Not Thinking About Him

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"yes, yea of course!!" he says excited.

We had our date planned but I needed to pay Wilbur a visit since I hadn't seen him in a while. I had texted him every day, but since I had been with george so much, I barely called of vc'ed him.

"what are you doing right now?" I ask Wil over call.

"nothing, why?" He responds confused

"oh nothing, are you home?"


"are you gonna be there all day?"

"yes? what are you planning you sneaky sneaky gremlin..."

"nothingggg..." I trail off.

I start driving to the train station and park my car. I get a ticket and I'm on my way to Wilburs place.

I call him again once I'm there,

"helloo! can you open the door? It's locked," I say

"what do you mean?"

"open the door!!" I demand,

"okay okay!" he walks over and unlocks the door, I end the call and wait for him to open the door.

"surprise!!" I say,

"oh my god, y/nnnn! Why are you here?"

"I needed to pay you a visit since you said you haven't been doing to well, and I've been around george so much recently. It's exhausting, don't get me wrong he's lovely, I'm
just tired," We both laugh,

"no yea I get that, well come on in!" He motions behind him.

I go in and ask if he's eaten anything today. He says yes so then I ask him exactly what he's eaten.

"ughh you're so difficult, I don't remember!" he says to me a little irritated,

"well I've already ordered pizza and I brought with a salad for while we wait for it to arrive!" I push my lips upward making a "oh really?" face to try and make him laugh.

"you're so dumb," he chuckles. I take out the salad and we eat it together while talking and catching up,

"hey wil?" I say

"what's up?"

"I'm sorry about the thing that happened between us and then I kinda ignored it. It was a shitty move. I wanna say I do like you, but I don't think it'll go any where besides a friendship... I just feel bad for leading you on like that, that whole night and then nothing came out of it. I'll be totally honest it was because of george. I was jealous and wanted to make him jealous which just resulted in me hurting you and him,"

"it's okay really-"

"no, it's really not, I was being rude and I know I hurt you and I'm so sorry," I cut him off

"thank you for bringing this up, it actually made me feel a lot better. As long as you're happy, so am I," he smiles. The pizza arrives and we find a movie to watch.

"ouu, have you watched 'Fear Street'?" I ask

"no, is it good?"

"not sure, I haven't watched it either, but my friends say it's really good so let's watch that!" I click 'Fear Street" and it starts playing.

The movie ends a bit later and Wil invites me to sleep over since it's pretty late and I say sure. I totally forgot to check my phone the whole day and sure enough,

18 new messages from pretty boy :]

'shit' I mumble under my breath. I call him,

"hey," I say

"hey?! that's all I get? Where have you been?" he sounds mad, did I forget something? I thought today was clear??

"huh? what do you mean I told you I was going to Wil's today what's wrong?" I ask genuinely

"you're with Wil? really? why?"

"yea...? he's my friend? I don't understand what's so wrong with this?"

"whatever, do you need my to pick you up? it's getting late,"

"you don't drive how would you pick me up? besides I'm sleeping over,"

"I don't know I'd send an uber, wait, you're what? oh my god no!"

"what's wrong with that?! what the hell do you think is going on between us?" I say getting mad.

"oh I don't know," he says sarcastically, "maybe you're sleeping with him huh?"

"are you kidding with me right now george? like are you drunk because obviously you aren't thinking straight, go to bed," I say to him

"no, what??!!? don't tell me what to do-"

"goodnight george" I cut him off and hang up the phone.

"are you guys good?" Wil is standing behind me now.

"how much did you hear?" I say sighing and putting a hand to my forehead.

"all of it..." he trails off, "do you want to talk about it?" he asks. Before I can respond I break down crying.

"I don't know what's gotten into him. It's like he hates you for some reason and is taking it out on me, I mean I told him I was going to your house and he was fine with that and now it's like he doesn't even remember me telling him,"

I fall to my knees in the middle of the his house and he catches me from behind and slowly puts me down and holds me while I sob.

"I'm so sorry Wil, I feel awful for crying to you like this. I came over to your house to make you feel better because I led you on and hurt you and now I'm- I'm just crying about him again..."

"No need to apologize, it's okay," he reassures me.

It goes silent after that and we just sit there on the floor. I'm still crying but not as much, and much quieter. He's tracing circles on my arm to comfort me and I slowly feel myself falling asleep.

I wake up at my house in bed.

"h-how'd I get here?" I mumble to myself. Was it a dream? I get up and go downstairs to see that there's breakfast on the counter of my kitchen. There's a note by it,

'I got you something to eat- Wil :)'

I feel my face flush and I smile. I text Wil thanking him and he responds saying 'anytime!'

I eat it feeling happy for once, enjoying it, not thinking about George in that moment.

Word Count: 1076

wow george is moody and jealous asf?

Yea so I've had a lot of stuff going on like SCHOOL. It's fun but it's just a lot going on. I'm hoping to wrap this story up because I'm working on different ones I want to publish soon!

ALSOOOOOO if you enjoy this book, i have just published the first chapter of a new one! it's a techno fic which I feel like are pretty underrated, if you'd like i'd really appreciate if you checked it out!! Alright thank you all!

mwah lyy

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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