*Seven Years Lost Time*

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That night seven years of booze and dancing were made up for. Everyone was so happy to finally be home and be with their friends. "Wow Romeo, that's so cool!" Natsu said as Romeo showed him new magic. "I have all these different flames, this purple one sticks to things, and this yellow one smells like dragon fart!" Happy was plugging his nose as Natsu shrieked, "Ewwww!!" Gajeel was at the table as well with Lily watching Romeo demonstrate his powers. "Looks like you already have outclassed your old man," Gajeel said with a smile on his face, Lily was pleased to see the smile since Gajeel doesn't do it often. "WHAT YOU GUYS GOT MARRIED!" Erza screamed, Bisca replied, "Yeah we got married six years ago, this one nearly fainted when I proposed." Alzack was behind blushing, "HOW COULD YOU GET MARRIED WITHOUT ME! (Y/N)! THEY GOT MARRIED!" Erza screamed for (Y/n) and pointed at Bisca and Alzack. "WHAT YOU GUYS GOT MARRIED!" (Y/n) responded remembering them before they left. Lisanna asked them if they have any kids. "We have a daughter her name is Asuka!" (Y/n) was in tears, "You guys have a daughter!!" (Y/n) felt like she had missed so much. Wendy was looking at Reedus's drawings, one was of her supposedly seven years later - but she still had no breasts. She cried as the exceeds sweat dropped at the near sight of their seven-year difference pictures, they were all the size of everyone else and the boys were buff beyond belief as the girls were sexualized in tight strapless dresses. Neko and Carla both looked awkwardly at the picture. Gajeel looked at a picture that was supposed to be of Natsu and (Y/n) seven years later. "Gehe, Hey Natsu! Want to see your seven years later picture?" Natsu turned around and went to look at the picture, "Sure, I'm curious as to what Reedus thought would happen!" Natsu took the picture and blushed fiercely at the sight. The picture was of both Natsu and (Y/n) holding hands, (Y/n)'s hair had grown an awful lot while Natsu's was a darker pink shade at the roots than the rest of his hair. (Y/n) was in a simple pink dress that outlined her curves, Natsu was wearing an alteration of his usual wear. (Y/n) was kissing Natsu's cheek as Natsu was smiling. Gajeel yelled at (Y/n), "Hey (Y/n) want to see what your seven years later picture looks like?" (Y/n) nodded and was on her way over when the guild doors busted open. There was a group of individuals who came in. The Tenrou Island team was very nervous about who it was until they showed themselves stating, "So the rumors are true, you all are actually back!" It was Lamia Scale, they and Blue Pegasus were the only ones who never gave up looking or hoping for the Tenrou team. There was Sherry, everything she does is in the name of love! Toby who has toxic fingernails, Yuka with some hefty eyebrows, Lyon who's an ice mage and old friend of Grays and of course there is Jura, the wizard saint. "Jura!" (Y/n) yelled as she ran and gave him a hug. "It's been a long time (Y/n), almost ten years hasn't it?" (Y/n) responded, "Yeah, just about, it's great to see you!" Gray thanked Lyon and the rest of the lamia scale for helping Fairy Tail find the Tenrou team. "You guys haven't aged a day in seven years." Jura added, "You guys look healthy," Yuka said as everyone stared at his brows. "Have those things grown?" Natsu whispered to Happy who shook his head yes. Everyone was invited in and began drinking again. "It hasn't been all that bad since you guys left, Lama Scale climbed the ranks to being number two in Fiore." Sherry said as Elfman goo-goo eyed her, an angry Evergreen raging in the back watching him do so. "Is Blue Pegasus number one?" Lucy questioned as Toby began to rage on like a madman. (Y/n) looked over at Lyon, "Um, Gray you might want to see this." She said as she pointed to Lyon staring intensely at Juvia. Gray watched in horror, "I've never believed in true love at first sight than right now!" Lyon yelled as he went to Juvia. Meanwhile, Gildarts was excitedly telling Warren and Max, "Well... Guess who found out he's a Daddy!" as he tried to give Cana a big hug, "YOURE TOO TOUCH FEELY!" and they began to argue. Max and Warren both were staring awkwardly, not believing what Gildarts said. Alzack showed the Tenrou team a picture of his and Bisca's daughter Asuka. "SHE'S ADORABLE!" (Y/n) yelled as she came closer to examine the picture.

