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We're good.

We're hanging out, sleeping over, calling non-stop, texting whenever we can't see each other irl.

Slowly falling back into love, it's been hard but we're doing it together. My ed hasn't been acting up in a while and I haven't gotten a panic attack it a bit. I've been making sure he's sleeping, staying hydrated, and eating as well. He looks so much better than he did 2 months ago. Yes it's been 2 whole months already.

We're best friends nothing more right now, and nothing less. It's nice, really nice for my best friend to be back.

I've also seen Wilbur twice in those two months. He came over to check on me about a month later and stayed the night and he texts me all the time making sure I'm eating. He's not too sure about me and George again. I don't blame him...

He's been keeping a very close eye on George, making sure he's being good to me and not talking to anyone else even though we're not dating anymore. I can tell Wilbur is very jealous and I feel so bad, but george is my best friend and I really like him...

I thank Wil from the bottom of my heart for being such a good friend and checking in on me constantly.

George and I are going on a bit of a lunch 'date.' It would have been breakfast, but I don't eat breakfast in the morning, I just can't stomach much in the morning besides fruit or something light.

Since george and I have been spending so much time together he's already at my house since he slept over. We wake up and just talk and eat a little breakfast, then I go get ready and he does too. We head to a super cute cafe.
It's got wood detailing and greenery everywhere. We find a table and sit down after ordering our drinks. I got a iced coffee with almond milk and sugar. He got a iced matcha green tea. They come out with our orders and we try it. This was some of the best coffee I've ever had.

"holy shit," I say to him, "this is really good! you wanna try some?"

"sure! mine is really good too, you can try some," we swap drinks and we go wide eyed,

"oh my god," we say in unison and then laugh at each other.

"this is the best coffee and iced matcha i've ever had," he says

"AGREED," I reply

We chat a while longer and then head back to my house. I am very confused where my relationship stands with george so I decided I was going to ask him. I was scared,

"uh, george?" I shyly ask

"yea love?" he responds

"well I was just wondering, um, where do we stand? like what is going on with us? because I'm totally fine with being friends and all I just-"

"hey hey, it's okay. I really do like you and wow this is hard to put into words," he laughs a bit, "you were always the one good with words, not me. I, well, I would like to, you know," He stutters over his words not getting anywhere.

"hey hey, it's okay," I say mocking him. he looks up at me then. We stare at each other for a minute until I pull him into a kiss. I pull back and say,

"i miss us, next time we hangout will be a real date and we'll be back together if you'd like,"

"yes, yea of course!!" he says excited.

Word count: 673

yes yes this WAS a short chapter- don't come at me. I wasn't having too much inspiration for this chapter so I decided to just end it and try to make the next chapter longer.

sorry if I didn't capitalize all my i's lol. I literally forget sometimes or I'm just too lazy. Also I didn't spell check this chapter, hoping there weren't any spelling errors,

mwah lyy

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