*The Second Origin*

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Lucy woke up to the sound of the waves crashing onto the seashore, she looked around and noticed everyone was still asleep. She was able to see everyone but.. (Y/n)? She looked around more closely, and within a few seconds, she saw it - or should I say them. Natsu had wrapped himself around (Y/n) as she nuzzled up into his chest, he was holding her so tight at first glance you wouldn't have known she was there. Lucy squealed, "Why are you making that sound Lucy?" A groggy Happy asked as he looked at her. "Look at Natsu and (Y/n)." Happy looked in their direction and instantly woke up. "They looooove each other!" Happy flew over to them and whispered in Natsu's ear in a feminine voice. " I Loooove you Natsu, with all my heart." He backed away as he snickered. Natsu mumbled back to Happy's whisper, "I love you too... (Y/n).." as he held tighter onto the girl in his arms. Lucy nearly woke up the whole hotel, "HE DOES LOVE HER!" her scream woke up the whole room including Natsu. He jumped up at the scream, making (Y/n) kind of bob around until she gently hit the pillow below her. "Hey what's the big idea!" Gray shouted as Erza looked pissed. Happy replied to the group, "Natsu loooves (Y/n)." Everyone looked over at Natsu who was trying to wake himself up. Gray snickered, "So you and (Y/n) slept together huh? Well, it's about time." Natsu growled, "She was cold so I used my warmth to heat her up! AND I DO NOT LOVE HER HAPPY!" Lucy couldn't help but laugh. Wendy was blushing because she felt uncomfortable by the conversation of 'Natsu and (Y/n) sleeping together'. (Y/n) was still fast asleep until she started moving closer to Natsu, "Why is sooo cold againnnn." She mumbled as she grabbed Natsu's shirt and pulled him down next to her as she snuggled into his side. "Much better..." Natsu's cheeks were red as red could get when she did that. Erza smiled, "Well Natsu, looks like she's grown attached to you." Levy 'awed' the moment. Jett and Droy high-fived, "We knew our seven-year later prediction painting would be right!" Moments later (Y/n) sat up, "YOu gUYS arE sO lOUd." She said groggily as she stood up and left for the bathroom. The group watched her leave, "Does she even know what's going on?" Lucy asks, Erza replied, "Sleep is weird when it comes to (Y/n), she may think we all are cats." Happy looked at Erza "HEY!"


They all were now outside once again in their swimsuits preparing to train when Virgo appeared. "I beg you all, the Celestial World is in danger!" They all agreed to help, they were suddenly teleported to the celestial world where they were suddenly dressed in celestial outfits. Erza and (Y/n) were wearing the same outfit but with different colors, and they both were looking at each other, "Twinning is winning!" They said as they hugged. Lucy sweat dropped, "Wow their friendship is twisted." Everyone looked at the celestial king when he arrived. Everyone was fearing for the worse when the king just laughed and explained this wasn't the end of the celestial world, he wanted all of them there to celebrate! All the celestial spirits came out and cheered.

 Everyone was fearing for the worse when the king just laughed and explained this wasn't the end of the celestial world, he wanted all of them there to celebrate! All the celestial spirits came out and cheered

