In the Library (KillerCreamMare)

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Gotta love this ship. Even though I don't ship Cream I can't deny Dream loving everyone-

But he doesn't love Nightmare that way-
They're brothers and I don't necessarily ship incest ships so-
Anyways hope you enjoy.


Dream was sitting on a chair in the library in his brother's mansion. He had picked up a book and decided he should try reading it. Dream didn't read as much as his brother, or well, much at all. Books confused him at times, the words getting jumbled up in his brain and he could barely fathom making images in his head to make the story come together. But all the same he sat on a recliner in the dimly lit room and read.

The head grabbed was called 'Matilda' and he believed Nightmare had recommended it to him before, saying that the author 'has a way with words,' and that 'reading the book would be well worth your time'. Dream didn't know if he should believe him, seeing as the books he read most of the time were work books and those where boring, so the idea of reading something that didn't even teach you anything was beyond him.

As be sat and opened the book the words looked intimidating, all lined up in rows like they where ready to march into a war zone. 'How many pages where even in the book?' Dream flipped to the back to check. '240???' That was too much for Dream. He decided that instead of reading a book he would sit and sulk in the library, clearly the true intention of the book covered room. So he sat there, and pouted like a kid who had to eat their vegetables instead of the slice of cake in front of them.

Just as Dream was about to get up and sulk somewhere that wasn't filled with the things that made him feel this way, two skeletons ran in. A medium tall skeleton with black lines of gunk running from his eye sockets and a stout skeleton with a large fluffy coat and a scar on his cheek. The small one stopped first. "Hey Dream! You here to find something to read too?" He said uncharacteristically excited, this skeleton, who's name was Cross, was normally a tough guy, despite his misleading size, but still he squealed his sentence like the books where some marvel of the world he got to look at.

The goopy eyed skeleton walked straight (I mean gay) past Dream and Cross and stopped at one of the lower shelves that lined the walls of the front area of the library, he crouched down and grabbed a book. The book was a hard cover, and was very small, bright colors plastered the front of it and made Dream confused. It looked like a children's book. "I have it, Cross." The medium height skeleton made his way over to the bright skeleton and his new companion. They handed the book over to Cross who got a little bit more excited. "AWESOME! WE'LL LEARN TO READ IN NO TIME! THEN BOSS WON'T BET US EVER AGAIN BECAUSE WE INTIMIDATE HIM SO MUCH!" He yelled this enthusiastically.

"Sure, Cross." Killer murmured next to him, clearly something was on his mind.

'Oh,' Dream thought. 'He's trying to prove something to brother, that's why he's so happy.' Cross was always up for a challenge and it seemed today was no different, but his goal was strange, did he and Killer not know how to read? Even though Dream didn't see the point in reading he knew it was still a valuable skill to have.

"Cross, why are you so happy about reading? Especially about reading a children's book." Dream questioned.

"... We don't know how to read, XGaster never taught me and Killer forgot a long time ago, soooo~ we're gonna learn how and prove to Nightmare that we can read books better than him. " Cross growled the last part, as though he had a grudge and wanted to settle it. Killer on the other hand stayed silent, although he was normally the overbearing skeleton he was quiet and reserved around Dream and Cross, and overly respectful for his boss.

As though just by thinking about him called him here, Nightmare glided into the room, his feet never moving as he slid towards them, goop carrying him to his destination.

"So, you're actually trying to learn and beat me in this little bet of ours, huh Cross? That's cute, but little did you know when you started this game I read daily and have much more books then in this little part of the library, do you not see that opening in the shelves? That's a doorway to the rest of the library, but to you it would look more like a maze, my dear soldier. " Nightmare chuckled.


" It's not lying if I didn't tell you in the first place. And plus, it's your fault for making a bet with the king of darkness. " Nightmare hissed his reply, Dream's brother never seeming more like a snake.

"I agree with boss." Killer added quietly, yep, something was definitely wrong.

Dream carefully slipped over to where Killer was standing, a few meters from the chair Dream was still sat upon. As soon as he made of to Killer he leant of over to him and whispered "Hey, Killer, are you alright?"

Almost as soon as Dream said that a startling neon red painted his face, making him look more like a tomato than a skeleton.

"Oh uh, umm, yeah Dream, I'm fine don't worry about me." Was all he managed to spit out between gritted teeth. His blush seemed to deepen.

Cross and Nightmare looked over from their heated squabbling to look at Dream and Killer, one blushing like a mad man and the other confused. Cross and Nightmare slowly looked at each other and nodded then looked back at the others, their eyes determined.

"CUDDLE PILE!" They yelled at the same time, running forward and tackling them both into a pile on the floor. Dream was more confused, seeing as be didn't go over to his brother's place very often and was unsure if this was normal, though nonetheless he snuggled against the rest of them and sighed under his breath.

'Maybe I'll read the book tomorrow.'


Ummmm so I tried, sorry if it isn't very good.

1030 words.

Requested by FlameTheWolf101

Still up for requests if you have a ship you want butchered by me QwQ

The picture on top is unrelated, I drew it this morning and decided I wanted to shove it at the top because why not?

- Mango

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