Ch. 3

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Alys p.o.v:

Harry showed me to my first class. When we got there he told me he would meet me after class to show me to my next class. I walked in and sat in any seat. Since im a really shy girl, I sat in the second to last row. Suddenly I saw who I had in my class. Cindy. She started to walk to my desk. "oh just kill me now." I muttered to myself. She came in with two other girls behind her.

She stopped and leaned on my desk. "hello Aly." I didnt look at her I just looked forward. "Wanna do me huge favor?" "why not." I responded. " Stay away from my boyfriend." I was confused. "Listen I think you've got me confused with somone else I dont even know who your boyfr-" "Harry? Stay away." I laughed silently. "Harrys single. Well thats what he told me last night." She laughed and said "He lied to you. Hes a flirt dont you get it?" "Yeah I get it." I was filled with rage. Why would he lie to me. I felt lied to. Like I was nothing! She started walking to her desk snickering with her two friends. All I could think about was that "He lied! Dont you get it hes a flirt!" "Watch out for him." all the warnings that everyone had given me..

After class, Harry didnt lie about one thing. And that was to wait for me. "Hey al-" "I thought you were single and you took me out yesterday!?" I tried keeping my voice down. "You have some nerve Styles!" I started walking away but Harry grabbed my wrist in his hand. I tried to moveing my Hand away but he had a strong grip. "Aly. Please let me explain." I came back. "Now that your calm, tell me what happend." "Cindy" I responded. "Oh god." He put his head in his hands. "Shes been obsessing with me for a year! She hasnt let go that I dumped her. So everytime im with a girl, she makes them mad. The only girl she hasnt anything to is May. And thats only because she thinks that she dosent have a chance with me." I was silent. "Please believe me Aly. Your really cool and funny and I dont wanna loose you as a friend!" still nothing from me. "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-" "Okay styles just hush!" I laughed. He ten pulled me in to a big hug and put his arm around me. We started walking to your next class.

I had May in my next class. "Hey Aly!" she said. I started walking to vacant seat next to her. I told her about Cindy. "Wow what a bitch.." she says "Yeah tell me about it. I yelled at Harry, and now I feel like a dummy" I put my head on my desk. "dont worry, if he asked to forgive him then were fine." "If you say so." "Im guessing your first day wasnt really the best huh?" "Nope"

After a few more classes was lunch time. Great! I saw Harry sitting with 4 other boys. I waved at him and he gestured me to the table. I started to walk over and I saw one of the boys whisper to Harry "Thats Aly? You were right she is really beautiful!" I saw Harry cover his mouth. I laughed. "Well Aly. This is Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Louis" "Hello Aly!" They all had British accents except for Niall. He sounded Irish. "That was really dumb what Cindy did." Zayn said. Great the bitch follows me to lunch also! "Yeah Harry why did you date her? She can be such a gank." Louis said. "Can we not talk about this!?" Harry shot out. I can see Cindy annoyed him more than me.

After lunch Liam asked "So Aly who do you have next?" I looked at my sheet with my classes on it. "umm Mr. Pilarski? I think you say his name." Louis came forward. "We have that class together then!" "Well ill see you all later." I said walking with Louis. "So Louis. You and Harry are like the closest in you. Group. Am I right?" "Yep. Were so close some people thought we were gay at some point." I laughed at that. "Sorry I had to laugh at that. And funny that happened between me and friend back at home. Her name was Breanna. We were so close. We would mess with people and say I love you babe or I love you booboo." He also laughed at that.

We got inside the class. "Hello you must be Aly!" The teacher said. "and you must be Mr. Pilarski" "Yes in deed I am but all my students call me mr. p." He gave me pat on the back and I sat next to Louis. "Hey. What are you doing after school?" "Nothing really homework, studying. Why?" "Well Harry and I have the house to ourselves because his parents arent here thier out till later so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come?" "Yeah sure sounds good." "Aly.. I can see that youve become become friends with the class clown Louis." the class laughed. "Please stop talking unless you want to tell the class what your talking about." "No mr.p. Sorry mr. p" Louis and I said together. I pushed Louis playfully. We payed attention for the rest of the class time. When the bell rung I chased after Louis. When I found him I slapped his arm. "Louis! You got me in trouble!" "Ahh he wont do a thing! But call Harry when your ready to come over and he'll give you the adress and all!" "Okay!" Only two more classes to go..

__2 boring ass classes later___

The bell rung and I met up with Harry and May. Us three walked home together. May and I lived in the same neighborhood, but Harry didnt. I said bye to May and got in my house. "Hey mom!" "Hey Aly. How was your first day?" "Well I found out that Cindy chick goes to my school. But I because friends with Harrys friends. And a girl named May who lives next door to us." "Well thats good." "Hey mom, can I go over to Harrys house tonight." she sighed and said. "Alright, but you know how much I hate you going out on school nights." "Ughh mom!" "But Harry seems like a good kid, so sure!" "Yaaaaay! Thanks mom!" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went up stairs to get going on my work. I couldnt wait till later!

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