good thing i'm flexible!" (Y/n) looked at Lucy, "I feel the same way!" she continued, "NATSU ONCE WE ARE OUT OF THIS SITUATION I AM GOING TO KICK YOU WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE. THIS IS OVERKILL." (Y/n) yells as she and Lucy punch Kain once more. Natsu then threw the doll to Happy, "You guys suck..." (Y/n) states as Lucy adds, "I don't want to play with you guys anymore!" Natsu yelled at Happy, "Max speed little buddy!" Happy nodded, "MAX SPEED!" Both the girls went flying through the air aimed at Kain, "SPECIAL TECHNIQUE (Y/N) AND LUCY KICK!" Both girls kicked Kain at high speed sending him flying and falling down unconscious.

" (Y/n) states as Lucy adds, "I don't want to play with you guys anymore!" Natsu yelled at Happy, "Max speed little buddy!" Happy nodded, "MAX SPEED!" Both the girls went flying through the air aimed at Kain, "SPECIAL TECHNIQUE (Y/N) AND LUCY KICK...

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Natsu still being pinned by the rocks was not able to move. Lucy and Happy start to pull him out, 'trying' being the word. (Y/n) was still peeved by the events that just unfolded causing her to sit crisscrossed with a sour face as she folds her arms with the doll in her lap, just watching the two trying to get Natsu free. Eventually, she got up and grabbed Natsu's arms, swiftly and effectively she pulls him out, but, still causing some pain. "Oh did that hurt? Good," she said as she turned around. Natsu groaned as he rubbed his legs where he was hurt when pulled out, "Sorry (Y/n).. thanks for getting me out.." He said as he rubbed the back of his head, (Y/n) huffed and turned back around, "I forgive you. But watch your back Fire Breath." Natsu swallowed hard, Lucy continued, "We should get going and find out where that girl was going." Natsu and (Y/n) nodded, and they started running to where Zeref was last left by Ultear, Lucy, and (Y/n) following Natsu. "He's gone! They must have gotten him." Lucy looks at Natsu, "Cana is gone too, I awoke to that marshmallow above me, and Cana gone." Both (y/n) and Lucy high-kicked. "And this needs a high kick why?" Natsu asked, (Y/n)'s eyes filled with rage as she chased Happy down, taking the doll from him. She removed Lucy's and her hair from the doll and placed Happy's hair on it. "What should we do Lucy?" (Y/n) said with a hint of evil in her voice. Both girls started making Happy do back bends and yoga, causing him to apologize, "I'm sorry (Y/n) and Lucy! It won't ever happen again!" Natsu couldn't help but laugh at his blue friend. "You think this is funny huh!" (Y/n) said as she ripped a hair from his head, forcing Natsu to join Happy in yoga positions. "Ahhh!" both unflexible males shout as (Y/n) and Lucy smile wickedly. "Consider us even now." (Y/n) said as she removed the hairs from the doll, Natsu and Happy sighing a sigh of relief. Eventually, the Four made their way back to where Wendy, Carla, Lily, and Neko were.


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