The Nightmare

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Next day, the first thing Xie Liying did was checking her brother. Finding him asleep but face twisted in a frown, she knew that her brother was caught in a nigtmare.
" Ge never mentioned anything about nightmares....think Liying, think! What to do now....."
After worrying for sometime, she shook him but Xie Yun appeared to be in a deep sleep state. Whatever he was seeing must be frightening and surreal if he was unable to leave his nightmare.
" A Fie.., A her. Leave her, anything but not her....please.... A Ying, A Ying..A Ying!" With a jolt, Xie Yun sat up abruptly knocking Liying in the process.
" A Ying ?"Xie Yun's face was drenched in cold sweat with chest heaving. Doe eyes looked around the room widely, scanning the room for invisible threats.
"'s ok. I am here." Liying spoke softly trying not to spook her brother.
Her brother hardly ever had a nightmare that Liying could remember but if he had then she must have slept right through it. The thought hurts, the fact that she might have overlooked her brother's health while he tries his best to make her life as comfortable as possible hurts and hurts badly. She will think about that later; right now Xie Yun needs her.

After Xie Yun calmed down and Liying made sure that he was comfortable enough, she went through her morning roitine and chores and helped her brother in his morning routine.
He was still warm and looked like even a push will throw him off his feet, yet Xie Yun insisted that he was fine.
" Yeah, fine enough to fall in the pond."
" It was a one time thing."
" It might happen again."
Seeing that her brother was not arguing proved Liying's thought, he was tired. Tired enough to not bother to argue with her over this, which worked in her favour.
" So...Granny Wu or Grandpa Zhong ?"
With a defeated sigh which had Liying wondering, Xie Yun replied " Grandpa Zhong."

The rest of the day was spent in cleaning soiled clothes and utensils, fetching firewood and trying to figure out how to crush different herbs without crushing your fingers on Liying's part.
As evening arrived, Liyung was ready to pull out her hair or scream,maybe sleep first and then scream because screaming takes up lots of energy and she has only the last drop left; which according to Liying, should be used to drag her body to the bed. But the work keeps appearing out of thin air and Liying is wondering whether she should ask her brother if it's just her or the work has decided to double itself to punish her for all the times she might have ignored her brother's health and thoughts.
Just when she thinks that she is done for the day, her eyes find another incomplete chore or her brother reminds her of something.
All in all, Liying finds out that her brother is, in one word amazing. How he doesn't collapse from all the workload is a wonder.
Maybe, she should do something to thank her brother.
After the Lantern Festival, the Pearl Moon will arrive. It's an auspicious occasion and observed for bliss and blessings from the Moon Goddess. Maybe she could sneak to Yu ayi and ask her and her husband to prepare a set of robes for Xie Yun. The couple love them like their own children (the whole village does) and might be able to help her.

When they are finally done with everything and Xie Yun doesn't look like he will collapse any second, Liying helps him put on some dark and thick robes and together they sit near the fireplace with bowls of steaming noodle soup in hand.
Seeing that her brother looked relaxed, Liying asked, " Ge..."
" Hmm..."
" When....when do you think I should call Grandpa Zhong ?"
Xie Yun stopped eating, facing his little sister he spoke " A Ying, I am not that sick. I will be okay in two days."
Seeing Liying's doubtful expression, he added, " If I am not well by the end of the festival then we will visit grandpa Zhong, hm ? How about that ? "
" But...."
" No buts. The festival is a time for everyone to enjoy and we must not disturb grandpa Zhong with some trifling matters which can wait. Hold your horses little girl, or I will leave myself."
" No! You . Are. Not. Going. Alone ! "

Liying burst suddenly, her bowl getting almost knocked in the process.
Xie Yun looked surprised at the sudden outburst but waited for his sister to calm down. She was breathing heavily and her eyes were glistening like she would cry any second.
Seeing this Xie Yun softened his voice and spread his arms, beckoning her
"Come here A Ying."
Liying gladly embraced her brother, trying to calm herself. She was scared. Xie Yun was often sick during his Moon cycle and Liying had gotten used to them retreating to their cottage at the end of the month just so he wouldn't be seen by anyone.

Even Liying herself didn't face such issues. Sure she got pimples and temper at her age and she never liked staying in bed for a whole day, let alone three days with little to no activity when worse happened and a little pain was normal. She never had to be restricted to stay in bed, her health and training ensuring that she was in top form.
But Xie Yun ? Though he trained, the most Liying had seen him do was a few stretching and jumps, sometimes practising speed and meditation, nothing else. Unless he trained when Liying couldn't see him, her brother had never practised martial arts.

Why ? Just why was her brother sick ? He won't leave her, right ? He promised.
These were Liying's last thought before she felt a brief kiss on the crown of her head and then the invitation of sleep was hard to ignore.

 These were Liying's last thought before she felt a brief kiss on the crown of her head and then the invitation of sleep was hard to ignore

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The noodle soup they had.
Ignore the utensils and the background...
Photo credit: @Werlymusic
Just so no one gets confused, whatever traditions, customs and festivals you read in this story will follow chinese traditions and customs only vaguely.
The story is my imagination and I weave it as many liberties my mind wishes to don't try to match it with the real life customs..

13 June, 2021

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