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Loke smirked and walked over to (Y/n), "Why (Y/n) you have changed since the last time I saw you, you're very beautiful." (Y/n) blushed as she replied, "Uh, thanks Loke, you've changed too since the last I saw you." Natsu was getting mad as he watched Loke eye (Y/n) over. Juvia and Aquarius were getting along just fine as they ranted about Lucy being a bimbo and being boyfriendless. "I can hear you guys!" she yells at the two, Levy was talking to Grampa Clocks who showed her library where she could pick a book and keep it. The exceeds saw Bleu and Happy said it was good to see him. 100's more of bleu's kind came out, catching (y/n)'s eyes, her eyes widen, "HOW ADORABLE!" Her mission is to hug each and every single one of them. Natsu was binging out on the food until Aries and Cancer told him what the food was made out of, "IM EATING YOUR KIND!" Natsu yelled as he began to cry. Gray was talking to Loke and enjoying the music. Taraus looked at Erza and (Y/n) now as they both had nice bodies and a great outfit on. "Why Erza and (Y/n) you two look mighty fine. Why don't you bounce up and down for me?" Erza looked back, "Oh, what for?" Wendy and Levy held their small cup size as they both spoke, "I don't like that spirit.." Natsu heard the spirit and was about to go pound in his ass when (Y/n) hit him instead. The rest of the day was spent eating and drinking, listening to music, and dancing. "This was wonderful, thank you all! I love you guys!" Lucy said as tears streamed down her face. "Alright, let's go home!" Virgo spoke, "Oh, and by the way, time is different here than in your world." Natsu and Gray cheered, "Yea! More time to train!" Virgo looked at them, "Not exactly. One day here equals three months out there." Everyone was sent back as Vigo said that last sentence. They all were back on the beach motionless as Droy and Jett came running, "Where did you guys run off too? There are five days until the Magic Games!" Erza, Gray, Natsu, and (Y/n) were all emotionless as they collapsed onto the beach. Wendy fell to her knees and began to cry. Lucy screamed, "MUSTACHE FACE GIVE US BACK OUR TIME!"

 They all sat on the rocks as they groaned. "How are we to win when everyone else has a three-month leap." Gray stated as Levy added, "I guess we'll just be on the sidelines watching." Erza glowed red, "WE STILL HAVE TIME!" (Y/n) chimed in as she glowed green, "She's right! We just need to train extra hard for the next few days we have, IT'S GOING TO BE HELL, AND YOU MIGHT NOT SURVIVE!" Everyone was horrified, Lucy gulped, "OH no." Natsu glowed with flames, "I'm ready Erza and (Y/n)! do your worst!" That's when a bird landed on Erza's head with a message. It said for the team to meet in the forest. Everyone was skeptical and didn't want to die, but of course, Erza and (Y/n) were all for it. As they made it to the meeting place Natsu speaks up, "I hope they're great in power to fight!" (Y/n) and Erza nodded, "A great component is great training." Erza said as she stopped everyone. It was Meredy, Ultear, and Jellal, they had created their own guild named Crime Sorciere. Their guild is where they vow to take down evil and to atone for their sins. "You see that is why we brought you here." Jellal states, "We are trying to fix wrongs in our past and you guys are one of the biggest. But we need a favor to ask you as well." Ultear says as Jellal continues, "We have felt an evil presence the past couple of years at the games, we are the only ones who can feel it because we were once all touched by it. It's Zeref's dark magic. We want you guys to find it." Meredy added, "We would do it ourselves, but we can't get close to the coliseum without trouble." Erza spoke, "It sounds like a wild goose-chase but we'll do it." Ultear continued, "We are going to pay you upfront for your services." (Y/n), Lucy, Happy, and Natsu all yelled, "RENT MONEY!" Ultear smiled, "No, nothing like that, I've worked on my arc of time magic, I can give you guys a 'power up' if you will. I can unlock your second origins. It will grant access to the second origin, and expand your first. You will be able to use more magic and for longer." Natsu screamed, "Oh yeah! whatever you just said sounds amazing!" She looked at them all, "Prepare yourselves, it will hurt. it's unimaginable pain." After a brief visit with old enemies turned friends, they all were ready to go for it. Natsu went first red marks covered his body as he screamed in pain. Levy and Wendy clung to each other, "We have to go through that too?!" (Y/n) watched Natsu and was worrying the whole time, but she knew he could handle it. By the end of the evening, everyone was undergoing the change. Erza and (Y/n) on the other hand were perfectly fine, they didn't feel the intense pain that everyone else was feeling. Once everyone's second Origin was unlocked they all could barely walk. (Y/n) and Erza was basically sprinting back to the carriage as the rest straggled along. "How is it you two weren't affected?" Gray asked annoyed that they weren't feeling the same pain. Natsu replied, "Maybe they already have their second origin unlocked.."


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