22.Facing the Sun Part- 1

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"So they've come."
A nod.

"Hm, took them long enough. What are you going to do?"

Xie Yun shifted at those words, not meeting the eyes of the elder woman. Li Jin Rong frowned at this, a questioning hum leaving her before she could stop it.

"Xie Yun?"

But Xie Yun continued to look at the wooden floor before he seem to make up his mind and stared at the female leader with determination.

"Isn't it obvious Madam Li?"

When Li Jin Rong looked at him in confused surprise, Xie Yun turned to look at Liying, his little sister looked confused but tense. She probably thought the men were sent by the royalty after they escaped last time before he turned to Madam Li.

Well, she wasn't wrong exactly.

"They are from the Palace, I saw their get up. Try as they might, they cannot hide the pendent which marks them as the servants of the royalty.
They obviously came for me so-"


Twin voices cut off Xie Yun. The man looked sideways to find Liying looking stricken. Li Jin Rong didn't seem to be faring better either. She looked stunned, probably never having expected Xie Yun to turn himself in.


"Xie Yun, if you speak one more word then I am telling you, I won't hesitate to tie you up and run with both of you myself!"

"But it's not worth-"

"Ge?" Xie Yun didn't turn, but he could hear the anguish in Liying's voice.

"But what about Liying?"

The question was whispered with the barest amount of pointed tone but enough to make Xie Yun clench his fist.

"No. Now listen to me Madam Li before you say something."

Li Jin Rong looked ready to protest but nodded stiffly after a second of hesitation.

"I know they are after me and no, I am not going to turn myself in so easily. What? Shocked? Did you really think that after-" a quick side glance at his baby sister had Xie Yun cutting himself off. He exhaled audibly before continuing.

"After all the precautions and dangers I've braved through for both us, after secluding ourselves for this long, do you really think I would waste all that effort by endangering my sister like that? Yes, they came for me but I know they won't rest until they have exactly what they want; and my submission is not all they'll demand."

My submission is not all they demand.

The words cut clear through them, a much needed clap of present.
Three set of eyes, each one carrying mixed emotions meet eachother. It's decided.

The time has come.


The sun is setting and yet, his men stand in front him, all shame-faced.
He has given them enough, trained them enough, taught them enough- granted there are some new faces but. Did the army really digress this much in his absence that finding one man was proving troublesome for them?

Though said man was not an ordinary person. His brother had warned him before but Ji Chong was not the God of War for nothing. He knew the moves one played on the board with the battlefield and his target was playing his chance.

"Dianxia. We...."

"General Da, how many synonyms for failure do you have in your vocabulary, not counting the stalling of sentence."

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