Carnival Kisses

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"mhm whatever loser," I say back to him. I cry the rest of the night, not able to sleep.


i. am. a. complete. MESS.

It's been about two weeks and I can barley function like this. I have so many baked goods that I don't know what to do with. I've read all of george's messages over 100 times. None of them give me any clues on who the girl was or why he wasn't home.

I was barely eating anything for about a week and a half and I've just started to eat, and a lot. Almost all the baked goods I made (which was a LOT) are almost gone. I've given some to my friends so I don't eat them all. Last week the sight of food made me want to throw up and now I can't stop eating. Ive gone through five bags of takis in the past three days. And this is my eighth time ordering food in the past hour or at least it feels like it.


I need to do something.

I get up from bed and stretch my legs. Wow that hurts. I get some water to stay hydrated and take a shower. I brush my teeth and wash my face feeling a lot more confident now, a little more like me. There's a carnival in town for the fourth of July weekend

(I'm now realizing I never set a date to my story lol, it's happening during summer, anyways back to it)

and I really want to go to it. I love roller coasters and spinny rides so this will be so much fun. Now to find someone to go with me, someone bit afraid to go on the scary rides, but also closer to me. George would be perfect. I forced him on rides before, until he wasn't afraid of them. He still got scared every once in a while. My friend Holly invited me before I could find anyone so obviously I accepted and said we could meet there. I never knew she loved roller coasters. Well honestly the carnival doesn't have roller coasters just carnival rides, which are still really fun.

I meet her there and we get wristbands instead of tickets. The wristbands basically are your tickets, they're just unlimited. The first ride we go on is the Zipper, get out any nerves.

(if you don't know what it is, look it up lol)

Everyone makes it seem like going on this ride is a death wish and they say the feel like throwing up and/or passing out after. I went on for the first time when I was 14 and I loved it. I was so scared that I had my eyes closed the whole time the first time. The second time I had my eyes closed and opened like 50/50 and the third time I loved it, I had my eyes open the whole time and wanted to keep going again and again. My other favorite was the predator, it was actually a super short ride sadly but super fun. We went on that one next. Then we went on the swings that go super high up.

It was soo hot outside that we went and got shaved ice without and syrup on it, just ice. I know that sounds super weird, but it's super good, it's super cold water and makes your mouth feel numb HAHA. It's so cold your mouth starts to feel warm. My stomach kinda hurt after finishing it, but then we went on a ride that goes back and forth and super high up. That one was so fun and it feels like your on top of the world. Just for shits and giggles we go into the fun house. Honestly so much fun I loved it. We walk around spilling tea and seeing if we know anyone. I look to the left. Shit. George.

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