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"As a reward for freeing you... Will you give me a wish?"

"Of course. What do you desire, small one?"

"I want to have a friend. I don't want to be lonely anymore. "

"I can grant you companionship. The effects of my spell will work within a few sky cycles time, onwards now, small one, I sense your aura is not welcome in such a righteous place."

Cross regrets going through all that trouble, as it had been a week, and his wish had not been granted, all had gone on as normal, he tilled his crop beds, watered what needed to be watered, and fed the animals, nothing changed, not a single person even passed by the farm in that time. The Deity was either a sham or a liar, if the deity was even true that is. He had read about the being as a child, wing mass as wide as the cart he pulled hay in, and claws sharp like the wolves that stalked the forest edges. The Deity was a legend, and Cross had found him, yet still had not the fruits of his labour.

Though that would change as soon as he heard wing beats sound from the clouds, in a whirl the God landed, his claw like phalanges flicking his leg in time as he crouched to meet Cross' face.

"Greetings, small one, I have come to grant your wish, I am greatly sorry that you had to toil without me for as long as you did, my wings took longer to dry than anticipated, but I am here and ready to give you your companionship.

I shall be your friend."


"By the Sun Twin's smoldering light that's intense!"

"He isn't that enrapturing, he just wants you to believe so."

"Holy Creator of worlds-"

"Trust in my judgment small one, Ink is far from the holy."


"That, small one, is a  decidedly accurate exclamation, encore."

"Hail the Flower Goddess that's gorgeous..."

"Please do hail Life, she is a reasonable Deity in my opinion."

"The mountain range over there is called Reaper's Blade."

"Reaper's blade looks nothing like a mountain, what is this tomfoolery?"


"You chortled, small one?"


"Small one? What does this shed contain?"

Cross turned to look at what the Deity was questioning, only to choke at the sight.

"That's Bessie's shed..."

Nightmare's towering wings unfolded with a thundering drop to the ground, his bony eyebrow ridge raised above his empty eye socket.

"Who is this Bessie and why haven't you introduced me to them? One should surely know of a God nearby."

Nightmare continued to swirl around the shed in circles, interested coos whistling from his own teeth.

"No, Nightmare, you don't understand.... Bessie is a cow."

"Why does a simple bovine require lodging for itself? Isn't it perfectly contented with living alongside the sheep and clucking fellows?"

"Bessie is different, Nightmare, and they're called chickens."

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