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liam: heyy ;)

louis: umm hi who's this?

liam: you can call me li

louis: umm ok li do I know you by any chance ?

liam: I wouldn't say you know me

louis: so then how did you get my number ?

liam: thought I'd press a few numbers in my phone and see who I got

louis: must be my lucky day then :/

liam: didn't catch your name babe ;)

louis: it's lou :)

liam: lou as in Louise ??

louis: umm no lou as in louis

liam: oh yeah li is short for liam btw :p

louis: nice to meet you liam :#

liam: nice to meet you aswell lou ;p

louis: well it's late so I'm off to bed I guess we will talk soon ?

liam: yeah ofc ttyl babe ;)

louis: night

short first chapter let me know what you think if you guys like it I will update regularly bc this is an easy and quick way to write and the fic might be a lot longer enjoy

sar :p

Unknown Number - Lilo Paynlinson (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora