Trip to Capital~II

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The journey had been exhausting to say the least and so, everyone was knocked out as soon as they hit the bed.
Next day, Li Sheng informed them that their contacts had been in touch and told him that a sudden search has started just a week ago. No one knew the reason of the search, only that every travelling person was being checked and all gates had doubled their security.

" Maybe, it will be better if only few of us went outside. The less faces, the better." Xie Yun spoke thoughtfully, he didn't want anyone to be arrested  because they walked across a soldier or general accidently.
The disciples nodded who heads turned towards each other in thought.
" Hm. That's for the best. Chuchu, A-Yan, Liying, you three will not go anywhere and stay here." Li Sheng turned to the three.
" And A Ying, it's your duty to guard and protect these two and help others here if something happens. " Xie Yun intervened before Liying could protest against Li Sheng's decision.
Liying, who was going to refute Li Sheng, nodded, dejected but serious in her responsibility.

" But wouldn't it be better if you both or either of you also dressed a bit more humbly? "
Chuchu said taking a critical look at them.
Xie Yun was already looking at himself while Li Sheng frowned. " What's wrong with my dressing?"

Chuchu smiled, amused and pinched Li Sheng before saying " You might be used to dressing like this during trips with your gugu but here it could cause problems. Two fine young men, coming to the market to collect supplies ? Your robes, though not fancy are surely eye catching and A Sheng; you looks like you are going to visit someone important. "

" Ge is always like that. Chuchu jie, do you have any idea ?"  Li Yan quipped. She knew that Li Sheng didn't like anyone messing with his robes and what better way to make up for being banned from going out than letting her brother suffer through Chuchu's dressing. He couldn't say no to Chuchu,
his weakness, and Li Yan was going to take every bit advantage of it.

After all, siblings' rights....

Before long, Li Sheng and Xie Yun found themselves dressed in robes beffiting farmers or lowly commoners.
Li Sheng's attire wasn't changed much though he had forgone his usual double edged sword for a dagger hidden in his arm braces and a knife in his belt.
Xie Yun was dressed like he would for market, in pale blue robes with a open bun hat perched on his head and angled to hide  his face. His sleeves had been rolled up like usual and his belt made of rough cotton.
There was no weapon visible but he might as well have a flexible blade hidden in his clothing.

They go for the supplies early in the morning and complete all the trade before noon. That's when Xie Yun notices a shop of a forger with an intricate dragon metal sign outside it.
Madam Li had told him about such a forger only.

A lone forger in the lane,
A sole prayer in the place,
The spot where bees hum
The point where dragons merge.

There on the metal sigia, the dragon's were intertwined in eachother such that they gave the illusion of two dragons merged together if one didn't look carefully. The patterns surrounding them was like a cover which further portrayed the artistic excellency and the shine and details of the metal gave a feel of age-old talent.
So, definitely a traditional family of forger.
Since he was here, why not take a look ?
Thinking this, Xie Yun turned towards the shop only to hear Li Sheng say
" Aeh, Yun! Where are you going? "

They had decided to use pseudonyms for the sake of safety as suggested by Xie Yun, ' the less we give, the better '.

" Just looking, would you like to see ?"
Seeing the metal sigia outside the forger's shop, Li Sheng went with him.
They entered the shop and saw that unlike other forgery or forger's shop, thus one had only weapons lined along the walls of the building while no forging work could be seen anywhere.
There were cases, each one sporting a shining blade, spear, sword, dagger, arrow head, shield etc. But not a single person was there.

" Weird, where is everyone?" Li Sheng muttered while Xie Yun's eyes darted across the room.
He looked at one of the walls, focusing on it and as Li Sheng took a step forward, Xie Yun pushed him back abruptly, making him collide with one of the cases. A flash passed and Xie Yun swung his right leg beside him, an arrow, broken into two falling near him. Li Sheng looked around,trying to find the source of their attacker but nothing was visible except the stationary. A second passed and Xie Yun whipped his head left, rolling Li Sheng with him towards a wall lined with shelves. The shelves rattled but a swift punch on the side and it stopped.

" Wh—" A hand pressed itself against Li Sheng's mouth and he looked sideways to see Xie Yun signalling him not to speak.

A clap sounded somewhere then but still, no-one appeared.
" You are not from here."
Xie Yun shook his head and the person hummed.
" Why ? Do you know ?"
Again, Xie Yun shook his head.
" don't. I know, tell me if you know this :
Peigon in dark "
This time, Xie Yun frowned. He still had his one hand on Li Sheng, preventing him from speaking but the latter seemed intrigued by the one sided conversation.
After a while, Xie Yun spoke " I don't remember but is peace with shark ?

The sound of clapping was heard again but this time a bit loudly.
" You are really the one."
Saying so, a tall man in his seventies came out from somewhere. He had dark maroon and soft apple red robes on with his milky white hair held in a tight high bun. A waist pendant, made of brass or some metal could be seen dangling from his belt. Despite his old age, he was standing straight; his posture rigid but natural.

They both bowed to him out of respect and the old man nodded.
At last, Li Sheng spoke " What was that ?  Why did you attack us ?" 

The old man sighed, " Ah, young people these days! Don't even know the difference between a test and an attack.  Silly man, if you don't have an eagle's eye why step here ? "

" Isn't this....a forgery ?" Li Sheng asked, confused.

" Ah, well that it is. "
" Then I would like to see some samples for a blade." Xie Yun interrupted.
" For yourself ? You don't look the type."

" For my sister. " Xie Yun knew he shouldn't share anything unnecessary, but this old man seem like a person whom one could trust with secrets.
" Single edged or double?"
" Single "
" Heavy or light ?"
" Medium "
" Glint or shadow "
" Shadow with glow "
" Hilt type?"
" Blunt "
" Design ?"
" lotuses with water lilies "
" Extra engraving ?"
" Blended design "
" Blade length?"
" A bit less than medium. "
" Sheat type ?"
" Lock mechanism, no leather. "
" Grip handle ?"
" wide but not much, for small hands"
" Hmmm...should be enough for me to work with." All the while a third person, standing just beside the two furiously discussing men was frowning in confusion. Nothing, nothing he heard the two talk about made sense to him apart from the fact that they were discussing attributes for a blade.
Maybe he would ask Xie Yun about it later.

" Okay, child. You can come to check on some details in a week or so if it's not too much trouble?" The old forger looked at them and Xie Yun turned his eyes sideways towards Li Sheng.

Sensing it was his cue, Li Sheng spoke " We don't know gonzi. We are travellers who have come to stay here for a few days. But maybe, if the visit could be finalised for a date two weeks from now, maybe it will be possible for my friend to return ?"

The old forger laughed, waving his hand in exasperation. " You are too humble, don't let your lady venture the jungle. A predator is lurking. "
With those words, the forger bid them goodbye — leaving Li Sheng more confused than before.
Xie Yun was confused too, then suddenly a cold fear clutched him and both whipped their head towards eachother thinking A Ying! Chuchu! ,
before taking off in a run towards the Inn.

20-24 August, 2021
Published: 24 August, 2021

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