We're Good

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"BYE LOVE," he yells back. George always says that to me. I smile and wave goodbye feeling my face heat up.

I'm a bit more productive after Wilbur leaves. I clean the whole house, making sure not to miss any spots and to pick up cups, plates, cans, and wrappers.

I was just getting out of the shower when I get a text

pretty boy
unlock your door

I quickly put on some comfortable shorts and a tank top, then I got walk downstairs to my door and unlock the door to see George standing outside.

He walks in not saying anything and me not questioning whatever is happening. He wraps his arms around me. It's nice. Really nice. I start to cry, just happy to be with him. I hear him sniffle a little trying to cover up that he wants to cry to. I pull back.

He looks around a bit and sees that I've been doing some cleaning since I have like a million bowls in my sink and my dishwasher is running.

"let me help," he demands,

"that's alright thank you though," I respond even though it wasn't really a question. He starts to wash my dishes for me. "i said it's alrig-"

"it's the least I can do," he says so I just let him do it.

I can tell he wants to talk about what happened but doesn't know how to start talking about it without triggering me.

"we don't need to talk about it george, I know you're trying to think of a way to start a conversation to talk about what happened, but we're good," I say reassuring him. He sighs,

"thanks, I really have no excuse expect for jealousy so I didn't want to upset you anymore," he replies,

"I get it, it's okay,"

We don't talk for a bit while he's washing dishes. I try to help but he says no and gently pushes me away.

"You've been eating?" he asks quietly

"a lot..." I shyly reply.

"okay good because I'm making you food,"

"no way, you'll mess it up I'll do it, just tell me what to make,"

He gets out all the ingredients and puts them on the counter. Lettuce, tomato, cucumber, red pepper, hummus, and pita. Mmmm okay I can work with this.

I get out the butter and go over to the oven. I put the two pieces of pita bread on the top of the oven on the griddle. I flip both over and put butter on them while still on the griddle. I wait for it to melt and then I spread it on the pita. I get out some cheese and sprinkle that on top and wait for it to melt. Then I take off both pita breads and spread hummus on both the pitas. George cut up the tomato, lettuce and cucumber already so I add the stuff on the pita (only on one side though) and sprinkle some seasoning on top and fold them in half. I stick a tooth pick through them to hold them in place and boom, food.

"how did you," george starts

"I'm a pro," I grin. He tries some and his eyes widen,

"what the hell??! whys this so good? and it's semi healthy?!" he says. I laugh at him. It is pretty good.

We go down stairs and start watching 'The Good Place' again. We've watched the Good Place beginning to end so many times together. After we finishing eating we talk while the show plays in the back ground. I don't know how, but somehow we got into the conversation about my ed. He seems very concerned.

"let me help," he says.

"how?" I ask.

"I'll eat with you, and I'll come over to help you. Or if you feel like eating facetime me and I'll eat with you over facetime," I blush, something so simple and sweet, but means the world to be. Makes my heart just melt.

"you'd do that? for me?" he smiles and nods in return. "thank you," I smile back at him. "are we good?" I question

"yes, we are. unless you say we're not," he says

"we're good," I say back. We hug each other and we both start crying again

"sleepover?" we say in unison. We laugh at ourselves for saying the same thing at the same time. I pull back and say,

"yes, I'd really enjoy that," I smile at him,

"me too," he responds. I look at him further and realize he looks skinner, pale, and has age under his eyes.

"are you hungry?" I ask.

"no I'm alright thanks," he responds.

"how have you been though, you look tired, pretty, but tired and really pale, even for you," he just kinda sits there.

"well um,"

"it's okay, you don't need to tell me, let's just go make some popcorn and you can fall asleep okay?" I smile at him

"yea that sounds good" :] he smiles. he's so pretty.

I make some popcorn bring it downstairs and hand it to george to have some. He takes some and before we know it, it's all gone. He looks tired so I signal for him to come rest his head on my lap. He looks a little shocked but does it. He falls asleep almost instantly.

We're good.

Word Count: 945

so a short chapter, and also it took me a while to get this out. I've been very busy with beginning of school stuff. But you guys make me so happy when you vote/add my story to one of your reading lists. Thank you sm for supporting me :))

mwah lyyy

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