Fight or Flight ?

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Coming downstairs, the first thing Liying noticed was that the tavern's dining area was almost empty. That alone should not have bothered her but given the time of the day, taverns were usually busy.
Only a few people could be seen and even they seemed shaken.

Ignoring the waiter and the innkeeper, Liying strode towards her brother who, along with others was seated at one of the tables in a corner. Everyone was murmuring, their heads bowed.

"....what shall we do now ?"
" Why were we attacked?"

Liying caught some snippets of the conversation but as soon as Xie Yun saw her, the whole table turned silent.

" A Ying, come here. " Liying ran her eyes around the table, taking note of each expression. She remembered that her brother once told her how people were easy to read when they were nervous or worried and as Liying sat down, she knew that she was in for a discussion.

And discuss they did.

For two hours they sat there, talking about trade and sale, inserting short and almost unnoticeable hints of yesterday and possible attacks. Then they shifted to Li Sheng's room in number of seven, others tasked to loiter and gather intel.
Liying had never seen Li Sheng this serious about anything. Once inside the room, they checked for any possible eavesdropping and then.....the talk went on for hours.


For the next two days, only Li Sheng and his men went outside.
Xie Yun had closed himself off in his room, Chuchu wouldn't come out unless Li Sheng or Li Yan went to call her and Liying herself was banned to even set foot downstairs. She had also started keeping a dagger near her while sleeping as told by her brother.
One of their men was always sitting at the table in a corner, keeping an eye for anyone or anything unusual.

But it felt too much.

Liying felt trapped. She had thought that they would get to roam the streets, visit markets and get to know the capital more; but a single attack had made everyone act like they were surrounded by predators.

So she wished for a visit every night, hoping that any mighty being would listen to her and Xie Yun would come knocking on her door to tell her that they were going to visit the market.

Two days passed with no sign of a smiling Xie Yun and Liying almost gave up, but then on the third day since the attack- her wish was granted.

In the morning as they ate their breakfast, the innkeeper told them about the festival and fair starting in the evening.

" Why the sudden fair ?" Xie Yun asked and the innkeeper just shook his head.
" I don't know much. Just this that the order has come that everyone is supposed to gather in the main street leading to the palace."

" Laoban, is the Royal family welcoming someone ?" Li Sheng asked curiously, hoping to find a way out but the next words of innkeeper shunned his hope.

" No gonzi. As far as I know, the king has no spouse and the other......"

Liying raised a brow. That did not sound like a fair. Also, was the innkeeper deliberately withholding information or did he really not want to talk about something ? Seems like Xie Yun though so too as he smiled.

" Laoban, can you tell us when the Southern gates are closed at night ?"

The innkeeper hesitated visibly, eyes dancing around the table and scrutinizing everyone.
" Ah...gonzi, why are you asking this ?"

Xie Yun narrowed his eyes when the man's eyes lingered on the the three girls. " Of course for travelling. We need to reach our next destination quick and we planned to set out in the evening. But now with the order...." He deliberately left the sentence hanging, eyes hard on the man.

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