Ch. 7

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Harrys p.o.v:

After school I did see Aly. She was alone. "Aly. Are you ignoring me?" I asked. "No harry. no. of course not. Why would you think that?" "Well this morning I didnt see you. You didnt say hi. When we were at the lunch room, you just walked away like if I was a stranger..." she was silent, "Harry im not ignoreing you. Now I need to get home so I can do my homework and meet you at work. Alright." She gave me a hug and she walked away. I still know somethings up.

When I walked in my house i started calling "Mom! Youll never believe what happend to me!" she walked out of the kitchen. "What?" "Well do you remeber Erika?" "Mhmm." "Well she goes to my school now!" "Really? Oh and her moms coming over. Maybe she'll bring her. "And also remeber when I had this huge crush on her?" "Yes. I always liked her you know. Shes sweet smart pretty. What more can you ask for?" "Well I think it came back.." she just stopped and looked at me. "What?" "Yeah." "Well dose she know?" "Mom come one she just got to the school yeaterday. I dont want to freak her out." "Then tell her tonight." That what I intend to do.. I went up and did my homework. After an hour or so "Shit!" I had to get ready for work. Luckily today was the last day till the weekend..

I told my mom Ill see her after work and to call me when Erika got to our house. As I drove all I thought about was why Aly was acting so freaking awkward. I havent done anything to her. I havent lied to her. I havent told anyone about my kiss. But I havent done anything bad enought to make her cry. Why would I in the first place.. I think I should just let it go. Leave it alone.. she'll tell me sooner or later. After a few minuets Aly walked in. She didnt even have a smirk on her face.

"Hi Harry" was the only thing she said to me. There was no life in her voice. It was very monotone. I tried to talk to her. "So um Erikas comeing over today after work" I saw her bite her lip awkwardly. "Thats great." She smiled slighlty. "Well her mother and my mom know each other from a long time ago so were catching up..." "Nice.." She walked out giveing the coustomers their foods. After that we didnt talk. *BUZZ BUZZ* my phone vibrated! Thats my mom telling me that Erikas home! "Hey Aly im leaving early ill see you monday!" "Alright have fun with Erika" I walked out excited!

When I got there. There she was. She looked stunning. "This isnt Harry! The last time I saw Harry he was up to my waist!" I hugged her. It was nice to see her again. "Harry how about you and Erika go upstairs to your room?" "Alright" Erika and I started going upstairs. When we got to my room we sat on my bed and caught each other up on things weve missed. "So Harry are you single?" she asked me. Oh my. "Well yeah right now I am." "Oh." "And you?" "Yeah acually I am.." we continued talking and stuff. By the end of the night she was about to leave "Erika I need to ask you something.." "Fire away.." "Would you ever date me.." the words lingered. I anted to eat them. "Are you asking me to-" "Yes Ericka... Will you be my girlfriend?" she hesistated. "Yes Harry! Yes!" She jumped and i caught her. She kissed me quickly. We went downstairs hand in hand. "Mom. Harry and I are dateing." They both looked up at Harry and I. "Oh my gosh thats great news!" they said in usison. After they left I got my phone and called aly. "Aly!" "Hey harry. whats up?" "You remeber Erika right!?!" "Yeah." "Were dateing!!" "Uuh-we-well thats fantastic.." "Well ill talk to you tommorow." "Alright Haz" I hung up I was so happy right now!

Alys p.o.v:

Harry and Erika are dateing. Thats great just fucking great! I litteraly threw my phone across the room. I stood up and started pacing. I stopped walking and layed on my bed. I started crying my eyes out. I liked Harry. A LOT! I hate this so much. But it Harrys happy then so should I.. but the tears just kept coming and coming. They wont stop. me and erika are dateing! That was the only thing going through my mind. "I never have luck with anything.. I hate my life.." I picked up the phone and called Harry. "Hello *sniffle* Harry I just want to say that your an amazing friend im so glad I meet you. An-" "Aly!? Aly!?" "Bye Harry.." I dropped my phone and went to the bathroom. There I found a razor and put it against my skin..

Harrys p.o.v:

Aly just called me and im scared. "Mom! Ill be back! I cant waist time ill tell you when im back! or ill call you." I ran out of the house to my car. I started it and drove to Alys house. I hope its not to late..

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