 "SHE'S ADORABLE!" (Y/n) yelled as she came closer to examine the picture

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Lucy and (Y/n) decided to go back to their apartment excited to soak in some nice hot water, but once they got there the girls couldn't get in until they paid the seven years of missed rent which was 5 million 888 Jewels which split evenly was 2 million 944 Jewels each. "Where are we going to come up with kind of money.." (Y/n) whined as Lucy thought, "It's not like we can go to the guild for help." The girls living in Fairy Hills also had to pay back rent for those missed seven years, leaving them in an awfully huge amount of debt. There was so much missed over those seven years. Romeo grew up into a strong young man, Bisca, and Alzack wasn't only married, but had a child! The guild had to face the wrath of Twilight Ogre who had mistreated them for years. All the pain and sadness were all due to the Tenrou team. (Y/n) and Lucy couldn't help but feel guilty for the last seven years, their friends didn't deserve it. As (Y/n) and Lucy discussed the emotions of these past seven years Lucy became very sad, "Are you alright Lucy?" asked (Y/n), "I am, I guess I should pay my old man a visit, it's been so long, he's probably worried about me. You know, this might be the first time I actually miss him." (Y/n) leaned into Lucy and gave her a big hug, "You should go see him." Lucy mumbled in the Mages strong grip, "Yeah, I think I will."


(Y/n) and Lucy was back at the guild and Makarov requested (Y/n), Erza, and Mira's presence. They traveled to Twilight Ogre to settle things once and for all. "There is no way I'm going to back down until you and your guild pay us your dues." Stated Twilight Ogre's Master, "I would like nothing more to do than that." Makarov stated, "We have a financial rut that we have found ourselves in." Mira added, (Y/n) and Erza unlike Mira was staring the Master down. "You guys have a lot of holes in your financial records, seems like we might be paying more than what we should." (Y/n) stated coldly as Erza just as coldly responded, "Care to elaborate?" The guild master was infuriated, "Are you calling us frauds!" Makarov replied, "No not at all, we just came here to renegotiate our interest rate." The Guild Master towered over Makarov, "You guys don't pay us on time and you think you can beat up my boys and come in and demand a change in our negotiation! Well, you are dead wrong! We have a reputation to uphold!" Makarov just twiddled his thumbs like a little kid, "Very well then, we just came to talk about money but if you want to talk about reputation, we don't have a problem telling you what we think." The guild master growled and kicked a table, Makarov continued, "Get payback for what is owed, that is the Twilight Ogre's creed, is it not? Much like an eye for an eye." Makarov's expression darkened as the three girls began to glow, Erza glowed red, Mira Purple, and (Y/n) Green. "Indeed, so you see when you think of it in those terms, you owe." Erza stated as (Y/n) continued, "You owe us for seven years of property damage and abuse." Mira added, "It's only fair for our guild to be repaid for each and every time." Makarov began to glow yellow as he grew, "All that my children had to endure from you, for all those years I wasn't there to protect them. It brings tears to my eyes. DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Makarov was now in the Twilight Ogre's Master's face. "SO IF IT'S WAR YOU WANT, WAR IS WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO GET." Erza had equipped into her purgatory armor, Mira was in one of her Satan soul forms, and (Y/n) equipped into her gates of hell armor. There was no mercy spared on any Twilight Ogre.

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The weight of those seven years affected each and every member of the Tenrou team, each in their own way. And the weight just kept piling on. Lucy found out her Father had passed away during the time they were gone. Everyone missed so much, there was always that cloud of sadness above the Tenrou Island team's hearts.


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