CHAPTER 9: A Big Mistake

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  The night was cold and dark, flowers and trees colors faded, and the lighting raging in the sky was a sign of total destruction and chaos. The Demon Wolf might have taken the powers of the sword, but he somehow forgot about the three spirit wolves, which he had pretty much wanted ever since.

On the other hand, at Attic Treasures, Ella was still down due to the wolfsbane. She was laid on a couch by Eric, and at the same time, he tied Ray to a chair to avoid physical confrontation, especially what he did to both of them. Ella's phone began to ring as her dad called. He probably knew she wasn't at Kate's, and he might be worried. But, of course, she'll be in serious trouble when she gets home.

   Eric looked at Ella and felt very rueful. He realized the mistakes he had made as he hid his face. He brought out some herbs from his drawer that could help draw the wolfsbane out of her body.

He made a small cut on her arm and applied the herbs to it. After he was done, he said, holding her hand, "What have I done? This is all my fault. If I had listened to you about all the things you warned me about, none of this would have happened. I don't know; it's like I was in a trance or something. The Demon Wolf has been playing games with me for his selfish desires. Ella, if you can hear me, I know you probably wouldn't forgive me, and you have every right to be angry at me. But please, I beg of you, find in your heart to forgive me. I am so sorry, Ella, really."

  Immediately, Ella woke up with her wolf eyes and roared as she got up.

Meanwhile, on Channel 8 News, they were broadcasting live on the situation in the city of Amsterdam.

"Breaking news! I'm Davis Orlando, reporting live from Amsterdam. A storm that appears to be red with massive lightning and thunder is causing damage in downtown. Viewers say it was not just a storm; they also saw a pale, dark cloud that had eyes. I don't know what it is, folks, but it seems it's getting worse. So brace yourselves, because we don't know what that thing might do next. Ok, we got Kim David reporting live from downtown. So Kim, tell us, what is the situation over there?"

[Live at Downtown]

"Thank you, Davis. So, as you can see..."

   Before the news reporter could start, evil spirits came laughing, circling around him and the cameraman.

"Soon, every one of you shall bow to Demon Wolf, your new leader!" announced the evil spirits in unison.

Recently, they were instructed to possess every living creature they came across, both humans and animals. Before the news reporter and the cameraman could run away, they were totally surrounded. Two of the spirits possessed them, and they turned into monsters according to the spirits' image, taking physical form.

[Back in the studio]

"Hello? Kim, are you there?"

  The line was disconnected. The newscaster continued his report in an apprehensive manner. "Well, everyone-"

That was interrupted as more evil spirits were seen entering the Channel 8 building.

  "Hello mortals, ready to serve the dark lord?!"

Screams were heard as each of the spirits started to possess everyone in the studio. As a result, they were intermittently off air.

    Eric found himself being pinned hard against a wall by Ella, who dragged him up by his shirt. Her wolf was so furious that it wanted to rip him off. She eventually became less than herself, as she snarled.

"Ella wait! Ouch! That's going to hurt."

All that noise woke Ray, still tied to a chair. In confusion, he looked around the store and asked, "What the? Ella, Ella, what's going on? Where are we?"

Luckily, Ray didn't see her with the fangs, the eyes, or the rest, but he did see her grabbing a man against the wall.

    "Everything is fine; don't worry. I just have a business to settle with." She slammed her fit onto Eric's stomach, went to another room, and said to him in a hollow voice mixed with the spirit wolves', "This is all your fault! Because of you, Demon Wolf has taken all my powers from the sword on his way to take over the world, and you have put many innocent lives in danger. You know that, Eric?"

      "I know. It's all on me. I was selfish and greedy; I should have listened to you, and you were right all along. I thought that by serving Demon Wolf, he would grant me everything I wanted, but I was wrong. Now, if he's not stopped, humankind is lost. Please, Ella, have mercy!"

Seconds later, Ella became calm, shifted back to her human form, and replied, "Fine, I'll forgive you, but you have a lot to think about, and I will have my eyes on you. Don't even think about doing something otherwise."

    "Yes, thank you. You won't regret this," said Eric after he was released.

"I don't know how we are going to stop him, but with courage, we can try, with or without the powers of the sword. So come on, we don't have enough time left. We have a world to save, but oh my gosh. First, I have to get home to make sure my dad and Victoria are safe."

  "I think it's too late, Ella. While you were unconscious, the Demon Wolf had already turned half of the people in this city, maybe including your family, into monsters, according to the news we saw," added Eric.

"It's never too late; we still have to try."

   "Alright, I'm with you, El. Let me get my guns."

"Uh, guys?" Ray needed to be free from the ropes.

      "Oh, I almost forgot. There you go, kid."

   He was free, then he turned to Ella and said, "Finally, but seriously, Ella, are you 100 percent sure you can trust this guy after what he has done to us, you?"

"Don't worry, he isn't going to do that again. I promise."

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