The Store Guy (PT 2)

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I look up at his drowsy face, watching as the golden sun shined down onto his freckled face. He looked so peaceful and, in general, gorgeous. I still am unable to comprehend how I ended up here, in his warm arms. My head tingles every time he runs his finger through my hair, touching my scalp barely. I know my face must be as pink as the warm hues outside, I know he knows that as well. He's so annoying sometimes. He knows that what he does makes me all flustered and embarrassed. Though, I love it. I love the sensation of his soft breathing hitting my face. I love the euphoria of being in his arms.

As the sun sets below the window and the twilight colors shine with the stars, I stare into his green eyes. I wish I knew they were green when I first met him. Then I wouldn't have been so embarrassed after I told him I thought they were yellow.

The past

Clay and I have been hanging out every chance we have, every week, sometimes every day. I didn't know how a guy that I met in a supermarket would be so friendly, or even turn into my best friend. Today would mark about a month since we've met and, of course, it was raining. This time instead of just heavy rain and wind, there was thunder and lightning striking left and right. Tonight, was going to suck, if the power went out I would have a ton of work the next day and I would be very bored. So, for most of the day I sit at my desk in my office, the heater blasting warm air on my legs.

After hours of listening to the clacking of the keyboard and clicking of my mouse. After hours of looking at numbers and coding vocabulary. I'm nearly finished with a project that I was working on for work. I look out my window which sits right behind my monitors, I see that the storm seems to have slowed. At least the rain. Though, suddenly a lightning bolt nearly scares the shit out of me. I flinch hard enough to almost fall out of my chair. I sigh as the rolling thunder that comes after calms my heart and causes me to look at my buzzing phone. It's Clay. I hastily grab my phone and click the green phone button, answering it around the fourth ring.

"Hey!" I greet happily. I feel like I haven't talked to him in a while, even if I did text him only a day ago, I miss his voice.

"Did you see that lightning just a few seconds ago?!" He seems shocked, maybe even a little nervous or anxious.

"Yeah, I did. It was pretty big, wasn't it?" I laugh and stand from my chair to get a better look outside my window. The wind has picked up, swaying the trees, but the rain has stayed the same pace- flowing down from the dark skies above.

"It was... Um, did I ever tell you that these storms... that these storms make me a little nervous." He laughs uncomfortably over the phone. "I know, I know. It's fucking childish, but that last one... It freaked me out a bit."
I can hear his uneasiness in his voice. I can also hear him tapping something quickly over the speaker, almost like a pen as there's also a bit of clicking. I never knew someone as strong and confident as him would be so fearful over a storm. I had to stifle a laugh, moving the phone away so he can't hear. I feel terrible, but it's kind of funny. A grown man scared of a storm.

"Uh- Hello?" Clay pulls my attention back, "This is so embarrassing, I'm sorry."

"No, no. Um- It's entirely fine. You know, to be scared by this." I hear him hum quietly, "do you want to just talk for a bit?" I suggest, I feel my heartbeat quicken in anticipation. Maybe we could fall asleep on the phone, or talk all night until the sun peaks through my window the next morning-

"Actually, could you... Could you come over?" He asks. His voice is small and quiet. I don't know why he's so unbearably nervous, I'm going to assume it's because of the upsetting weather.

"Yeah!" I say a little bit too excitedly, "Um, I mean... Yeah, sure. That would great."

"Thank you, I'll see you in a bit, then?"

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