Finally Done, took you long enough.

66 3 2

(This will start where we left off last time)

Everyone sensed that and they were ready to fight.

Saiki POV

I meditated for about 50 billion years now and
I think I'm about to finally achieve almost control over my powers but I still need a push
I might need to fight the Grand Priest after all.

Grand Priest can you fight with me I think I'm about to get control of my powers but I still need a little push.

3rd POV

Grand Priest nodded at Saiki and got serious all of a sudden the pressure of the room got heavier as both Saiki and Grand Priest looked at each other and got into their fighting stances.

Saiki: Let's Start.

Saiki and Grand Priest moved at light speed which was amazing to see, both of them countered each other when Grand Priest would hit Saiki, Saiki's reaction time increased by 2x more and the same happened to Grand Priest but instead of 2x he got 0.5x because of his race limitations and because of the barriers that beings have, while Saiki doesn't have this types of Problems.

Saiki tried to control his power in the fight but he got carried away as the Grand Priest striked 
him of course saiki back flipped and landed in one knee and than stood up to make the next move as Grand Priest prepared for what attack might happen next.

Saiki's thoughts

Damn, this isn't working what's going on why is this not working what did I do wrong I don't understand.

3rd POV

Grand Priest: What happened why are you not attacking?

Saiki: Well I don't know what to do in order to get past this wall. (Wall=Sealing)

Grand Priest: Saiki I may know a way in which you can control your power but there is a risk to it, you want to hear it?

Saiki: I suppose I don't have a choice I tried everything but it didn't work so I see what's the harm.

Grand Priest: Well the harm might be that if you try this you have the chance of dying, the chances of survival are about 10%.

Saiki: What, can't I just heal.

Grand Priest: Well this technique isn't about inflicting damage on your body after you use it but rather destroying your soul as a payment however you can escape death by having a strong will, if you manage to escape death you will be able to master and control your power as much as you like.

Saiki: Huh, you think I will die that easily well I will prove you wrong when I finish the

Grand Priest smiled at Saiki's resolve to get his power to become controllable even if it means he has to die.

Grand Priest: Well you can take this.

Saiki looked at it and it looked like milk and he was curious what will happen to him when he starts this training.

Grand Priest: Well when you will drink that substance you will fall in a state of coma and you will have to suppress your power when you reach there. When you get there you will see that your power is going out of control you will have to regulate your power until it doesn't fluctuate any longer for about 1 hour and than you will have full control of your power, but if you are unable to control your power or it overpowers you than you will die and I won't be able to restore you back to normal because of your power killing you even in the afterlife.

Saiki was surprised by this but smiled after the realization

Saiki: If I die than please tell my friends that I left them to go to another universe and never tell them I died, I don't want them to feel guilty or responsible for what I did.

Grand Priest understood that Saiki wasn't wrong about what he said and he honour his wishes if that will happen.

Grand Priest: Well do you want to start this right now or want a break for 2 days or maybe 6 years?

Saiki: Well the sooner I get out of here the better I think it it will be I should do it right now.

Saiki started drinking the white liquid that looked like milk and starter to fall unconscious.

Saiki's POV

Wow this looks weird I have never seen what's inside my body this close, this looks like the lungs very huge or maybe I am very small, never mind that I have to get to the source of my power the brain.

About 5 minutes timeskip

Alright I got to the brain this energy is really powerful however I think I can stop it by using my most powerful techniques

Saiki activates his Mui and Hakaishin form plus used all of his power, ok now he made the power of his body stable and has to wait for about 1hr to finish.


Saiki sometimes almost lost control but still he never gave up and tried with every ounce of his power to regulate the flow of his power and than 1hr passed. Saiki woke up feeling better than anything and ready for battle

3rd POV

Grand Priest: Before I let you go back to your friends I have to test out how strong you have become and just to see how much improvement this training made to your power.

Saiki: Well sure why not we still have plenty of time so let's do it.

Saiki: Let's go

Saiki clapped his hands and he left the chamber

Saiki POV

Well that was simple, he was super slow I can't tell him that though he might get angry and train forever in that chamber. I don't know what happened to my body now it became 1000x lighter than it was before. Anyway I sense that my friends are in danger and I must go there.

Saiki teleported but now he felt that his teleportation got even faster than it was before.

3rd POV

Saiki: Hello Whis

Whis: Hello Saiki I see you've trained really hard to get this powerful.

Saiki: yea I surely did.

A/N : Saiki can regenerate himself now and people 100 meters near himself, he does it unconsciously but can stop it at any moment when he feels like it, villains can't be healed by him because of his emotions towards them.

Thanks for reading guys I hope you guys have a pleasant day and see you on the next chapter.
(Sorry if this chapter was confusing I was half asleep when I wrote it, hope you like it)

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