Cloud 9

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THERE IS NOTHING IN THIS CHAPTER THAT SHOULD BE A TRIGGER (lmk if there is something I missed though!)


"Hmmm... I mean if that makes you feel better then say it all you want, but I know you George. I can tell when you're lying. Anyways what do you want to watc-" I get cut off by George. He flips me over to face him and goes on top. He kisses me with so much passion, like it had been building up inside of him.

"G-george!" I stutter

"Y-y/n!" he mimics. "What is it? You didn't like it or wha-" It's my turn to cut him off. I kiss him back and flip him over easily. I giggle and pull back

"You're such a bottom George, I mean you really tried to top me, how'd that go?" His face turns bright red as he sheepishly looks away "You can use your words George, I'm right here listening to you. All my attentions on you, and only you..." I trail off lightly tracing circles on the palm of his hand. I move my hands to his jawline and start to trace it up and down. "HelloOo? Earth to Georgeeee! What, you day dreaming about me or something?" He still doesn't respond and he's still looking away so I grab his face with my hand to make him face me and bring him in to connect out lips again.

George pov:
oh my god, i'm- i'm on cloud 9... and I only kissed her once, how is this possible. I cant stop smiling, why am I getting butterflies. oh god, i really do like her... did she just call me a bottom? AND say all her attentions on me, now she's drawing circles on my palm, her hands are soft. Can-can she read my mind?! She just asked if I was day dreaming about her and well I am... Snap back into reality George

"What'd you say?" he says lying

"You heard me, I called you a bottom"

"You know what Y/n, tonight I'll show you that I'm not a bottom" He says confidently

I tease him a bit and test his confidence, "Is that so? What's happening tonight, you gonna top dream via discord and let me watch? Kinda hot if you ask me" I smile a bit.

"N-no! Me and dream?! Are you kidding me, you ship dnf? Wait- anyways. You know I'll show you I can top tonight doing ya know.." Messing with him again I say,

"You wanna elaborate for me? I'm nit quite sure I do what you mean."

"C'MON KIDS YOU CAN MAKE THE PIZZA!" My mom screams again. George looks at me with a shocked face,

"We're making pizza?! That's my favorite!" He looks super excited and it's so cute. He has this stupid wide smile on his face. "I'm getting down there before you!"

"NO YOURE NOTTT!!" I say running down the hallway and down the stairs into the kitchen "Ha! Beat ya"

"Not the only way I'd like you to beat me" he mumbles.

"what'd ya say george?" I ask with a sly smile, knowing exactly what he said

"Oh nothing," my mom enters the kitchen again. Ugh, I love teasing him it's hilarious, and so easy like wth?!

He shows me the pizza he designed, it's got a bunch of cheese on it, and he's put the pieces of pepperoni in a heart shape. He smiles, ugh that dorky smile is soo cute...

"Your pizza looks good, it's cute like you." I say that and that last part was a little spontaneous. He doesn't seem to think anything of it though, or at least doesn't point it out. "it also looks like it tastes good, like you" i whisper to myself.

"Huh?" George looks at me. oh goddd... did he hear me? Surely not I could barely hear myself when I said it.

"oh nothing loser" I show him my pizza, he looks at it and laughs, that cute laugh. I put the  pepperoni on my pizza in the shape of a dick. Very different compared to his, maybe he's craving love and i'm craving- well.

Anyways we put out pizzas in the oven and go back upstairs.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask but actually finishing my sentence this time.

"hmm, I don't know, you know I hate making decisions..." I did know that so I pick out the Kissing Booth and ask if he'd like to watch that. He just asks what it's about and the genre. I explain its a romance, teen coming of age movie and he says it sounds pretty good so that's what we watch.

"DINNER IS READY!" my mom screams. We run downstairs again. We cut our pizzas and go back upstairs to my room.

We finish eating and are just watching The Kissing Booth now.

"Why don't you kiss me like that y/n?" George questions while watching two of the characters kiss. He's trying to make me flustered, adorable.

"I mean you've never asked, would you like me to George?" He blushes and duck his head.


"B-O-T-T-O-M, BOTTOM!!" I yell in his face. He scoffs and then turns to me and pins me against my bed. He holds both my hands above my head with one hand and has his other hand on my shoulder.

"Who's the bottom now, huh?" He says with a smirk.

"Go on then if you're such a top, actually be one. You can't just pin me here and not do anything" He leans in to connect our lips and I let him since he's 'a top' now. I know he's bluffing.

We keep kissing, our tongues slipping into each others mouths and I can tell he's smiling through these kisses, it's cute. I'm waiting for him to do something besides make out with me, make a move. He doesn't, and then he stops.

"Why'd you stop?" I genuinely ask "Everything good?" He's smiling like a dork

"Everything's great, i'm such a top now! See I told you I could be top." He sounds so happy and confident that he did well that I don't burst his bubble.. yet. I have a sly smile on my face, so much for not bursting his bubble

"You did an okay job, I guess. But let me show you how it's done."

Word Count: 1119

Oop- George is trying his best

Sorry this chapter is a little rushed, leave a comment telling me what I can improve on!!

Trying to add a chapter every other day so that I don't leave you guys hanging, lol

Mwah lyy

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