*Hide & Seek, I Find You*

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"DON'T YOU LOSE GRAY! WE NEED TO BEAT THE OTHER FAIRY TAIL TEAM, AND SABER WHAT'S THEIR FACES AND RAVEN... ?" Natsu stood there rubbing his head trying to remember what the other teams were called. (Y/n) looked over at the pinkette and smiled. 'He's so cute when he thinks hard...' Laxus smiled and nudged (Y/n). "Whatcha looking at sis?? It wouldn't be Natsu would it?" (Y/n) shook herself out of her daydream of the boy across the arena. "What um.... No!" I wa-was admiring Erza's outfit!" Laxus shook his head, "Sure, sure. That's what you were doing." Juvia was looking at her beloved as well, "Oh my love, my light, my Gray! I shall compete with you!" Gajeel quickly blurted at the love-struck girl. "You better not lose because Gray is playing!" Juvia not paying attention to Gajeel ran to Gray's side. Lyon is also excited to be competing against his love... Juvia... "OH, my Juvia! How my heart beats for thee!" (Y/n) snickered at the love triangle that was so disconnected. "Juvia's finally getting a taste of her own medicine." (Y/n) said as Juvia was trying to hide from Lyon's crazy love for her. Before they knew it, the game was initiated. 


The group was in a maze of buildings, and the object of the game was to Hide from each other as you Seek each other. An announcer explained the rules, "You must seek another opponent and hit them with an attack, all while hiding. That's why you Hide and Seek. If you hit someone you gain a point. If you hit a copy, you lose a point."  Within seconds hundreds of copies appeared all around, surrounding them all. Natsu made a pukey face, "Too many Grays, I'm going to be sick!" Juvia on the other hand freaked and ran into a copy embracing it, only for her to be respawned somewhere else. Causing Fairy Tail team B to lose a point. (Y/n) groaned, "Aw man, we're already negative one point!" She could hear Sting laugh, "What have I been telling you? You're all going to lose." (Y/n) shook her head and flipped her hair, facing the other way not responding. Sting was a little peeved off. "HEY! AREN'T YOU GOING TO SAY SOMETHING BACK??!!" (Y/n) yawned and stretched her arms above her head. Sting growled slightly, Rouge nudged him, "Why are you so upset?" Sting shook his head, "She isn't acknowledging me..." he mumbled to himself. Natsu was beaming with anger.. and jealousy. Gray was getting hit over and over again by RavenTail. Natsu was getting pissed, "QUITE MESSING AROUND GRAY!" The tournament was going back and forth with people gaining a point only to lose a point. Juvia came shooting down off of a building and knocked out Lyon right before he was going to hit Gray. "I don't need your saving you know." Juvia looked at Gray with a smirk, "I'm aware of that. Trust me, I'm going to beat you. Only because of Masters  promise." Gray frowned, "What promise?" Juvia told Gray of the promise that their master had made. "If you win you get to make the losing team do whatever you want for a whole day." Juvia daydreamed about it as she smiled and held her face, "WHAT IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE MASTER IT GOES FOR US TO RIGHT!?" Master sweat dropped as he responded, "Haha well, of course, my boy.." Natsu stopped for a moment and thought, he knew what he wanted to make Gajeel and Laxas do, but then it dawned on him. (Y/n) is on the other team. He thought of what he would want her to do. All he wanted was for them to go out, just the two of them walking under the moonlight, laughing. He wanted to see her smile and laugh. He wanted another kiss, but with both their lips gently touching. 


Left and right everyone was getting hit and it was... snowing? Eve was now getting more hits in. Sabertooth's Rufus was up on the tallest building he mumbled, "I'm sick of playing." He used memory make magic : Night of the Shooting Star! and targeted everyone in the field. Causing them to all get knocked out, Sabertooth now being in the lead. Sabertooth cheered, Lucy spoke, "I can see why they are named number one in Fiore." Both Fairy Tail teams were in the last two places. Gray defeated, sulked over to the tunnel. The crowd was booing Fairy Tail, yelling at them, "WHAT DO YOU EXPECT! YOU'RE ALWAYS GOING TO COME IN LAST! ARE YOU GOING TO CRY?? HAHAHAH." (Y/n) was getting upset, "How can they just treat us like that!" Laxas tiffed "They only like the power and the showdowns, they don't care about any of us." (Y/n)'s expression softened as she went and hugged Juvia, "Great job out there Juvia!" Juvia hugged her back and smiled. "Yes, but I do worry about my Love." She said as she looked over with a frown at Gray who was In the shadows. Sting and Rogue were smiling that they won, "Good job RUFUS!" they yelled. Sting smirked as he looked at (Y/n), "WHat!?" he was expecting to see (Y/n) all mad and/or sad, but she wasn't, she was smiling and she looked determined. "How can she be so happy? Both teams came in last!" He couldn't stop staring at the (h/c) hair beauty. "She's quite amazing, isn't she?" Rouge stated as he too looked at her. "We need to get her to join Sabertooth she could change so much.." Sting replied. (Y/n) was now sitting in the shade under the tunnel, she let herself fall over onto the ground as everyone waited for the one on one battle to start. It was going to be Lucy vs. Flare. Fairy Tail vs Raven Tail.

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