What with this child 🤨 where am I

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(Don't mind Saitama and Genos in the picture)
Continuing from Saiki leaving from the special exam (it's because he is the only one who has done this exam) and arriving at Saitama's apartment he enter and saw a unfamiliar face

Saiki: Who are you

Saiki said as the person said that she is Tatsumaki and that she is an (S-Class) hero and that she is currently rank 2

Saiki:I see (I know she tells the truth but I am still a bit sceptical about her)

Saiki reads her mind so he could determine if she is good or bad he knows she's good but he wants to be certain

He finds out about the dark story that she had and he now understands why she has this personality and why she has this much power

Saiki: I forgot to say my name , my name is Saiki and I'm currently in (S-Class)
in rank 1. (He is rank 1 because he is more stronger than blast the current rank 1 in OPM series)

Tatsumaki: What ?!?

He knew that she will get angry but he didn't think this much

Tatsumaki gets angry her power rises but that would never reach even 1% of his power (unless she's determined to train all her life or do Saitama's training to get at least 10% on him) Saiki power's up to 1% as she collapsed on the ground exhausted.(Because of him making the air thinner)

He teleported her home and everyone were like

Saitama: I guess you surpassed me even I had a tough time maintaining myself

The others collapsed so they couldn't say anything Saiki teleported Fubuki back to were she lived and went to sleep

Next day

Saiki: (That was a weird night and if I think about it I don't know what I'm going to do if I see her in hero association she might destroy the building)

Saiki thought about everything that could happen to him as Genos entered his room to see if he's all right Genos
was surprised to see everything levitate

Genos: Saiki are you ok??

Saiki: (Well I should answer him)
I'm fine

Genos was relieved that the things were down on the floor like they should be Saiki said that he will be going to the hero association to do some hero jobs

He teleported to a nearby corner to the hero association as he was walking everyone respected him because he was rank 1, he was shown the way to a room with multiple screens

He teleported to a nearby corner to the hero association as he was walking everyone respected him because he was rank 1, he was shown the way to a room with multiple screens

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Saiki: (well this is quite advanced I must admit)

Women: Welcome current S-Class rank 1 hero.

Saiki k x One Punch ManWhere stories live. Discover now