The Cold has Turned oh so Warm (Kitty!AU)

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It started out as an accident, his sibling not meaning to stumble into Dream's arrow like that, his shot wasn't even meant to be fatal, just one laced with a warning, that if all went well, would stab somewhat harmlessly into his brother's chest.

It didn't go well.

Nightmare had wailed loudly, collapsing, and concerning Dream. 'What happened? It's never hurt him like that before, what's different?'  It soon dawned on the yellow clad guardian. An apple was pierced by his arrow, a black apple, Nightmare's soul.

Is was somewhat poetic, missing a persons body and striking an apple instead, in all scenarios but this, that would be the preferred outcome, and the target would get to walk away unscathed, but no such luck graced the twins this day.

Nightmare shivered and exhaled with a puff, his health was dropping quicker than it should've. Why was this happening? He wasn't supposed to be that easy to kill, the apples he consumed only solidifying that fact, but it seemed as though he couldn't trust facts.

He felt a warm presence next to him and swiveled his slowly disappearing eyelight to stare at the figure of Dream looming above him.

As he silently slipped in and out of consciousness he was pelted by a lukewarm liquid, it dawned on him just as his legs started to dust that they were Dream's tears.


Nightmare blinked open his eye... No, eyes? From the cloudy haze plaguing him, he couldn't see very clearly still but could feel something next to him, though he couldn't sense it's emotions so it couldn't be living.

As his mind continued thawing he started to be able to recognize things about whatever was next to him. It was extremely soft and downy, while also being warm, and Nightmare blamed it on his head spinning but he could've sworn it was moving as well.

'No matter to that,' He thought with a small twitch of his limbs. 'I was under the impression that I was dying? If that is true why am I still here? Or is this some afterlife I managed to curse my way into?'

Nightmare continued to think over what had happened until his eyesight completely cleared, allowing him to look around.

He was swathed in what appeared to be a light blue fur, perhaps a blanket of some sort? A rumbling purr sounded above him, and as he turned to look his soul stopped in his chest.

"Hello dear, you seem to finally have awoken. I'm Cinnamallow, your mother. Welcome to the world sweet kit."

Nightmare stared upwards in shock at what appeared to be a huge cat, with rusty brown fur and large yellow eyes. For the first time since he awoke he realized what the warm movement around him was, two kittens next to him squirmed, a flash of a silver pelt and black fur appeared in his vision.

'Oh God...' Apprehensively Nightmare looked down, to be met with the sight of two ebony paws instead of his hands.

He was a cat.


509 words.

A little drabbly thingy for my Kittymare AU! This is just something I quickly whipped up, it isn't very good but y'all haven't gotten written content in a while so yeeeaaahhhh....

It'd be nice if you didn't use this exact concept, as I'm making a proper AU with designs and everything for it.

'Kay, that's all.

- A tired as hell Mango

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