CursedSong!Nightmare X Listener!Cross (Part 2)

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The shadow behind Cross slowly made it's way forward, the limited shadows in the attic melting into it's sides, making it seem so much larger than it did before. It slunk forward, making no sound as it glided on the ground instead of stepping. The light in the room dimmed as the shadow swallowed the darkness like Cross would a chocolate milkshake, quickly and hungrily, it grew stronger with every dark line on the wall, the light was now quickly retreating hiding from the shadow and it's abyss of darkness.

Cross' eyes looked like voids, the pinpricks in them vanishing like a smudge being wiped from glass, the darkness swirled in front of him, the poor monochrome no longer even playing the enchanted melody, he was an empty host for the shadow now, a toy for it to play with until it eventually became bored with him and absorbed his soul for sustenance. Nothing was like this abyssal feeling Cross felt now, like something was there, but wasn't at the same time.

Truthfully the shadow felt more interested in the Oreo of a skeleton than the usual intense loathing, you see, the shadow, not having a true title, was cursed into this strange existence by his sun blessed twin brother, who used ancient magic to seal the shadow away so he could rule the land they shared himself, the curse backfired however, instead of killing his brother it made him immortal and as a price for the shadow's everlasting life he lost his own.

It was thousands of years later now, the magic used by the lightened twin long forgotten and buried by years of depending on science instead of spells, and the shadow still lived, eating souls of those who where foolish enough to trust paper bearing notes and lines instead of playing what their hearts told them. It was a lonely existence, living only to torture and kill, but the shadow lived it with duty, wanting to feel that feeling it gave him instead of the normal dark empty void of emotions that it was stuck with when no one played his song.

The shadow spun itself in front of Cross, some of the dark void in the room attaching itself to his ever moving back and made long tendrils of depth and dark. Light was no longer a thing in this room, it was like someone had pulled blackout curtains over Cross' vision the only thing that he could see was a bright cyan eye, illuminating the room with an eerie, icy, glow. Cross was entranced by it, he wanted to feel it's core reach into him and pull put each of his desires one by one a share them with the world.

Cross could feel the loneliness the being radiated, he wanted to fix that, he wanted to do everything to make the shadow's life perfect. But...

He couldn't move, he was frozen in the shadow's cold eye's embrace, and he probably wouldn't have moved again if wasn't for one silly thing.

Cross sneezed.

And all like that the light returned to the room, shining brighter than before in Cross' opinion, momentarily blinding him as his mind was covered in confusion, filling his head with smoke that could only be blown away with the winds of time, that of which felt like it took too long to come and un-cloud his brain from it's glassy state.

Though the petite skeleton couldn't see him now, the shadow still lurked, hiding behind an old grandfather clock Cross' father gave him as a Christmas present years ago. The shadow hiself was dazed, confused by it's own studded retreat and how he wasn't feeling an intense envy for Cross, though the shadow didn't know that was his victims name. Names themselves had loss meaning to the shadow, as did words and thoughts, it only knew a strong lust to feel more than sheer ice cold darkness. As he watched from his hiding place he made a vow to himself that he would find out how the monochrome expanded his limited feelings.

Cross had finally snapped out of his jumbled thoughts as he looked at the flute and paper on the ground, he must have dropped it when the shadow's eye stole his will. Deciding to leave them there and go downstairs to rest he opened the door to attack and as he descended the staircase one thoughts played through his mind...

'I must have forgotten to take those allergy meds-'


751 words.

If you want more I will deliver.

The art on the top is unrelated and belongs to me.

- Mango

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