Chapter 11

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When Joe opens his eyes the next morning, he immediately gets struck by a huge headache and a very nauseous feeling. He groans loudly as he closes his eyes again, feeling himself heat up with the second. When the nausea only gets worse, Joe opens his eyes and presses the button.
It doesn't take Lucy long to enter the room. "Good morning." She says with a smile. But the smile slowly changes into a worried look when she sees Joe's glowing cheeks.
Joe takes a deep breath in. "Hey uhm, could I get a bucket or something? I'm really nauseous." He says as he forces a smile on his face.
Lucy nods. "Yeah sure. I'll go get you a bucket. Be right back." She says before turning around, leaving the room.
Joe pushes the duvet off his body and lets his arms dangle alongside the bed. In that way he hopes to lose some of the heat his body is holding. He slightly jumps when he feels someone taking his hand.
"You okay Joey?" Ben mumbles as he intertwines their fingers with his eyes still closed.
Joe mumbles a soft 'no', scared he'll start throwing up if he says something more than that. His head starts pounding even louder, drowning out all noises from the outside world. He hears Ben talking to him, but he can't pay attention to it.
When the door opens, Ben quickly withdraws his hand, pulling it away from Joe's.
Lucy notices, but decides not to say something. "Here's your bucket Joe. You probably have a fever due to the fact we pushed up the amount of your medication. If it gets really unbearable we can give you something against it, but that will have side effects as well." She says as she places the bucket on the ground next to Joe's bed.
"T-thanks Lucy." The ginger mumbles, only hearing the part about the bucket.
Lucy gives him a sympathetic smile. "Of course sweetie. I'll hear it when you need me." Lucy smiles.

As soon as Lucy has left the room, Ben gets up and walks over to Joe's bed. "Need a cuddle?" He opens his arms as he sits down on the edge of the bed.
Joe nods, trying to keep in his tears.
Ben lies down next to the boy, and puts his arms around him.
Joe buries his face into the crook of Ben's neck, inhaling the blond's scent.
"It's okay. Let it all out." Ben whispers when he hears Joe sniffling softly.
Joe nods, allowing the tears in his eyes to fall. Soft sobs escape his lips, his shoulders shaking with each of those sobs.
Ben just rubs his hand over Joe's back, whispering reassuring things to the boy. "I know it sucks Joey. But it'll get better." Ben whispers.
But Joe shakes his head. "I- I wish we could go home." He whimpers.
Ben runs his hand through the ginger's hair. "Shh, I know. I do too." He gently caresses Joe's cheek, his heart aching when he feels how the boy is burning up.
"I just feel like shit." The ginger sobs before closing his eyes.
Ben frowns a little. "I wish I could help." He swallows. "Maybe some sleep will fix it?" He suggests.
Joe immediately clutches his arms around Ben's chest. "P-please don't l-leave me?" The boy chokes out, waterfalls now running down his cheeks.
Ben shakes his head. "I'd never leave you Joey. Besides, three steps and I'll faint, so...-" He whispers with a small grin.
That finally makes Joe smile a little through his tears. He snuggles closer to Ben's chest, deciding to follow Ben's advice and catch some sleep. "My head hurts so much." He groans.
Ben reaches out to the nightstand. "How about some music, hm?" He whispers as he grabs his airpods.
Joe nods against his chest with a small smile.
Ben hands one of the airpods to the ginger before putting the other one in his own ear. Once the blond has put on a playlist full of Queen music, Joe's sobs slowly get softer and softer.
"Sweet dreams Joey. It's gonna be okay." Joe hears Ben say. The ginger isn't sure whether the blond just gave him a kiss on the head, or he just imagined it, but somehow only the thought of it really comforts him. Listening to the soft music, the boy slowly drifts off.


The time Joe is sleeping against Ben's chest, the blond just enjoys the music as he stares at the sleeping boy with a smile. He gently runs his hand through Joe's hair, as a way of letting the boy know he hasn't left him, like he promised.
Without Ben's noticing, three hours have passed, which means visitors hour almost starts. Still listening to the music, the blond enjoys every second that ticks by.

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