chapter 56 realisation

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" Oh lord ! how am I going to live now ! honey wake up.. don't leave me.. * loud sobbing* " the lady's screams echoed in the whole village .

Lan Wangji had travelled all the way to the village , where the death of two men were reported . It took him a day time to reach the village . When he arrived he was met with the whole group of villagers gathered with two dead bodies on the ground .

Hitting her chest the female sobbed hard while calling her husband who is lying infront of her on the ground dead ,his whole face pale white and cold . The woman is named Xiao Ying is in her late 20s , a young female . When she was 25 she was married to her now dead husband . They didn't had any kids and after the death of her husband noone is left behind whom she can call family . It was mournful sight . The villagers stood their silent , some with tears in their eyes as they remembered they fisherman . He was an old man full of live , a friendly neighbour .

" Hanguang jun " Lan Wangji turned to the voice a Lan discipline had appeared infront of him . Lan Wangji have a light nod , signalling him to continue .

" The man is named Xiao Lian

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" The man is named Xiao Lian . He was in his early 30s . His wife Xiao Ying reported him missing yesterday. She said he went to catch fish in the morning but three days passed he didn't returned.. Today in the morning when the villagers went to catch fish they found his dead body "

" He have some marks similar to water ghouls attack marks on his body and neck.. another man has also similar marks on it's body but he is not from this village.. "

Other Lan members also listened to the discipline reporting the incident .

" what are you thoughts , Master Su ? " The discipline standing close to Su she asked .

" what are my thoughts ? it's totally is a water ghouls attack.. Is that even a question ? See the marks on both the bodies...the fisherman was attacked when he went to catch fishes and the other body is of the traveller who was attacked by those ugly dead fish.. " Su She smiled mockingly at the direction of Lan Zhan . Why did the sector master Qingheng Jun had to send Lan Zhan ?

They just couldn't stand a chance to see him solving one issue without the interference of Lan Wangji , the perfect lan discipline ?! He said and the thought were even to make the veins visible on his head .

The stiff Lan Zhan wasn't a bit affected . In an indifferent voice he asked ," Any abandoned lake closest ? "

" ah.... Yes there is ! A village is under the sector of wen clan . After the Wen Clan's collapse the place is abandoned . The people residing their has settled down to some other state " The discipline reported . He is just a 2 - 3 years younger than Lan Wangji but respected him like any other Lan juniors .Not just him everyone loves Lan Wangji


" I understood Hanguang jun . We will release these water ghouls there . Nobody lives there so it won't harm anyone.. but what do we do about the bodies ? "

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