Chapter - 30 inn kiss

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In Cloud Recesses

Wen Qing opens the door of her room . It's still early but here in Cloud Recesses 6 am isn't considered to be early . Last night she cried a lot , everything that's happening is not right and it just blows her mind ... she has to do something.. very soon.. something to make Wei Ying aware of her presence to make the man notice her own feelings .

Whatever it is she is now in Cloud Recesses , and she isn't going to miss her chance to get loved by the love of her life .

Thinking about all these things She mindlessly walks to the library pavilion when she bumped into someone .

" Ah can't you see- " The person scolds and immediately shut her mouth as soon as she saw, who is the person she bumped into .

" Lady wen , sorry I wasn't paying attention am truly sorry pardon my mistake " wang lingjiao who immediately bows as she apologize for bumping into her .

" No it's alright . I too wasn't paying attention . sorry " Wen Qing said and hurried to get away . She's just isn't in a right mood to talk to anyone especially this Wang lingjiao .

" Lady wen.. are you okay ? Is there anything bothering you ? " wang lingjiao ask with a concerned voice .

" You can tell me . I m concern of there's something bothering you "

" No I m okay "

" Then why are your eyes red and swollen ? "

" It's nothing . I... last night I was studying late night and so I didn't get to sleep much " Wen Qing lied

" Oh it's this . Thank buddha ! By how you are looking one will think you have cried all night . " she blurts

" ... "

" Lady Wen you should take care of yourself . I understand how you are working so hard here . "

"You are truly amazing . I'll bring you a glass of hot milk it's helpful to get better sleep . Look who am I telling this to haha You are doctor yourself . You know these things better than me . " Wang lingjiao said laughing .

Wen Qing politely smiles , " Lady Wang you were going somewhere ? " she asks .

" oh yes yes I remember Madam Lan called me . Thank you Lady wen I m leaving . " Wang lingjiao hurriedly said and left .

" Finally left ( sigh ) " Wen Qing mumbles .

In Inn

*Knock* *knock *

Lan Zhan knock at Wei Ying's door . It's 7 am in the morning and he is standing outside Wei Ying's room well dressed in his sector's white clothes again . Yesterday's Lan Zhan is turned back to the handsome Gusu prince , Lan Wangji again .

He knocked and patiently wait for the latter to open the door . After five minutes the door is open and infront a sleepy baby is standing , rubbing his eyes with his palm . Looking at him anyone can tell he just woke up , sleepy he looks at Lan Zhan and


Wei gasped , instantly his eyes wide opened as the images from yesterday flashes in his mind .

He moves back and let Lan Zhan enter inside . He is holding back his breathe , his heart racing in a 2x pace and his tongue got cut as nothing came out of his mouth .

" Go-good Morning Lan Zhan Ahaha what a sunny day ! "

A/n - Seriously.. sunny day.. ? but it's winter there Wei baby ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

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